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The Book of Major Grudges

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Da Dammaz’hattr Kron

ᛞᚨ ᛞᚨᛗᛗᚨᛉ'ᚺᚨᛏᛏᚱ ᚴᚱᛟᚾ


Deep within the libraries of Urguan, there sits upon a pedestal a tome both ancient and sacred to the Dwedmar. Kept under constant guard both day and night by the legion of Urguan, whilst the book itself is kept shut using powerful runic locks. It is none other than the most honored, Book of Grudges.




The Book of Grudges is a most ancient and sacred book tying its origins back to the forefather of all dwarves, Urguan himself. This great tome serves as an eternal recording of the wrongdoings committed against the honor of those of the Dwedmar. These grudges are held secret and safe, while many might have heard of them very few have seen the contents of this tome. 


Any who have infringed upon the honor of the great dwedmar shall have their names written for eternity within the tome until such a time when a settlement has been met and their grudge may be stricken from the tome.


Any and all grudges approved in this book must be approved first by the relevant authorities in accordance to the Laws and Articles of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


In this section, one might find the list of major grudges within this ancient tome in accordance to new Urguani Grudgelaw.





The Wronged:


The Assailant:


The Wrong:


Date of Wrongdoing:


Terms of Settlement:




OOC Disclaimer: The Book of Grudges is locked away under constant guard. In no way should you be able to see it, or anything written within, unless you were admitted into the vault. To be admitted, you must be a dwarf of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan who has been explicitly given access by someone who has the appropriate authority. This means if you are a banished dwarf or a wanted criminal or anything of the like, you would not have access to any of the grudges written into the book. Please RP accordingly.


Active Grudges



The Wronged:

The Dwedmar Corporation


The Assailant:

The Imperial Treasury, specifically Peter Sarkozic


The Wrong:

failing to repay a loan of 20k mina


Date of Wrongdoing:

The Past


Terms of Settlement:

40k mina or alternatively the head of Peter Sarkozic



The Wronged:

The Race of Urguan and all his Descendants

The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

The Grand King of Urguan

The Legion of Urguan

The Clergy of the Brathmordakin

Clan Irongut

Clan Starbreaker

Clan Ireheart

Clan Grandaxe

Clan Frostbeard

Clan Goldhand

Clan Treebeard

Clan Irongrinder

Clan Emberhorn

Clan Blackroot

Clan Grimgold

Clan Metalfist

The many other Clans of Urguan, both Common and Exiled.


The Assailant:

Demonkind as a whole, of the Infernal variant in particular


The Wrong:

Theft of the Hammer of Urguan, Father of Dwarfenkind


Date of Wrongdoing:



Terms of Settlement:

The return of Urguan’s Hammer

The arms of ten thousand Demonkin as retaliation

The utter annihilation of any and all Demonic beings from the face of the mortal plane, from now until the End Times


Let it be declared before the Gods that this grudge stands to be inherited not only by my successors, but by any Dwarf who dares call himself a Monarch from now until the end of our race, or  the End of Times, whichever comes first.

Narvak oz Urguan

Yoth da Keznol nar Brathmordakin

Justice will be done





The Wronged:
Danika Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan

The Assailant:
Dunan Grandaxe

The Wrong:
Assault, Partial-Blinding and Mental Trauma caused by assault

Date of Wrongdoing:
7th of Malin's Welcome

Terms of Settlement:
The removal of Dunan Grandaxe's eyes, and the hand used to harm Danika Goldhand, to be cast in gold and hung upon the Goldhand Clan halls.





The Wronged:
The Brathmordakin and their Mortal Servants, Da Kirkja Dverga.
Elder Clan Starbreaker

The Assailant:
Azdromoth and his mortal servants, the Azdrazi.

The Wrong:
Desecration of the Temple of the Worldmaker, and the Shrines of the Ancestor-Gods, the Brathmordakin.

Date of Wrongdoing:
72 SA.

Terms of Settlement:
The Eradication of Azdromoth and his servants.


The Exile of Azdromoth and his servants from the territory of the Grand Kingdom, the Heads of those responsible for this vile act, a formal apology issued by the Arch-Dragon himself, either delivered in person or through his foremost mortal servant, and compensation in the form of a treasure of irreplaceable value from the Hoard of the Arch-Dragon himself, delivered to the High Prophet or the Godslayer by the Arch-Dragon himself, or his foremost mortal servant.

Let it be known that should the High Prophet of the Brathmordakin, or that Jorvin ‘The Godslayer’ Starbreaker fall in battle before the grudge is fulfilled, the task of seeing this grudge crossed out shall fall to their successors and next of kin, from now until the End Times. Let it be known that should those responsible for this heinous act fall in battle before they may be brought to justice, the heads of their successors and next of kin will suffice in their place.


The Wronged: Bakir Ireheart and Clan Ireheart 


The Wronged: Clan Ireheart


The Assailant: The Vale 


The Wrong: Betraying Urguan, leaving the dwarves to fight alone as they were sieged by the Mori. Insulting Clan Ireheart and insulting the honor of two former Grand Kings.


Date of Wrongdoing: 133 S.A


Terms of Settlement: The ear of Mirven and her spouse, a payment of 1k mina and a barrel of Netherite ore.




The Wronged: Tundo Goldhand and the Goldhand Clan.


The Assailant: A Mogg Companyman and the Mogg Company. 


The Wrong: That he did accost, rob and debeard Tundo Goldhand without provocation.


Date of Wrongdoing: Two years past. 


Terms of Settlement: That the Companyman shall part with his head, to be gold-casted. 



Struck-Out Grudges




Original Post





To make things a lot more clear and avoid confusion with the new grudge laws, this and the Book of Minor Grudges post shall serve as the new book of grudges posts. Also the old book of grudges is about 3 years old now and getting kind of bloated so it's always nice to have freshen it up every once in awhile. Plus I am a rep farmer, give me rep.


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