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Батальон Северный Гроза 


Единственное, чего мы боимся, это БОГА



The Severny Groza Battalion (The Northern Storm Battalion), is a hussar battalion that has its focus on becoming the most fearsome force in the North of Aevos. They are advanced warriors in horsemanship and are fighting against those who have done unjustifiable acts in their eyes. However, often, the acts of their battalion are done out of their own aggression.


The Battalion holds no allegiance to any nation. However, they are a battalion that when they are paid well, they might do the dirty work for the nations.




I. History

II. Hierarchy

III. Trials

IV. Recruitment




The Severny Groza Battalion was founded by Sviatoslav Khvostov and Oleg Naryshkin, fanatic half Raev and half Hunari brother in-arms who had been raised in the wilderness of Almaris and had arrived in Aevos.  They were in a way confused when they had first arrived because they felt that they could not depend on a sovereign or could not bear to be held accountable before an entire nation for their actions.


So what they did was start a Hussar battalion. As they came from Almaris, specifically in the north of Almaris in the snowed mountains, and given their origin, they began to start a battalion that relies on horsemanship, swiftness, and to be able to wield every weapon possible. 





Sviatoslav Khvostov

Oleg Naryshkin














The Trials are vital when becoming a part of the Severny Groza Battalion. You will be tested on three skills:


I. Swordsmanship

To be able to wield a blade and to kill with it if you must and have no other choice. Reluctance is not spoken of within the Battalion.


II. Horsemanship

To be able to ride a horse to swiftly ride into battle and use a weapon on it when engaging in battle.


III. Scouting

To see the enemy from a long range and be able to tell the positions of the enemy soldiers.


IV. Infiltration

To  be able to infiltrate and yet be discreet about the membership of the Battalion. Discretion is vital.



Recruitment is quite discreet and is only spoken of when personally invited to do the trials after someone has seen what your skills are worth. Discretion plays a key role within the Battalion due to the amounts of lessons in espionage that is being given during the membership of the Battalion. 


When recruited, the Battalion must utter the following words as an oath of fealty to the Commanders:


Если придется, я умру среди братьев по батальону, умру один за батальон, если придется. Да поможет мне Бог


Translation to Common: I will die with my brothers in-arms of the battallion, or I will die alone for the battalion, so help me GOD.



Due to the discretion of the recruitment we'll do recruitments IRP rather than a sign up form on the forums.


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This is really well written! Cavalry themed battalions have been lacking on lotc. I'm excited to see how your battalion plays out in rp! 


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