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An epic poem would be spread throughout the land, detailing the ancient prophecy of The Black Hand and Urguan I.


In the days of darkness and despair

A hero will rise, with fiery hair

Urguan he is, leader of the Black Hand

A group of warriors who take a stand

Against the forces of the Canonists

Whose twisted doctrine none should persist

Many lives have been lost, to their cruel crusade

But Urguan is determined, to lend a blade

He calls upon the aid of Yemekar, the Lord of the Hammer

Together they ride, their story yet to be won

The Canonists fall, before their combined might

Their bodies hacked, a gruesome sight

The prophecy speaks, of a final grand clash

Where light and darkness, will meet in a flash

The outcome uncertain, the stakes ever higher

The fate of the world, a great pyre

This ancient rhyme, tells of the bravery of Urguan

May it serve as a reminder, of the power of a true man

Who fights against evil, with all of his might

Bringing hope and justice, to the darkest of nights

But the fight is not yet won, for the Canonists are not defeated

They retreat to regroup, their hatred not cheated

They plot and they scheme, in the shadows they hide

Determined to bring, an end to the light

The final battle looms, on the horizon it stands

The fate of the world, in the balance of Urguan's hands

He and Yemekar, stand ready for the fight

Determined to defend, the cause of the right

Will they emerge victorious, or succumb to the night?

Only the gods know, the outcome of the fight

But one thing is certain, the bravery of Urguan

Will be remembered.

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Grand King Agnar Grandaxe shakes his head.

"D'is is a mad man."

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Some dwarf would sneeze whilst reading it, not giving out any real thoughts that went through his mind at the time.

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Viktor Cardinal Nescia bangs his fist against his desk "Damn! They know our weakness! Poetry!" he raises his hands, shouting "It RHYMES! It RHYMES!!" in terror

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