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The Way of Malin Part 3: The Court of Malin


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The Way of Malin Part III

The Court of Malin




sirame ito kae'leh, nae oroment, llir'Malinor.  There are a great many powers in our world. Some, like the Valah God, are absent - leaving the realm of men to toil short lives without divine providence. Some, like the Daemon Ibleese are fell and violent towards Elfkind, seeking the ruination of our souls. More still are so exclusive, covetously looking down upond descendant kind, offering only the most minute of gifts to a narrow band of those they deem worthy. Standing in contrast against these powers are those venerable of Malin’s Court. Bestowing on his adherents real and present gifts; divine, spiritual, and arcane for all those Mali who serve their King. Malin himself the most powerful entity in his own right, some might even call the Firstborn a god, for he wields powers beyond our own understanding. We deny that he should be called a God, for the Prophet can be killed and bleeds as any other Elf - but in doing so we do not deny that he is all powerful, wise, and ageless.  The immortal Father, who wielded magics great and untold, who conversed with the Fae and the Aspects, and who spoke and kept the company of Dragon’s - and who, with the Aengul Auriel, bestowed upon his people a great and joyous immortality is not a power to be trifled with. Our Father’s power, and his realm, is expansive - an extension through each and every elven descendant who shares a measure of his blood among the worlds.

The Kingdom of Malin’or, therefore, is more than just dirt beneath one's feet. All Elfkind who serve their King are entitled to the Kingdom, which exists physically not only in his Temples, or those Princes and their lands, but in every Elf - regardless of nationhood, who seeks to bring about the second reign. The most devoted servants to Malin shall ascend to his Court at the time of his coming, rewarded for their filial loyalty to their Father.  Malin’s Court could be considered lesser deities by any measure of the word, but we emphasize again that his Court is real and present - seeking to guide us in all things. Every Elf can be a Prince and Princess on Malin’s court - for we are all his children. There is no hereditary inheritance in Malin’s Court; for we are all formed in the same noble lineage.

Malin’s court, however powerful and mighty that they are - are not absent, omniscient beings.  Some are among the world of the living, some in the ethereal realm of the deceased. They are subject to the vices and sins of our Father, even if infinitely less prone to them than we are. For it is his children, us, that sit upon His Court. This hubris is not unjustified, for they can die, be killed and replaced as any Elf can. His Court can be roused to anger, jealousy, arrogance and pride. It can be said our gods truly know us, for they are us.

Many sacred beliefs and philosophies hold sacred texts, but Malinism has no true such documents - Malinism is drawn almost fully from sacred tradition, with every historical document, every elven artifact a relic from which to draw the practices of our ancestors. There can be no Malinism without an avid study of Mali history in its unfiltered form, with those things drawing their history from the time of Malin’or as the most authentic to today’s veneration. From this and their blessings, do we determine the venerations of Malin’s Court.


And so come to the heart of the matter, who is within the court of Malin, and how the laymen and devotees may ascend to Malin’s Court - bringing our father to once again rule our people. 

Malin Lives!


I -oem

vatars: The Firstborn | The First Ancestor | The Fae Walker | The Immortal Father | Father of Dragons | King | The Prophet

There is no King but Malin, and among the venerable court of Malin none stand as equal to the immortal and powerful Malin himself - first born and immortal descendant child. We venerate our Father through the five instructions, seeking to live as Malin did. We put aside petty squabbles in service to the King, attempting to look past our differences and see in ourselves our similarity - Malin. Malin is most pleased when we draw steel against those who oppress us, and when we show obedience to his teachings. Chromatic colored eyes are said to be a blessing of Malin.  One can never over-venerate Malin, but his lack of veneration serves as a reason for his continued absence from the throne - proving we are unworthy of his leadership.


II -niut

The Great Venerations - The Princely Council

The most powerful of Malin’s court are called the ‘Great Venerations’, those who wield the greatest authority and power in his realm - his Princely Council.  One must be careful to not pay too much attention to any member of Malin’s court over the other; for they are petty and arrogant in their own right, requiring balance in worship to prevent fracturing amongst elven unity. Their venerations are best when equally sought. The Princely council may appear as powerful avatars amongst our realm to manifest their power.


Blessed Princess Larihei

Avatars: The Silver Maiden, The Blessed One, The Betrayer, The Chosen One, The Enchantress, The Arcanist

Among Malin’s court, Larihei was his most trusted and intelligent advisor. Though she inflicted on her Father a great betrayal, this diminished her power and authority amongst his court - but never fully the admiration of her Father. Renowned for her cunning, intellect and superior spycraft - we understand Larihei to be the most withholding of her blessings. She is the most difficult of the Great Venerations of the Court to understand what pleases her. We evoke her aspects in matters of espionage, the use of the void - and when we must show defiance. Over-veneration of Larihei often leads to arrogance, pride, and turns measured defiance into outright betrayal.

