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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [pygmypuff1219] Appeal

Ilythyrra Sindarin

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Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Failed to connect to the server You have been banned for 01-Aug-2023 at 01:09 by Fireheart. from this server for: Sexually Explicit RP - 3 month ban, you may appeal on Dot 31st - Moderation: Fireheart


What circumstances led to this ban?


I was near/apart of an erotic role play scene that went a bit too far and crossed a few LOTC guidelines for sexual role play. I can/will avoid this from happening again in the future by not participating in erp scenes again, as well as normal rp romance scenes that are not rooted in wholesome ways. During these few months of the ban/ time away from LOTC, I have made a few realizations regarding my own past actions. It no longer aligns with my moral code to participate in erp scenes like the one that got me banned. I respect myself too much now to allow that to ruin my wonderful experience(s) that I would have on LOTC.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I agree with ban, because when I was doing the action that got me banned, my immaturity did not allow me to realize that I was not only disrespecting myself, but also the guidelines of LOTC. I know now that what I did was not in any way okay, and that if I were to ever preform any action like that again, that I would deserve to get permanently banned from the server. That is why I agree with the 3 month ban from LOTC, because it gave me enough time to truly reflect on my actions and realize how in the wrong I truly was.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


The incredible art and lore that has been embedded into the LOTC server truly motivates me to return back to LOTC. The amazing community/ groups of people that work hard in LOTC and truly display why LOTC was made in the first place (to create a sanctuary for fantasy/LOTR lovers that also enjoy rp and minecraft) also encourages me to make a return back to LOTC. I also want to prove that I am truly worthy of being a player of LOTC by working hard everytime I play it and genuinely embody the beauty of making character lore / helping others understand their own lore.


Attach other relevant information.


I sincerely apologize for violating the rules / guidelines that the LOTC server has. It was not in my place to do so, and my immaturity and blindness of my own immaturity caused me to suffer the consequences that I deserved. I thank you immensely for taking the time to read this appeal, and I hope that whatever decision that is made after reading this is the most deserving. Again, thank you so much for your time.

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