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[Realm Guide] Wayfarer's Guide to Númendil


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A Wayfarer’s Guide 



Penned by

Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion



I. Preface

II. Of the Númenedain

III. Society & Faith

III. The Lands of Númendil

IV. Organizations

V. For Prospective Residents


   Greetings, wayfarer. If you have found this tome, then it is presumed that you intend to either visit or simply learn more about our fair Kingdom of Númendil and her people. In either case, it is our wish that you find the pages hereafter enlightening in their content, and that the information held within might guide you well in your travels within our realm.


Chapter I.

Of the Númenedain

   In other tales, much is told of the Adunians of Númendil; by what occasion they came to know themselves as the Númenedain, and of their fierce spirits and stout, loyal hearts. This text is to serve not as a history, but as an explanation of a people, and so we shall speak less of their past and more of their character, yet as in all things history still bears some importance. In brief, the Númenedain are those who once inhabited the Barrowlands of Almaris, and who against odds carved out a place for themselves in this world by their valor, strength, and good fortune. Few in number but strong-willed, they are a people that some might struggle to understand at first approach, but in truth will be found by most to be fair in manner and true in heart.


   To understand a Númenedan, one must first understand their values. Foremostly, they are a militant, pious people. Owing to the prominent role of both knighthood and the church in their lives, they place great stock in the values of chivalry and virtue, and to show dishonor or to act indecently is to place an indelible black mark on one’s record. And being primarily Owynist in faith, many may find them prudish and austere at times, particularly in matters of dress, though disagreements of this sort are often easily settled. For many, however, most off-putting of all, is the oft-found perception that the Númenedain are standoffish or solitary. In truth, the matter is somewhat more complicated, for the history of the Adunians is one of many troubles. Having faced great strife in ages past, and having witnessed many times the faults of the middlemen and the other races, the Númenedain have made a cautious habit of being slow to trust. As such they do not take on friendships lightly, but when they do one may be assured that their loyalty shall be enduring.


Chapter II.

Society & Faith


   The Númenedain order themselves in the old way, with a monarch to lead and a people to follow. Great stock is placed in the institutions of feudalism, and legislating bodies such as parliaments or senates are held in no small distaste. In Númendil it is the monarch who, in all things, has the final say, whether it be the establishment of new law or a simple criminal trial, and the knights in his service act as arbiters of his will. Many outsiders view this as a backwards, regressive way of governance, but for the Númenedain, it is a matter of tradition and stability. Long-lived as Adunians are among the race of men, no small few of the Númenedain lived through the Strife of the Middlemen in the waning years of Almaris, and have thus been left with disdain for the trappings of the era. In particular, aristocrats and bureaucrats are often looked down upon, with the common perception being that they care more for their own station, their politicking, and the weight of their pockets than they care for true loyalty and service to their Kings. Rather, noble Lords and Ladies of the Númenedain are expected to conduct themselves with honor and upstanding demeanor.



   The most cherished institution, perhaps, among the Númenedain is the honor of knighthood and the chivalric code. Before they had taken the name of Númenedain, and before even the founding of the March of the Barrowlands which would in time grow into their Kingdom of today, there was but a humble band of hedge-knights under the leadership of Ser Uther Pendraic, who in later years would become Tar-Númenatâr. In Númendil, knighthood is not simply a social honor, as is seen in other realms of men, however. Rather it is a profession and a lifelong commitment; an obligation to keep the faith of God Almighty, to uphold the law of the King, and to safeguard the innocent. As such, there is no formal structure to the Númenedain knights, for they are a brotherhood foremost, and it is their tradition that any Knight may raise another to the status of Knight – after, of course, a period of proving in squireship.


The Oath

   To be one of the Númenedain is a matter more than blood and heritage. Rather, it is in its own way a creed. Though most Númenedain are Adunian by blood, there are yet some of the houses of the Middlemen who may be adopted into their way of life. But whether brought into their society by birth or by circumstance, there is a set path by which one becomes accepted as Númenedain. First come the trials. Meant to prove one’s devotion and loyalty to a purpose, they begin simply with the necessity of a profession; an apprenticeship under a smith, enlistment, or even scholarly work. In any case, once a profession is taken up, they must then undergo a proving of mastery to demonstrate that they have the devotion and perseverance to see their tasks to their end. Then, with their proving completed, they may present themselves before a member of the Royal House or the local clergy and ask to take the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr. Often referred to colloquially simply as ‘the Oath’, the ceremony involves reciting the words of the Oath, as once spoken by Tar-Númenatâr himself at Númendil’s founding. Once the oath is spoken, the newly-sworn Númenedan receives a new name in the Adunic tongue of old, and thereafter is known as a true and loyal member of their society. Though swearing the Oath is not required to live in Númendil, it is certainly encouraged.