Blessed Princess Sirame

Avatars: The Keeper of Tradition, The Unchanged One, The Forest Walker, The Druii’lliran

Princess Sirame represents much that is good and innocent within Malin’s court, and her avatars are evoked most often when the path before oneself is unclear. Princess Sirame's example calls for us to live amongst the natural woodlands of our ancestors, to honor the Druii and their ways, and to know and keep tradition. We look to her when we are afraid and unsure of the future. Over-veneration of Sirame can lead to meekness, indecisiveness, and stagnation.

Blessed Princess  Veluluai

Avatars: The Ashen One, The Rage, The Explorer, The Pact-Maker, The Grieved One, The Moon Spirit, The Tragic One

Princess Velu appeals to the nature of the Elven soul that seeks adventure, the thrill of discovery, and the unknown. Among Malin’s children none was more trusted than to foray into the unknown that his daughter Veluluai. She is a bold and charismatic leader, but she also represents Elven tragedy, and loss. We venerate her for comfort when we suffer loss and seek her blessings when we pursue new ventures. Over-veneration of Veluluai can lead to unneccesary risk, tragic loss, and unpleasant surprises.

The Aengul Auriel
vatars: None

The Aengul Auriel is both a part of and separate from Malin’s Court. An Aengul and powerful deific being, Auriel bestowed us with immortality. She appears to us as she always has, as a powerful and caring mother - whose own divine energies have mingled with our souls and the blood of Malin to make us immortal. Dedicants of the Order of Malin are marked by Auriel, and it is from her that we attribute our divine magics in service to Malin. We know her to be particularly fond of Elves and particularly distasteful of the undead. As the Aengul Auriel bestows divine power upon us, she is often evoked in prayer when utilizing magics and blessings on behalf of the Court.


III -hael

The Lesser Venerations - The Courtiers


The Lesser venerations are the courtiers and regal servants to Malin and his Princely Court. They serve important roles, even if they do not rule over an entire demesne within Malin’s realm, they are given an important purpose.  The Lesser venerations do not have manifestations as avatars; however, they have facets that make up the portfolio of their veneration. This list is not exhaustive, as we discover through sacred tradition and history new members of the court - to be added as lesser venerations. Every Elf amongst the realm can ascend to the court and be worthy of veneration.


(Generously pulled from the work of mmat)

Arcatius Tharsion - The First Royal Guard of Malin
acets: Duty, Cunning, Loyalty

 Only a few records of this historical figure survive from the time of his life. Nevertheless, those few sources reveal a formidable character who was both fiercely loyal towards the ones he served and fiercely hostile towards those who might have disturbed the stability of the world in which he lived. This immortal appeared to be the most politically savvy of the three, thriving on intrigue and plots, as well as the thwarting of such things. A relatively quiet figure, these plots were not of a malicious making, but in service of his Great Father, who he served perhaps more faithfully than either of his companions - given the opportunities and temptations he in particular was given for betrayal. 


The seeds of conspiracy to undermine and possibly unseat the first Elven Father were always present, as such things always are, waiting to bloom at any malignant nurturing by resentment and animosity. It takes an unassuming and quiet animal to slash such shrubbery before it matures. Eventually, these seeds sprouted into a coup attempt after some loss of prestige in a botched battle. The emotion and resentment is hard to put into words, but it is definite that this rebellious attempt was fueled in part by both.  


However, when the moment of betrayal came, each conspirator was frozen in place, apparently by some unseen force. In reality, Arcatius had neutralized almost all of them through means of gold or guile, driving a wedge between them so that they might be confronted at a less precarious time. The Father left his Immortal to handle the fallout of this inauspicious series of events, and so successful was he that nothing was heard of again.

Vayan Arth’alemoth  - The Second Royal Guard of Malin

Facets: Leadership, Aspiration, Intellect

 Even though he is notable in other recovered Malinic documents as the Elven commander at the Tree-wreathed River and subsequent discovery of a ruined city, no more of this Immortal is known than either of the other two. His deeds serve as an example to those Virarim who, while perhaps not the apex martial combatant, pursue victory as well with their mind and authoritative aura. Through this, they might rise through the ranks and command. This immortal, known simply as ‘the commander’ on many occasions, was the representative of the Malinic Court at the helm of regular armies on the field of battle. He would serve just below the appointed general, ready to take over at any point if needed, and ready to advise if required. As a proven commander he was assertive and loud compared to his brethren, and he seemed to be their spokesman when such was necessary. His command style also seemed to others reckless and brash at times, but was effective, nonetheless.


