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The House d'Viuva


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The House d’ViuvasxFdDSvLYg0mmqt_XFcgSi4ZjsVCQIc4w2gPdNP4QI_AmPsLXIGvjAPPPE6aJXGY84ZZ1p3EOuh8l23GgZinnvBK-2oFfMd6cNajB8s5xjChy6iq9jZ_NKFRB5d7YTUtecnvpurT7754ukprbS5zo7NP_UqmmMHpid17A3zpKxyxnmTgPHiMD6mJCe_fKg

Est. Year 49, Kingdom of Balian.



House History


The House d’Viuva began among root and stem in the humble vineyards of Balian’s outskirts. Peter and Helena d'Viuva's love story unfolded like the delicate petals of a grapevine flower. Originating from impoverished beginnings, their lives intertwined amidst the vines they tended. The grape-stained days turned into starlit nights as they discovered not just the art of winemaking but the art of falling deeply in love.


Their journey, marked by resilience and shared dreams, led them to mastery in the alchemy of turning humble grapes into nectarous wines. It wasn't just a business; it was a passion, a shared vision that bound them tighter than the tendrils of the vines they nurtured. As the years wove their tale, Peter and Helena decided to unite their destinies in matrimony.


Married and determined, they planted the seeds of their own vineyard, each row a testament to their commitment. The fruit of their labor, aptly named Vida d'Viuva, became a reflection of their shared history, a wine that whispered of love, sacrifice, and triumph.


Amidst the vines, a mystical encounter added an unexpected twist to their tale. Legend spoke of a centaur, drawn by the intoxicating aroma of Vida d'Viuva, who found his way into their estate. Entranced by the exquisite wine, the centaur proposed a pact: he would become the guardian of their vineyard, offering protection with his mythical presence, in exchange for a steady supply of the cherished elixir.


Whispers of the centaur's vigilant watch spread, creating an air of enchantment around the vineyard. Some doubted the tale, dismissing it as a fanciful yarn woven through the grapevines, while others swore they glimpsed the silhouette of the mythical guardian in the moonlit vineyard.


In the midst of this enchanting backdrop, the d'Viuva family blossomed. Lucian Alexander, the firstborn, and Cybele Olympia, his spirited twin, brought laughter and vitality to the vineyard. Sofia Hera, a vision of grace and charm, followed, her footsteps echoing through the rows of vines. Nicolo Antonio and Peter Helena completed the brood, each adding their unique flavor to the family's dynamic.


The d'Viuva children, raised amidst the vines, became an integral part of the winemaking legacy. From a young age, they learned the nuances of the trade, the scent of fermenting grapes and the touch of the soil becoming as familiar to them as the embrace of their parents.


The twins, Lucian and Cybele, displayed an innate understanding of the vines, a connection that mirrored their parents' love for the land. Sofia, with her refined palate, showed promise as a future sommelier. Rhea, the quiet observer, absorbed the secrets of winemaking with a keen eye, while the youngest, Peter Helena, named after their parents, brought a sense of joy and mischief to the vineyard.


As the d'Viuva family flourished, so did Vida d'Viuva. The vineyard echoed with the laughter of the children, a symphony of familial bonds woven into the very fabric of the estate. The mystical centaur, their guardian, seemed to watch over not just the vines but also the growing family, adding an air of enchantment to their daily lives, or so it was said.


In the heart of the vineyard, tragedy struck the d'Viuva family like a thunderstorm on a clear day. The moon, which had once bathed their vines in a soft glow, now witnessed a harrowing event that would forever alter the family's destiny.


It began with the distant echoes of hooves and the menacing whispers of a bandit raid. The night air, once filled with the fragrance of ripening grapes, now carried the acrid scent of danger. The bandits, driven by greed and malice, descended upon the vineyard like a swarm of locusts.


Awoken by the commotion, Peter and Helena, the stalwart guardians of both family and vines, rallied to defend their haven. The clash between the defenders of love and the purveyors of chaos echoed through the vine rows, a bitter symphony of desperation.


Despite their valor, the bandits proved ruthless. In the darkness, blades clashed, and the once serene vineyard became a battlefield. The tragedy unfolded swiftly, leaving sorrow in its wake. Peter and Helena fought valiantly, but the cruel hands of fate dealt them a devastating blow.


As the moon bore witness to the unfolding tragedy, the youngest, Peter Helena, became an unwitting casualty in the crossfire. His laughter, once the melody of innocence was silenced, and his promising future extinguished in the chaos.


The bandits, having plundered and razed the vineyard, vanished into the night, leaving behind a landscape of destruction. The once-lush vines now stood as twisted sentinels in a desolate realm. The news of the d'Viuva family's demise spread like wildfire, a lamentation echoing through the villages. Vida d'Viuva, once a symbol of triumph, now carried the weight of a tragic tale. The bandit attack had stolen more than just the family's lives; it had robbed the world of a love story, leaving behind a haunted vineyard as a testament to the fragility of dreams and the cruel capriciousness of fate. Four d’Viuvans now find themselves in Portoregne at the precipice of destiny, led by the House Patriarch, Lucian Alexander.




The first d’Viuva Estate, Est circa 44.



House Traditions



In the harmonious family cycle, the tradition of Birth echoes with the promise of renewal. As a new life enters the fold, a symbolic planting ceremony unfolds. The soil, enriched by the remnants of past vintages, becomes the cradle for fresh vines. With each bottle emptied in remembrance of the departed, a new crop takes root, weaving tendrils into the familial legacy. The fragility of infancy mirrors the delicate buds emerging from the earth, carrying the potential for future vintages. Birth, intertwined with the sacred vineyard soil, celebrates the eternal dance between life and death, where each bottle emptied signals not just a farewell but a greeting to the generations yet to come.


Coming of Age

For one’s Coming of Age ceremony, each individual crafts a singular bottle of wine, a vintage that mirrors their journey into adulthood. The process begins with the careful selection of grape varieties, symbolizing personal traits and experiences. As the grapes ripen, the initiate tends to them with meticulous care, learning the art of patience and nurturing. The harvest marks pivotal moments in their life, from the sweetness of triumphs to the tannins of challenges. Fermentation becomes a metaphor for personal growth, transforming raw experiences into a complex, refined essence. The bottled creation, a unique blend of self-discovery, serves as a tangible reminder of their transformative passage into maturity.



The somber family tradition of Banishment culminates in a ritual that casts the banished individual's crafted wine into oblivion. Upon their expulsion, the family assembles to pour the untouched wine onto the central hearth, a libation never to be savored or shared. This act symbolizes a decisive disownment, severing familial bonds in a final, irreversible gesture. The once-celebrated vintage becomes a testament to estrangement, its essence forever denied to those who once crafted it. This ritual, though laden with bitterness, signifies the expulsion of the individual from the familial vineyard, a stark farewell echoing the fractures within the family's ties.

The final chapter of an individual's life unfolds with a sacred ritual. Upon their passing, the departed is gently laid to rest within the familial vault, surrounded by the echoes of generations past. Simultaneously, the bottle of wine crafted during their coming of age is uncorked in a symbolic communion. As the family gathers, they share in the vintage, sipping from glasses raised to honor the departed. The remaining wine, a poignant elixir infused with the essence of a life well-lived, is poured onto the vineyard soil. This act signifies the cyclical nature of existence, as the departed's spirit nourishes the very vines from which future generations will craft their own vintages, perpetuating the legacy.



Edited by Gavin_
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