The Oath of Tar-Númenatâr

“Let the deeds I act out now be better than those who came before me. Folk of Harren or Blood of the Middlemen, or the Race of Malin, or any other, I swear this. I reject the designs of the enemy and the doom of men, which is guile and covetousness. Great bounty I have been given here, and it is enough. 


I shall not fear death, for the love of the Creator is upon me, and the Archangel vests in me the courage to see great deeds through until my part is played. Ever that His eyes might be upon me, I shall endeavor to prove myself worthy of His love, and the station which He has charged me.

For this I swear, ever shall I be a foe of His foes, be they Dragonspawn or Betrayer’s Brood, or things beyond the circles of this world. I shall broker no pact with them, and I shall accept no peace save their utter defeat. May Darkness consume my House should I falter in this oath.

Creator, remember my vow.”



   The majority of Númendil’s populace are devoted to the Owynist Rite, and as such it is a deeply pious place with no small amount of space dedicated to religious iconography and prayers held before the commencement of the greater majority of large gatherings. In accordance with Owynist tradition as well, there is a certain decency and decorum that is expected of citizens and visitors alike. Firstly, one should dress and act with modesty. Those who dress in revealing attire will be asked to cover themselves, and those who refuse may face fines or expulsion. Similarly, public shows of indecent behavior, such as lechery or excessive drunkenness, will almost always result in punishment. Secondly, practitioners of voidal magic or other heretical sorceries are to be aware that such crafts are held in disdain. Though only dark magics are expressly forbidden by law, sorcerers of all sorts should exercise restraint, lest they incur unintended consequences. Thirdly, and very crucially, visitors are warned that the proliferation of heathenry or heretical teachings is strictly forbidden.


Chapter III.

The Lands of Númendil

   Hereafter are described the lands of Númendil, from the fair capital Númenost to the Shire of Steadfast and even to natural features such as Alkayaban and the river Foroduin. Included for the reader’s convenience as well are locales of note which may be of relevance to the less-informed traveler.



Númenost the Fair

   The capital city of the realm, Númenost sits at the Kingdom’s heart, spanning the arch at the foot of Alkayaban. Here, one can find a few notable landmarks, such as the Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius, the Citadel of Minas Aranath, and our beloved tavern, Paddy’s Pyre. Most amenities you may need are found near the city’s north gate, with the national bank, the pub, and the scholarium clustered near one another around the city square, with the bulk of the city’s storefronts located just past them on the central causeway.



The Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius

   Located just before the entrance of the citadel of Minas Aranath at the southern end of the capital city, the cathedral of Númenost is the center of the city’s worship. Surrounding the temple, one will find the gardens, and the two trees of Númenost, Caladhril and Carnowindil, that dwell therein.




   Meaning ‘Royal Realm of the Númenedain’ in the Adunic tongue, Númenaranyë refers both to the Kingdom at large, and the central lands at its heart. In total, this region, also called the Crownlands in Common, encompasses the capital city of Númenost and the fields to the city’s north, including parts of the Shire of Steadfast. It is in these lands that much of the Kingdom’s affairs are centered.



The Shire of Steadfast

   A humble hamlet overseen by the Alderman Godric, Steadfast is a farming town situated along the North Road just beyond the gates of Númenost. Here simple folk live simple lives, living at the boundaries of the Crownlands and the forests of the Kingswood, and pay their obligation to the Crown in grain and swords rather than coin. For those seeking a humble, agrarian lifestyle, Steadfast may be just the place to settle down.




   A great forest in the Kingdom’s northern frontiers, Aran-în-Eryn – literally meaning ‘the King’s Wood’ – remains largely untouched by foresters and lumberers, instead serving as the royal hunting grounds, and also as a place where the Kingdom’s natural beauty might be preserved. Visitors to this area are warned against straying too far from well-traveled paths, as there are regular reports of strange happenings within the forest.




