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E.V. Letters: Letter of Homesickness (5/8)


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[The letter written on manilla paper with the same old rough markings of wood. It would seem that this letter was sent out of order, hence it being the 5th letter that Eloisee has written back to Minitz..How strange..]


“To Minitz, my home,

I miss the warm temperate weather of the forest, plains, and mountains that surrounds the city. The great abundance of crops and the richness of wines that never compare to any other. If only I had the chance to go back home to Minitz. It was a place where I could change from the miserable woman I once was to someone new. From going through the fires of war (captured and enslaved), watching my people die from their greed, fighting by means of protecting my mother, but only to see I did not do enough to keep her alive. I lived in regret each passing day after that, until I came across Minitz, where they welcomed me with open arms, showing me the great feats of what a retired mercenary and veteran war soldier like me can do in the Theoderic Warband. They taught me the Reinmaren culture, a culture where honor, respect, and justice are the beams of strength, chivalry, and charity. This culture transformed me from the wicked culture of my homeland’s village to a culture where I truly belong. As time went on, I expanded my duties and tasks in the community of Minitz. Starting off as a traveler to given a chance to have a home in Minitz, to becoming a Hirdman to Brandt Barclay to becoming the Herald in the Herrenhaus of previous Herzog and Grand Prince Brandt Barclay, to being the first Chefarztan of Saint Johann and organizing the clinic and its staff. Then I was given the chance to become the governess of the Hentriettan Beratung and given a noble title with my title as being the Chieftain of von Veiels in my later years. My journey has expanded in great amounts of memories being filled with many family and friends of which has become so dear in my heart, and my wine, of course, life could not be any sweeter than the taste of richness of the ground it grew from.

I write to Minitz, the citizen of Minitz, to share my experience as being part of this community filled with many people whom I would never forget. To Markward, for being the first friend I had in the warband. Always a warm welcome and smile always greeted me when we were in our youthful days, unsure of what was to come of us during battle. To Otto, whomst lost his life in battle many years ago, I shall be joining you up there now in the skies. My first buddy who went through the trial of humility with me and a companion through the few battles and training we fought. To my best friend Linette, though your death was a tragedy, I hope to see you up in the skies as we peer down onto the land we had stepped on in our journey and quest to find a new start. To Brandt, thank you for being a leader of great motivation and intuitions. Without you, I may not have been convinced in staying in Minitz and carrying out this life I have lived. To Anton, though I don’t see you much anymore, I hope you read of my gratitude in being one of the first people who lended guidance to me when I stepped into Minitz and answering the questions of the map of Almaris you showed to me. To Alia, the one who offered me a place to stay for free out of her own kindness, and gave me my first jam which still sits on my countertop. To Siegfried and Yvian, for being great mentors who trained and helped me in my trials into becoming a true Reinmaren warrior, thank you for what you have done for the warband and the citizens as a whole. To Karl, who was a wise and knowledgeable friend and now family, thank you for the guidance and wisdom you have shared to me when I was still lost in the world of Almaris. To the Stroheims, what a crazy world we live in to realize that we are family because Saxton is my half-brother. I’m glad to know that family was always around me. To the crazy people of Minitz, you know who you are, though it has been tough understanding the world in which you live it, it was still a sight to see how you all still managed to survive over the years, I congratulate you on that, or if you died, you have lived a good life. To the ‘W’s of Minitz and the children whom I watched grow over the years in Minitz, I hope wherever you may be now that you have grown to become great people who will greatly help the world you live in. I know you have much brighter days ahead of you.”


For the best,


Edited by Aimy_lol
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