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Worth dying for


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Worth dying for 

Adorellan An'asul

To the day where we all laugh and worry no more around

the campfire that holds the flame of our friendship.




Adorellan An'asul, after all the evil that happened recently, especially since the fall of Amathea and more,

slowly sat down and fell asleep dreaming of a world in harmony where all could live in peace.

As he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, he felt hopeful that one day, his dream would become a reality.




"Though the shadows loom ever darker and the night seems endless, let the flame of  hope burn bright within your heart,

even in the darkest of times. For it is that light which will guide you through the shadows." -Adorellan An'asul




Despite these troubling times, We must not waver.                  

Despite the evil that is shading our hopes, we must not flinch.

The shadows that are laid before us are but a passing thing.

A bad memory.

Do not be weary my companions, my friends, my brothers.

For we, the righteous of these lands,

will stand firm against this evil that is spreading through our soil,

and hope will be our blade, for hope is a flame that burns within,

 a beacon that guides us through the storm,

A force that inspires us to begin,

and to never surrender our dreams.

Hope is not just a word we say,

or a wish we make upon a star,

It is a belief that we hold dear,

that tomorrow can be better than today,

For this evil to be cleansed.

So let us hold onto hope's bright flame,

as a sword to cleanse the evil that came,

And let it fill our hearts with light,

Even in the darkest of nights,

It will guide us through to the morning bright and lit the spark.

For this evil that rushes through our gate might seem endless,

but do not fear for he who is guided by the light of hope,

shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

Close your weary eyes my brothers, there is hope that even in the darkest of moments

we can find the strength to persevere.

We are not alone in this fight.

We have friends and allies, both seen and unseen,

who stand with us in our struggle against the forces of darkness that stands in front of our doors.

If those doors break, I ask you my brothers, fight with your swords,

if your swords shatters, fight with your fists,

if your hands, cut, fight with your teeth,

but by all means my brothers, fight, fight for the hope that there is some good left in this world,

because this hope is worth dying for.




May these words warm your heart and give you hope in these dark times.

We must never lose hope, my brothers.


Adorellan An'asul

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"Praise the lad who would practice one of our highest art, purity and perfection. Silver tongue tempered in that temple of iron. The lads are the most brilliant of silvered posts!" Praises the youthful poet. Thinking about sewing the young lad a new toga 

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