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The Cat Emerges


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A woman works diligently, the leather she decides to use as her medium creaking under the silvered words she writes.


"In shadows deep, where secrets reside,

 A feline form concealed, hidden with pride."

Red pools at her boots.

" In realms arcane, where whispers abound,

 A mystic dance, with silence profound."

Small, winged, and infernal creatures gather round, curious in the deeds of their master.

"Through veils of twilight, the moon's gentle gleam,

 A cat emerges, from a forgotten dream."

She feels eyes watching her, but the work is to be completed.

 "In cryptic steps, it weaves its way,

 From realms unseen, where shadows play."

Too long has she waited.

"With eyes aglow, like ancient stars,

 It traverses realms, traverses bars."

Watched from aside as others took glory.

 "In every nook, a tale untold,

Whiskers twitching, secrets unfold."

The pool grows thicker.

"From cobwebbed corners, it takes its flight,

 Stealing across realms, in depths of night."

Everything is clear, now.

 "A cosmic enigma, a puzzle untamed,

 In a dance of moonbeams, its essence framed."

Her Lord's wishes.

"Mysterious whispers, upon the wind's soft breath,

Speak of the cat, whose path evades death."

Distractions are gone.

"From hidden spaces, it tiptoes near,

In enigmatic grace, with naught to fear."

His will be done.

"The shadows retreat, as it claims its space,

Unveiling its presence, with elegant grace."

They will resist, of course.

"In whispered purrs, it casts a spell, 

A wondrous creature, we've come to dwell."

Order has kept them safe.

"In twilight's embrace, it steps with pride,

 A guardian of secrets, forever beside."

They have not felt the freedom of Calamity.

 "The cat emerges, from shadows deep,

 A master of secrets, a promise to keep."

She will have to show them.

"Oh, elusive feline, the enigma you be,

 In realms of mystique, forever free."

The shadows have served their purpose.

" Come forth from the shadows, reveal your guise,

 Let your presence enchant our mortal eyes."

She will perform her duty, as Herald.

"For in your emergence, we find delight,

 A captivating spectacle, an ethereal sight."

The Dance shall begin.

"The cat emerges, from hiding's domain,

 In silent dance, forever to remain."

And she shall be greeted with open arms.



[!] A missive is found throughout the lands of Aevos, written in a glittering silver ink, emblazoned carefully, by hand, on a dark, thin leather.

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