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+ Prayer Book for The Owynist +

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+ Prayer Book for The Owynist +


By the Antonius Cardinal Artorus 
(Paco Antonius Temesch de las Palmas)

In Memoriam of and Based on the Works of the Lectorate of Owyn’s Cohort of the Flaming Covenant and for the usage of the Owynist Priests and Layman.


The collection of atlases herein is to be a general directory of Owynist rituals, litanies, and prayers to be used by priest and lay faithful alike. While Owynism has evolved and finds itself adapted in different methods, this prayer book here shall serve as the root of the practice.

+ Dux Contentorum +

Table of Contents

I. Atlas of Owynist Saints
     - St. Petrus Gacrensis
     - St. Tomas Gacrensis
     - St. Adrianus Luvardensis
     - St. Edmundus Lacsensis
     - St. Tobialis Sarcentis
     - St. Humbertus Barsis
     - St. Nafisus Theoderensis
     - St. Robertus Metensis
     - St. Caius Occidentis
     - St. Ricardus Caedrensis
     - St. Evaristus Paradensis
     - St. Clementus Paradensis
     - St. Lucianus Olmetensis


II. Atlas of Owynist Prayers

     - Declaratio
     - Cultus
     - Petitio
     - Intercessio
     - Gratiarum


III. Atlas of Owynist Rites

  A. Lay Rites
     - Ultimus 
     - Artificis
     - Emundatio


  B. Clerical Rites

     - Conversio

     - Dilectus
     - Confessio 

     - Matrimonium
     - Consecratio

IV. Doctrinal Practices of the Owynist
     - The Third Son of Spirit
     - The fallibility of all men, the need for Penance
     - Refuting innovation of faith
     - On the use of pyres
     - On Proactive Methods


+ Audoenianorum Sanctorium +
Atlas of Owynist Saints

Despite the more comprehensive atlas of saints recognized by the greater True Faith, herein is contained those saints who have especially been venerated by those of the Owynism for their schools of thought aligning or belonging to that of Owynist Rite or the Flamenist and Epulonistic clerical disciplines. Alongside an icon of each saint is written their given names, titles, patronage, symbols, and an associated litany or prayer. This is merely a short list however as Owynism is practiced in different ways across the realm depending on the different cultures of people who have found their calling to GOD’s Divine Light.



St. Peter of Gaekrin
Peter I Chivay, GMWR, KRD, Holy Orenian Emperor
Patron Saint of Military Orders, Victory in Battle, and Plight against Heathens
Flaming Rose


Giving Thanks for Victory in Battle
Dear GOD, we give our tremendous gratitude for this victory,
Bless the wounded and may they recover to full health,
Bless our courageous fighters and may they remain stalwart,
And Bless our fallen, for their sacrifices were not in vain. Amen.




St. Thomas of Gaekrin
Thomas Chivay, GMWR, Duke of Korath
Patron of Virtuous Leadership, Discipline, Frontiersmen, and the Kaedreni
White Rose


Prayer of the Frontiersmen
Dear LORD, we ask that you hear our prayers
Out in these far reaches away from the heart of mankind.
Please provide for our necessities and protect us from the heathens
Who are unfamiliar to Your Virtue.

In Your Undying Name, Amen.



St. Adrian of Leuvaarden
1380s - 1434
Hadrien de Sarkozy, Count of Norfolk
Patron of Statesman, Lawyers and Politics
Open Book


The Statesman’s Prayer
“God of power and might, wisdom and justice,
through you authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.
Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude
the King, his council and the statesmen of mankind.
May they always seek
the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.
Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protection
to lead our realm with honesty and integrity.
Guide us in Your view, our Lord. Amen”


Saint Edmund of Lachsin
St. Edmond Brunswick, SKWR, KRD, Count of Lachsin
Patron of Knights, Hospitality, Baronial Lords and the Auvergnian People
Mounted Knight


A Knight’s Humble Prayer

“CREATOR, by your sign that we bear on our standards we ask You to: Give us the strength to love all men on earth created by you, in particular, our enemies. Free our minds and hearts from sin from favoritism, from selfishness and from cowardice so that we may be worthy of Your gift. Let Your Spirit come down to us, Knights of GOD, so that it may make us convinced and sincere ambassadors of Peace and Love among our brothers and, in particular, among those who think they do not believe in You. Give us the Faith to bear all the sufferings of everyday life and to become worthy one day of matching Your Presence, humbly and without fear. Amen”



St. Tobias of Sarkoz
1390 - 1426
Toveah Goldman
Patron of Merchants, Comets, Wealth and Charity
Silver Comet, Gold Coins


Fortune’s Blessing
“May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine upon your window pane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near to you and
May the Creator fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. Amen”



St. Humbert of Bar
1428 - 1524
Humbert of Bar
Patron of Regents, Perseverance, and Defiance against Evil

Prayer for Overcoming Life’s Hardships
“O Lord, we call upon You in our time of sorrow,
That You give us the strength and will to bear our heavy
burdens, until we can again feel the warmth and love of
Your divine compassion. Be mindful of us and have mercy
on us while we struggle to comprehend life's hardships.
Keep us ever in Your watch, til we can walk again with
light hearts and renewed spirits. Amen”