Vayan was attached to the army of between 30,000 and 100,000 Elves which was defeated handily by the heavy cavalry hammerhead of an undead army. Its infantry was decimated and its commander was also killed. As was protocol, Vayan took up the sceptre of leadership and led the scattered force, laden with refugees fleeing the devastation. This care for the refugees of all descendant races seemed quite suicidal for his martial power, as he positioned the refugees at the front of his column and therefore was hindered by their slow speed, being exposed to the enemy at the rear. In order to avoid harassment by the undead cataphracts, Vayan sent mounted feints of light scouts and cavalry of his own to the flanks of the enemy in order to misdirect their charges and slow them in turn. These faster units then retreated invisibly back to the column after causing casualties of their own. At times, the refugees and soldiers may have lost heart due to their losses, both during the retreat and the upcoming battle itself. Despite this possibility, it never happened, The Commander’s charisma and rousing words prevented this.

Marethun Valke’dyte - The Third Royal Guard of Malin
acets:  Strength, Stalwartness, Valor 

Seemingly unquestionably the greatest martial combatant in the Triad of Malin’s immortals - which seems to say a lot about just how competent he was. Marethun’s personality appears the simplest of the three and gives the image of an immovable rock in the path of any attacker, unable and absolutely unwilling to be moved. His appearance as a ‘simple’ creature through, does not mean he was stupid. Merely that his enjoyment of life came from facing an opponent in politics and arms face to face rather than through subversive means. 


Marethun’s notable deeds were many, but one of his greatest was his victory in a large inter-kingdom tournament which saw combatants from all realms competing. It progressed as all normal tournaments do, with cheers and jeers from each side. An extraordinary moment came when a personal insult against his King was heard by Marethun in favour of the combatant’s own ruler. He was now unwilling to simply reign victorious and insisted that the man choose two of his most able comrades to fight with him - as if to make it a fair fight.  


They did, and the duel began. Specific details of the fight are unclear, but chronicles depict his use of the three close combat weapons most common in the Kingdom’s martial forces: the spear, the sword and the body. First, Marethun disabled one opponent through his physical bodily strength. Then, wielded his spear and remained at a safe distance while incapacitating the second opponent. Finally, he unsheathed his blade and matched his original opponent in single combat, achieving victory after a short time. After this battle, he went on to win the tournament.

The Saneyir - The Speaker of Malin
acets: Unity, Diplomacy, Humility, the Peacemaker

It is not possible for even the powerful Malin to be at all places and see all things. Knowing his realm to be fractious, prideful, and filled with deceit - Malin appointed one agent above all to ensure his will was being enforced and that no subordinate could lie to his face about the dealings of his Kingdom.  In addition, he needed an agent who could ensure that his will was understood across the entirety of his realm - with no Prince of his Council distorting his message within their own realm. It is within this context that Malin appointed his Saneyir.

The Saneyir of Malin is his courier, his messenger, his eyes and ears, and a trusted advisor. On Malin’s court, the Saneyir is responsible for advising Malin on the unity of his realm - reporting to him on fractures, squabbles, and to act as his regent between Princes. The Saneyir commands nothing and is in charge of no realm and holds the peculiar responsibility to both preserve the throne of Malin, to speak on his behalf, but to never be so bold as to claim the regality of the King. The Saneyir is therefore both powerless and powerful, depending on the context in which they are acting. The Saneyir is one of the few members of the Court who holds the responsibility to walk amongst the people and proclaim Malin’s will to aid all Elves in understanding the ephemeral and obscure decisions of the council. Few Elves will appear directly before the court, and thus the Saneyir acts as an intermediary for Malin’s Court and the rest of Elvendom. When the Princes squabble amongst each other, the Saneyir is the first agent of the court sent to attempt to mediate between them.  

As the Saneyir is present amongst the Elven people, it is improper to give them veneration - instead the Saneyir works to ensure that the people’s venerations are brought to the court or whispered directly into Malin’s ears. The Saneyir is given the triune blessing of all three Princess’ and may evoke any of their powers temporarily to restore order. The Saneyir must be blessed by the Arcane, the Aspects, and the Ancestral spirits and anointed by Malin to prove their authority.


As authored by
saneyir of the Malin’onn

In the era of fi’Malin’or

This work is considered to be one of the three authentic texts of the Malin'Naeri ( Order of Malin )inspired by Malin’s Will. 
The remaining authentic texts may be found within the temple libraries.
The Way of Malin and his Teachings: Part I
The Way of Malin and the Five Instructions: Part II






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