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I love Freja


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Can we just take a minute to just appreciate Freja and all that she does for us? 


Like really, every single time we join the server, who is the first person to take time out of her day to go through each and every new member and greet them personally? I dont know if theres anyone ive seen do that who wasnt trying to gobble new ppl into their playerbase, and she does it so nicely too! All of the messages are very well typed- dispite only having a few seconds warning to load the new pages and type her comments. And she even adds a cute 'im a bot, contact staff if you need help' after.
SO HUMBLE! lots of us would try to handle everything ourselves and take it to dms where it can get ignored and burried, but no. Freja knows exacly what her job is, and does not try to expand her influence on our community any further. Indeed, she ACTUALLY DOES HER JOB! not only will she be ready any time of day to let you know shes sending your requests to the other staff members.

Its kindof unfair, because we're all human, especially staff; and that means when Freja answers every request quickly, thoroughly, and nicely, it makes all the other staff teams look so much worse in comparison, even though theyre all good people.



As if this person could not be more great for our community, her profile picture is the perfect mix of simple and endearing. Whenever you see it, you dont have to spend too much time figuring out what it is, nor, god forbid, do you have to wait for the gif to re-loop, hoping it somehow goes slower so you can actually see what the **** it is. You look at it, you smile, and then you leave.

More people should seek to emulate this absolute master of our forums, and ALL people should take some time right now and thank Freja. 

(Dont spam her DMs please, just appreciate what they do and be thankful to the rest of staff).


Just another example of how Tech Team = Best Team


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