St. Nafis of Al-Dirahk
1495 - 1569
Nafis Yar, OSL, Lord Protector and Lord Vandalore I of Vandoria, Lord of Hallowvale
Patron of Farfolk, Fishermen, Diamonds, Converts and Revolution
Uncut Diamond


Prayer of the Revolutionary
“Creator of man, overseer of all things right,
Whose powers none can resist,
Save and deliver us, we beseech, 
From the hands of our enemies,
By granting us dominion over them,
Show us the path to victory,
That we might produce it in Your undying name. Amen”



St. Robert of Metz
1595 - 1670 
Robert Rovin, GMOSL, Archbishop of Rhodesia
Patron of Poetry, Feasting and Inquisition
Chicken Leg


Prayer before Feast
“Bless this feast, Saint Robert, and send our gratitude to the Creator for this subsistence as we eat and be merry today and further GOD’s plan tomorrow. Amen.”




St. King Caius of the Westerlands
Caius Sigismund Horen, Knight of the HOE, King of the Westerlands
Patron of the Westerlands, Humor and the Fight Against Undead
The Muse of Comedy and Muse of Tragedy Masks

The Prayer of Protection
“May the Creator protect us
And in turn we protect others
Let Him be our shield,
So that we may be His hammer,
ridding this world of darkness.
He who stands with me shall be my brother, 




St. Richard of Kaedrin

1370s -1460s 

Rick Felder, WR, The Super Soldier

Patron of Heroes, Bannermen and the Fight Against Setherien

Kaedreni Arbalest


A Hero’s Prayer

“O Divine Master, grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.”




St. Evaristus of Paradisus
Pre-Modern Era
High Priest Evaristus I of the True Faith
Patron of Twins, Chastity, Butchers and the East Winds
Right Hand Holding Laurel


The Prayer for Chastity
“Dear Lord please safeguard
My thoughts and dreams
From iniquitous misdeeds.





St. Clement of Paradisus

Pre-Modern Era

High Priest Clement I of the True Faith

Patron of Twins, Mercy, Bakers and the West Winds

Left Hand on the Laurel


The Prayer for Mercy

“Lord CREATOR, have mercy upon your loyal servant

As I gaze into the maws of Shai’tan, 

Engulf me in Your brilliant light

So that I may know respite for my hardships.





High Pontiff St. Lucien, Velwyn Ashford of Ulmsbottom
Patron of Crusaders, Change and the Family
Kaedreni Cross


Litany of Crusade/War
“Saint Lucien, bestow on me Your righteous fury and Your furious strength. Let me become the storm that strikes the enemy from Your sight. We crusaders call upon thee! Amen!”


+ Audoenianorum Orationorium +

Atlas of Owynist Prayers


Within this atlas is contained instances in which an Owynist is encouraged or required to pray, alongside examples of the contents of such a prayer. The faithful are encouraged to use these examples not as their prayers, but as a general guide to their recommended contents.


Prayers of Declaration

Owynists are called to recite prayers of declaration before and during battle with a foe. These prayers traditionally involve acknowledging one’s role as the weapon of GOD, parallels to scripture, and exclamation of the soldier’s intention to do HIS work.


Declaration of Intent
I will find my spirit steadfast,
My blade as the tool wielded dually,
By both myself and GOD above.
So that HIS enemies shalt find,
That which is reserved for the sinner,
And the fate for the iniquitous.


Declaration of Embodiment
I am the hammer,
I am the sword in HIS hand,
I am the point of HIS spear,
I am the gauntlet about HIS fist,
I am the bane of HIS foes and the woes of the treacherous,
I am the end!
This is oblivion!


Prayers of Worship

Prayers of worship are the most formal and essential prayers to Owynism, being those prayers devoid of requests, merely in awe of the divine glory of GOD and the perfection of his works. The Owynist is called to recite a prayer of worship upon awakening each morning.


Acknowledgement of Divinity
As was before and as is now,
YOU are the Lord of All,
With power unmatched.


Acknowledgement of Perfection
YOUR flame is perfect,
O Lord my GOD,
YOUR workings are indelible,
YOUR foresight is unhindered.


Prayers of Petition

Prayers of petition are recited as requests to GOD to provide the faithful with that which satisfies their needs both spiritual and physical, or to guide the hand of the faithful in their completion of a task for HIS glory. Prayers of petition are required to be recited before battle, with explicit requests for foresight, clarity of the mind, and adroit combative performance.


Petition to Guidance
I call upon the Lord my GOD,
To hear my petition.
May you guide our blades and bolts,
To crush the foes of YOUR kingdom.
Grant us YOUR wisdom,
O Lord of All,
So that we might find victory through fire and steel, Amen.


Petition to Fulfillment
I call upon the Lord my GOD,
To hear my petition.
I grow weary, O Lord,
My flame weakens.
Fulfill my needs,
So that I might bring glory to YOUR kingdom, Amen.


