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[Dragaar] Sordran - the Blinding Flame


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Birth of Sordran


In the ancient world, the father of dragons tempered upon the mountains of Aegis like smiths upon metal. He created the dragonkin from stone, with the first of his sons being the Archdragaar Azdromoth. For each mountain he picked, the dragaar stole characteristics of their appearance and type. When it came to Sordran, the Dragon-God chose veins of gold to blind those that gazed upon his mighty scales. Sordran was a radiant dragon tethered by the same desires of his brethren, to explore the world in order to consume its rich knowledge.


The solitary dragaar explored the world, committing to the ideal of Dragur in researching all that would be known of the realm. Unlike his lively brothers, the dragaar wandered the continent on foot, disguising himself as a common man seeking truth. Sordran kept to himself for most of history's past, thus most were unaware of his existence outside of his many siblings. He found the life of the common man fascinating, yet sought to explore their livelihoods. What had plagued them, what had wronged them, and righting them when he could. It brought him purpose, and peace, feeling he had made a difference. 


Iblees touched Aegis with hideous sorcery, his energies of ruin sinking the continent into an age of darkness. Sordran witnessed many of his brothers and sisters being corrupted and warped into malformed drakaar, shattering his spirit. The naive dragaar could not bear to see his brothers and sisters fall to ruin, and fear of the Archdaemon festered in his heart. Sordran, in an act of cowardice, fled the continent of Aegis without looking back. In shame, he stowed away in faraway lands until the end of the first war and Iblees’ defeat.


As time elapsed for the dragaar, he remained secluded in rural villages and frontiers. Upon one fateful night, he took flight across the lands, seeking to further his wisdom once again. Sordran gazed upon a walking hermit, one draped in robes; this figure was normal by all comparisons, yet the dragaar felt something more permeating from the man. A great destiny, maybe- perhaps even a simple good spirit. 


Curious in nature, the dragaar stalked the robed man from afar. After following the figure into a nearby farmland, he witnessed something that was outside of his scope of wisdom. Not unfamiliar, yet something that had struck the Dragaar from deep within. Aengulic energies escaped the finger-tips of the veiled man, whose influence began to heal a lowly farmhand. The purity of the energy endowed the dragaar with a strong desire to learn, and so he came before the robed man. 


The man welcomed Sordran as a friend, and gave his name to the kind dragaar - Titus. Both came to become well acquainted with each other, and Titus vowed to take the dragaar as his disciple, to learn further of the unmatched purity of Tahariae. As years went by, the dragaar was endowed with the power of the Aengul, and he used this newfound prowess to commit much good.   


Sordran and his inner purity became suited towards the works of Tahariae, one that seemed to eventually surpass his master, Titus. For many years, both Sordran and Titus spread the influence of Tahariae, with their great feats and exploits becoming legends in future history-books. 


In time, the two servants of Tahariae began to increase their forces, establishing a temple high up on the mountain peaks. Many descendants came to join the two, as the Order of the Vehement Eye was established. The ferocious order grew in popularity, as canticles were written in their names, singing euphonies of their superiority. Sordran left a mark in the lands, for his immolating flames of white and gold scorched all dark creatures that found themselves in his presence.


However, a dark calling was heard, stirring within the bowels of the land. Sordran was familiar with this sound, one touched by the hands of the deceiver, that of Iblees. In truth, the dragaar knew his kindred were easy to corrupt, and he feared that the protection of Tahariae would not be enough to shield him from it.  


The Order of the Vehement Eye prepared for the oncoming battle, yet Sordran faltered. He was always ravished by fear of the Archdaemon, as visions of his siblings' fall warped his mind. Upon the eve in which the battle commenced, the knights of Tahariae lined their defences like a valiant bulwark. Yet unlike his brother in arms, Sordran was hesitant, for he did not wish to be twisted by corruption.


As the undead scourge came, the hesitance of the cowardly dragaar led to the downfall of the knightly order, for all died and joined the same forces of Iblees - including his old master, Titus. 






