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The Laws of Helious


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The Laws of Helious





Article I: Citizen’s Rights


MSL.1.1.1 - Right to Life: All citizens of the land have a right to life and to not have that life unjustly taken from them. 


MSL.1.1.2 - Right to Freedom: All citizens of the land have the right to freedom and not to be held unjustly. 


MSL.1.1.3 - Right to Voice: All citizens of the land may petition the Prince, Princess or Crown Prince(ss)  on any matter they seek fit as long as it directly affects the lands, their own well-being or the well-being of the land.  


MSL.1.1.4 - Right to Self: All citizens of the land have the to live a life free of slavery and discrimination.


Article II: Crimes Against the Person

MSL.1.2.1 - Assault: The act of attacking another person without just cause to do such.  


MSL.1.2.2 - Mutilation: The act of causing bodily harm that severely alters one’s body or appearance.


MSL.1.2.3 - Murder: The act of taking the life of another without just cause to do such.


MSL.1.2.4 - Manslaughter: The act of unintentionally or accidentally ending another person’s life.


MSL.1.2.5 - Kidnapping: The act of taking another person without their permission and keeping them with you.


MSL.1.2.6 - Defamation: The act of spreading falsehoods about a person for personal gain or for retribution.

MSL.1.2.7 - Impersonation: The act of pretending to be another person for personal gain or for retribution.


MSL.1.2.8 - Torture: The act of cruel punishment upon another for retribution or to get information out of another.


MSL.1.2.9 - Fraud: The act of selling false goods, or deceiving another in the interests of personal financial gain.


Article III: Crimes Against Property


MSL.1.3.1 - Theft: The act of taking another's property without permission or just cause to do such.


MSL.1.3.2 - Destruction of property: The act of causing irreparable damage to another’s property, rendering it unusable.


MSL.1.3.3 - Breaking and entering: The act of breaking your way into another’s property and entering said property.


MSL.1.3.4 - Trespassing: The act of staying on another’s private property despite being banned from such or being asked to leave prior to such.the lands.  


MSL.1.3.5 - Destruction of Nature: The willing destruction of nature with no purpose or goal is forbidden within the lands.


MSL.1.3.6 - Vandalism: The act of altering someone else's property in any way for retribution or personal amusement.


Article IV: Crimes Against Morality


MSL.1.4.1 - Forgery: The act of creating false documents without permission of the Prince(ss) Royarch, Crown Prince(ss) or Aoen’Jirech’it.


MSL.1.4.2 - Debt: The act of amassing a deficit of money owed to a person, organisation or the crown that remains unpaid for two years or longer.


MSL1..4.3 - Contraband: The act of selling or being in possession of items considered not permitted by the Crown.


MSL.1.4.4 - Extortion: The act of obtaining items, money or property under acts of threat or force.


MSL.1.4.5 - Duelling: The act of engaging in a mutually agreed fight with another that was not approved by the Prince(ss) Royarch, Crown Prince(ss) or Aoen-Jirech’it.


MSL.1.4.6 - Consanguinity: The act of having any form of romantic or intimate relationship with a family member, up to the distance of Second cousin. This includes parents, siblings, grandparents, great grandparents, first cousins and second cousins.


MSL.1.4.7 - Vigilantism: The act of taking the course of justice into one’s own hands and trying to act as law enforcement or a judge.



Article V: Crimes Against Justice


MSL.1.5.1 - Obstruction: The act of attempting to block or slow down the course of justice in or out of a court case.


MSL.1.5.2 - Absconding: The act of avoiding or not attending one’s own court case when they are the defendant of such.


MSL.1.5.3 - Bribery: The act of giving money, items or property to an official in order to purvey the course of justice or gain things from the government.


MSL.1.5.4 - Perjury: The act of lying or misrepresenting the truth in a court setting during a trial.


Article VI: Crimes Against the Crown

MSL.1.6.1 - Treason: The act of betraying the Principality of Helious, whether through murder of the Princely Family, rebellion, revolution or other such acts considered unlawful betrayal of the Principality.


MSL.1.6.2 - Harmed Majesty: The act of attacking the Prince(ss) Royarch, their consort or the Crown Prince(ss)


MSL.1.6.3 - Sedition: The act of intentionally stirring up negative views and sentiment towards the Crown of Helious and trying to incite violence against the state.


MSL.1.6.4 - Embezzlement: The act of misusing funds by an official of the state for their own financial gain.


MSL.1.6.5 - Unauthorised military organisations: The act of forming or acting as part of a military organisation within the lands of Helious that is not recognised by the Crown.


Article VII: Inceptive Crimes


MSL.1.7.1 - Conspiring: The act of planning and preparing to commit a crime, treated in court as the crime itself.


MSL.1.7.2 - Association: The act of being associated with a crime, in that one worked with those convicted, treated in court as the crime itself.


