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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Cvllectivism, Quetzalcoatl, DF2] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


Cvllectivism, Quetzalcoatl, DF2






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Major griefing and overall toxicity


What circumstances led to this ban?


I was banned for two reasons; toxicity and major griefing. First reason had to do with my toxicity. At the time I was dealing with a few frustrating things. Number one that I was tired of dealing with was getting my build pasted. I was coming the close of this process all I needed was for a CT to paste in my build, so I put up a ticket to do so. Laenothan picked it up and told me he was currently roleplaying and would be heading to sleep when he finished. Laenothan said that he would do the paste the following day. However of course I was a rush to get it passed so my group could have a place to roleplay I decided to argue instead. My first mistake I argued with him back and forth asking if he could just close the req so someone else could do it and why he would pick it up in the first place. He then logged off before I received a discord message saying for my actions I would have to no wait till over the weekend. Which I then immaturely responded to in a not so nice way that I thought he was having a power trip. I then messaged his manager telling him I thought this was mod abuse. Along with me telling his manager that I included that he should kill himself in the message to his manager. Me being frustrated is certainly in no way any kind of excuse for any of this of course. I feel bad for saying he should kill himself and arguing with him. He's doing me the favor but volunteering to work on the staff team and keep servers I love to keep running. In the future I won’t argue with staff just let it go and log off. The second infraction I was banned for was major griefing. The reason I was banned for this is because I whitelisted a new player to Norland’s(Elrith/Elennore’s) buildserver. They then proceeded to grief the server while I was offline. I had no idea this grief had taken place and was confused when my ban was updated. I messaged itdontmatta to no response and only found out recently why my ban was updated with it after talking to Elrith in voice chat. I have now since cleared it up with him


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


here was only one part of my ban that I disagreed with and it’s that I wasn’t told why I was banned for griefing. In all the other aspects of the ban I agree with it. I was acting out of line with the staff.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


Ive seen alot of activity in my old community and I'd like to get involved and participate again because it made me feel very nostalgic. As Well as I’ve been feeling creative lately and have had a few characters I've wanted to try out.


Attach other relevant information.



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