Return of Sordran


The Dragaar fled weeping, once again routed at the hands of The Betrayer. Sordran felt misery, his own selfishness causing the annihilation of The Vehement Eye. In effort to save what remained of the order’s dignity, a blinding immolation was seen from their keep. Once constructed of stone and lumber, only ash and smouldering cinders remained. In an effort to preserve the reputation of the order, which would all but fail, The Blinding Flame had hid. Wayward travellers and wandering clerics ventured to the site to make sense of what had occurred. The name Sordran faded into myths and legend, a tale between fantasy and reality. 


In shame and penance, the Dragaar fled deep beneath the earth. His golden scales darkened as the corruption attempted to rot his heart, yet the protection of Tahariae granted him safety. Safety he was ashamed of, after being so easily manipulated and fooled. Sordran fell into misery, lying beneath the earth in sorrow as he sought forgiveness. Not from any outside force, but from himself. 


The Dragaar slept for nearly three-hundred years beneath the earth, until The Second War came into full swing. The Blinding Flame felt compelled to help descendants at war, but was terrified. Not only for the safety of his own soul, but for the prospect of another betrayal. The wounds dealt by The Vehement Eye cut deep into the Dragaar who had only wished for the greater good. The Inferi Crisis had called Tahariae to awaken his might as Sordran was called once more, the wallowing dragonkin given a task from his benefactor. 


Begrudgingly the Dragaar found himself in feal service to The Stag once more, as he set out upon a task deemed small, unlikely, and unimportant- the revival of Paladins, Clerics, and uniting the holy orders. 






Whereabouts of the Blinding Flame


In the task of uniting the orders, Sordran worked at the behest of Xan to revive Paladinism, or forsake it entirely. 


When the ultimatum Unity or Blood was given to the paladin orders upon Arcas, they failed to unify and unite against the inferi forces. Only at the heroism of Parthenia of The Long Haired Star were the forces defeated during The Inferi Crisis. Giving up on his mortal agents, Xan relinquished responsibility over his oathkeepers as their magic began to wane. 


With Tahariae and Xan united together during The Second War, Xan requested aid for one last attempt in their purpose. Leant an inspiring figurehead who had experience, Tahariae offered his most prominent tool upon Eos- Sordran. 


After learning about the fates of the ascended and clerics from former descendants of so, the Dragaar began to work with the paladins. After showing each paladin their fate if they did not unite, that of darkness and demise, they had agreed to work together and unite. If not out of brotherhood, out of necessity. An edict stating; “Do not let the sun set.” would then guide the paladins onward to unite together in defence of Almaris, and to never fade away and break again. 


However, Sordran seems distant. As the task given to him ever looms closer to the destruction of the Archdrakaar, as ordered by Xan himself, Sordran is worried. Would cowardice rule him again? How could he hope to face The Archdrakaar? Ruled by fear, Sordran overthinks, and overprepares. Uniting even the former clerics and ascended to work together, to create artefacts and to revive the ancient order of Keepers at Tahariae’s request, he nears stagnancy by always staying on the precipice of executing the grand plan. 


Ultimately, Sordran seeks to pursue purity, and justice- even when sometimes Tahariae seems to not seek so. The Dragaar is ruled by fear, of death, of corruption, and of failure. What comes next is only for the future to tell.









Sordran, known as the Blinding Flame, is currently being roleplayed for the express purposes of fostering holy magic roleplay and pushing both narrative and background purposes between Xan and Tahariae. 


Though being a fairly new addition to the roleplaying thematic of Lord of the Craft, Sordran has been around since the birth of the dragaar, and is considered one of the first of Dragur’s children. His title, the Blinding Flame, derives from the appearance of Sordran - with scales of gold and flames that were a mix of both white and that very same gold. 


Sordran is currently under a power dynamic, as he acts as a patron of Tahariae, being shielded by the Aengul of Purity and working for him. However, Sordran has also been known to work for Xan, in order to organise his paladins. In truth, Xan detests the Blinding Flame as he does for all dragonkin, but tolerates Sordran as he is supporting the stability of his group.


Out of all dragaar, Sordran would be considered the most caring, for he loves descendants as a father would. He enjoys the company of mortals, and loves to help them whenever he can. This very desire to help brought him towards the light of Tahariae. 


Credit to:

Werew0lf - Writer

Squakhawk - Writer


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