MSL.1.7.3 - Incitement: The act of encouraging another person to commit a crime, treated in court as the crime itself.


MSL.1.7.4 - Attempt: The act of trying to commit a crime but failing to do so, treated in court as the crime itself.


Article VIII: Magic & the Supernatural

MSL.1.8.1 - Paladin, Druid, and Templars: Magics and Arts of a holy nature are to be allowed without restrictions within the land of Helious.


MSL.1.8.2 - Voidal Magics: The Teaching, Study and Use of Voidal Magics within Helious is permitted as long as they do not violate the following:

MSL. - Experimentation that could harm or warp nature is forbidden.

MSL1..8.2.2 - Experimentation that could cause damage to civilians and the property of Helious is forbidden 

MSL. - Experimentation that uses voidal corruptions is forbidden. 

MSL. - Using voidal magic to harm things such as Epiphytes is forbidden.

MSL. - The creation of a voidal tear is forbidden. The creation or attempted creation of one will be considered treason.


MSL.1.8.3 - Necromancy, and other Dark Arts: Magics of the Undead or Dark nation are forbidden within the lands of Helious. If caught possessing these magics the individual shall be detained for questioning then dealt with properly. 


MSL.1.8.4 - Shamanism, Housemagery and other neutral magics: Magics that do not fall into the other three categories shall be allowed so long as they are not used to cause unnecessary harm.


Article IX: Darkspawn & Illegal Entities 


MSL.1.9.1 - The Undead: Those who are risen from their graves, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. 

MSL. The only expectation of this law is harmless spirits wishing to fulfill their duties so they may pass on to the next life, or wishing to impart their knowledge onto the living, or wishing for aid. 


MSL.1.9.2 - Vampires: Those who suck the blood of the descendants in order to live, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of. 

MSL. - The only expectation of this law is the ones who wish to be cured and actively seek aid in order to do so. 


MSL.1.9.3 - Frost Witches: Heartless creatures that feast on the hearts of the descendants, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of.


MSL.1.9.4 - Demons: These evil beings and their kin, shall not be allowed within the lands of the sun, should one enter the land of Helious, and, are to be disposed of.





Article I: Citizenship 


MSL.2.1.1- All descendant kind is allowed to live within Helious so long as they abide by the law of the land and the criminal law.


MSL.2.1.2- Those considered foreign to Helious may take up citizenship within the lands of Helious, but the addition of a Lufline within the book of families is up to the discretion of the Prince Royarch. 


MSL.2.1.3- Nobles who swore Loyalty to the crown may not take up nobility in another land without severing ties to Helious prior. This will otherwise be seen as treason.


Article II: Domestic Relations (marriage) 


MSL.2.2.1 - People may only get married when they reach the age of majority, the age of 18. Any marriage prior is illegal.


MSL.2.2.2- Marriages of any kind must be consented to by both parties, without consent of the individuals, the ceremony is illegal.


MSL.2.2.3 Those married to one another may declare themselves divorced. To do this they must simply inform a government official of this being the case. This is done simply to avoid any mishaps that may occur otherwise.


Article III: Religion 


MSL.2.3.1- Citizens are free to pray to whatever Deific or spiritual or Aspectral being they wish. However, only the Spiritual Following of Oriasm can be publicly praised.


MSL.2.3.2-  The following are not permitted to participate in while within Helious: Xionist worship, Iblees worship, Anvil Cult and Daemonic worship.


Article IV: Labor & Trade/Contracts


MSL.2.4.1- To form a contract of service or trade all involved parties must complete the following criteria to ensure it legally binding: A clear verbal agreement must be made, an expression of consent must be made before a signature placed down and the first transaction must be made from either customer or supplier.


Article V: Identity


MSL.2.5.1- Living descendant kind, including Half-breeds, are considered persons.


MSL.2.5.2- Non-descendants who are not considered darkspawn are considered persons. 


MSL.2.5.3- Any individual who falls under Article IX: Darkspawn and Illegal Entities, is not considered a person.


MSL.2.5.4- An individual who is born within Helious or is granted citizenship by the law is considered a citizen.


MSL.2.5.5- Foreigners are entitled to the same rights as normal citizens. Unless a provision is stated otherwise. 


MSL.2.5.6- A citizen may be revoked by the crown of their citizenship, with lawful provisions and evidence resulting to such.


MSL.2.5.7- A mature citizen is considered at the age of 18, any crimes that are done by a lower age must be reconsidered and reviewed by the Judiciary and lessen by default.



His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich of Helious, Taur, and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril


Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi Kni’ich of Helious, Tauria, and Ruchess of Alterk and Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine of Voclia, Cond’pess of Oblen, Vatoness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel

Her Excellency, Celaena Elrie, Aoen-Jirech’it of Helious.

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