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Orphanage of helious






Over the years I have come to the realization that there are many needs in life. Food, water, education, and protection, The need that I come back to most tho is the same one i needed so long ago.

A Home, A place to be safe and sound and away from all the dangers that Surrounded  me.

A place to come back to where there is always food and a bed. A place where I would be educated without having to worry over where I would go to sleep that night.

I see a need for a place where Orphans, such as I once was, to be Protected, fed, sheltered and educated till they can be Matched with a set of Guardians or a single guardian who wants to build a family.

Or until they have become adults and are then old enough to make their own homes. Therefore I am proud to announce the coming of an orphanage in Helios where all children that are lost, scared, alone, or hungry are welcome.

no matter where they came from, who they are, or what they are. The First Orphanage of helious, Fox cubs orphanage, will accept them. 

the Grand opening of  Fox Cubs Orphanage Will be announced as soon as possible.

I will be building the orphanage with my own two hands.

Once it is finished we will start accepting children Immediately.





Aspin A. Munnel 


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"Rarely do people focus on the small things in life."

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Gregorius Roa has Adler Vietnam trauma and starts remembering how many kids were indoctrinated and kidnapped by them!

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