   Alkayaban, also known as the White Mountain, is the grand mount which towers over Númenost. Atop this mountain was where the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr first was spoken, and where was found the silver tree, Caladhril. Once home to the silver mines of the Sharadûn, it now houses the citadel of Minas Aranath, as well as the under-road to the Elven Lands to Númendil’s south.




   With its headwaters in the lake below the great arch of Númenost, Foroduin is the Númenedain name of the river which flows northward out of our Kingdom, with its shores gracing the Commonwealth of Petra and the Kingdom of Aaun along its course to the sea. For prospective fishermen and traders alike, the great river provides great opportunity.


Chapter IV.


The White Court

   The advisors and retainers in the direct employ of the Crown, the White Court consists of many positions ranging from entertainers like bards and jesters to more official positions, such as the Royal Castellan and the Court Chaplain. 


The Knights of Númendil

   Led by the monarch directly, the Knights of Númendil are not an order in the traditional sense, lacking ranks and hierarchy. Rather, they are a brotherhood of like-minded warriors, bound by common cause in the Kingdom’s defense and the code of Chivalry.


The Númendil Guard

   The Númendil Guard serves a twofold purpose. In addition to being the royal levy, they as well serve as the White City’s peacekeepers, should such a thing become necessary. Those interested in joining may enlist by speaking to their Captain.


The National Bank of Númendil

   More than simply a moneylending body, the National Bank oversees the Kingdom’s stewardry and taxation, tracks its treasury, and ensures the fulfillment of the Kingdom’s trade accords.


The Scholarium

   The home of the Kingdom’s most learned, the Scholarium provides lessons as well as a public library for the enlightenment of all. Those interested in furthering their own scholastic endeavors, or in aiding the Scholarium’s cause may inquire with any associate to learn more.


Chapter V.

For Prospective Residents

   For those interested in finding a new life in our fair Kingdom, hereafter is listed a collection of information which one may find useful in their endeavors to come, including matters of currency and tax and the names of prominent individuals within our realm.


On Residence

   Any person seeking to settle down in life requires one thing above all; a roof over their head. Those seeking to become residents of Númenost may inquire with an available steward to acquire keys to one of our fair city’s many residences. Provided one is available, the process is quite simple and the presiding steward will see you through the entire ordeal. For settlements beyond the capital, you will need to inquire with relevant local officials. As a note, do be aware that by taking up residence in one of the Crown’s properties, you will be obligated to pay the affiliated taxes.


The Castar and You

   The primary currency of Númendil – that is, the currency in which one’s obligation to the Crown is paid – is the Castar. To exchange one’s mina for Castar is as simple as a visit to the Royal Bank in Númenost. Below are listed the exchange rates for Minas to Castar:


    1 Castar = 20 Mina

    1 Mirian = 100 Mina


More information on the Castar and our Kingdom’s taxation policies can be found elsewhere.


Persons of Note


Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor, King of Númendil (MalchediaelVult)

Tári-Orelia, Queen Consort & Mistress of the Scholarium (Sseva_)

Caraneth Aryantë, Crown Princess (AstriaS)

Briar Arthalion, Princess, Foreign Hospitality Diplomat (Ireneic)

Ser Galadain Glennmaer, Captain of the Númendil Guard, (Pepto_Bismol)

Master Godric Easworth, Alderman of Steadfast (ImmortalShadowZ)



Ser Alwyn Glennmaer, Royal Castellan (Josh3738)

Ser Adrielle Thassion, Steward (DeadMansTims)

Saoren Seregon, Steward (Kyrrn)

Dele Seregon, Steward (Demented_Delila)



[The Culture of the Númenedain]

[Quenta Númeniad]

[Chivalric Code of the Númenedain]

[The Oath of Tar-Númenatâr]

[The Númendil Guard]

[The National Bank]

[The Scholarium] 



For those interested in playing in Númendil, feel free to contact any of the people listed above and we would be happy to help you get settled in! For further information not listed here, please do reach out to us either in game or on discord!


This post will be updated as necessary. If something falls through the cracks and needs updating, do let me know.


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