Prayers of Intercession

Prayers of intercession are distinguished from prayers of petition in that the faithful calls for GOD to intervene in those dealings that are out of one’s own control. The faithful must acknowledge GOD’s divine power to intervene in all things, and the mortal inability to do the same.


Intercession for the Wayward Sinner
Lord Creator, I am powerless against these vile spiritual forces,
I recognize my utter dependence on You and Your power,
I intercede on behalf of this wayward sinner
And plead with you O Lord, 
To protect us both from evil
And shine your light to guide this sinner on the path you intended, Amen.


Intercession of Divine Extrication
I am but mortal man,
YOUR divine creation.
I call upon YOU, O Lord,
Save me from this cruel fate, Amen.


Prayers of Gratitude


Prayers of gratitude are required to be recited before meals, after victories, and before laying to rest each night, and encouraged to be recited any time an Owynist feels grateful. Prayers of gratitude must contain exclamations of praise and thanks for what GOD has provided to one’s self.


Thanksgiving for a Meal
Dear Creator we praise You and give gratitude for the nourishment you provide us. Thank you for meeting our physical needs of hunger and thirst. Bless this food to fuel our bodies forward into Your will for our lives. Amen.


Thanksgiving for a Victory
Dear GOD, we give our tremendous gratitude for this victory,
Bless the wounded and may they recover to full health,
Bless our courageous fighters and may they remain stalwart,
And Bless our fallen, for their sacrifices were not in vain. Amen.


Thanksgiving for this Day
O Lord, I thank you for another day of life
In this tremendous and wondrous world you have created,
Forgive me if I ever take this blessing for granted
And guide me in the will You have intended for me, Amen.



+ Audoenianorum Ritorium +

Atlas of Owynist Rites

Within this atlas is contained guides to and examples of all Owynist rituals, both lay and clerical.


Lay Rites
These rites can be performed by anyone baptized within the Owynist Rite that has been taught how to perform them.


Ultimus - Last Rites

Last rites are especially important to the typical Owynist who is willing to lay down their lives for the almighty Creator knowing there is salvation in their service and duty to GOD’s word. Because of the spontaneous nature of death, last rites may be performed by anyone baptized in the Owynist Rite. Last rites are to be given to all of the deceased regardless of walk of life with the belief that, even the fallen once held the divine spark of the soul the Creator gave them.


Why do we cremate instead of bury like other Canonists?

It is our belief that in the end times, Iblees will raise a second undead army and it is our mission now to impede on Iblees’ plans but cremating our deceased to thwart the size of his undead army.


Firstly, the body should be properly prepared if there is a proper ceremonial funeral. The body is washed with scented oils and the body is cleaned up to the best of the ability of its handlers. If in the aftermath of a battlefield, this step is often understandably forgone and the layman or priest may move on to the next step.

Once the body has been prepared, it is usually set somewhere that can be set ablaze for cremation. In proper facilities such as a clinic, this may be done in a furnace. If for a funeral or on the field of battle, a pyre may be constructed and the body set atop it.

Salt is to be poured in a circle around the body now after its placement, to ward away lingering evil spirits that may have indirectly caused the person’s demise and so that the recipient’s soul may move on to the Seven Skies unhindered.

Holy water is now sprinkled upon the deceased and a blessing is given. These generally vary and are free form for the layman or priest, but generally give a blessing to the recipient in their hereafter and are generally short.


Examples of Blessings:
[For the Faithful]
“Thy death was not in vain, for GOD has greater purpose for you in the Seven Skies. May GOD bring you rest. Amen”
“Thou didst fight true... but the foe was too great. May GOD reward you for thy bravery in the Seven Skies. Amen.”


Examples of Blessings:

[For heathens and heretics]
“Thy cause was false, thy skills did lack; See you in Cloud Temple when you get back.”
“Thy faith faltered, no power could save thee. May the white flame purify this soul.”

After this is completed, depending on circumstances, the ceremony may now begin officially. Generally an opening prayer and introduction is given for the deceased in a proper funeral ceremony in free form. Generally try to focus on the positivity of them having lived a virtuous life and being in the embrace of the Creator.


Lastly, the pyre is to set a blaze or the deceased set into the furnace to burn thoroughly until all that remains are ashes. Collect these in an urn or spread them somewhere nice as needed.


Artificis - Craftsmanship

The Rite of Artificis is to be performed upon the finished product of a craftsman at their whim and is fairly simple and easy to amend for different circumstances. A blacksmith may anoint their finished blade with oil before reciting a prayer to the Creator, a chef might splash holy water modestly upon a prepared plate or an alchemist may say a prayer over a lit lab burner. Examples of prayers are as follows:


[Alcohol Brewing]
Lord, bless this creature, beer, which by your kindness and power has been produced from kernels of grain, and let it be a healthful drink for mankind. Grant that whoever drinks it with thanksgiving to your holy name may find it a help in body and in soul, Amen.


Dear Lord, I thank thee for the ingredients you have provided for this meal I am about to prepare. Be present in the preparation and eating of this meal and be present for those with no food today. Please provide subsistence to those who will consume this meal so that they may live in Your glory, Amen


Bless these brews O’Lord, that use from the boons of Your creation to protect us, to aid us and to preserve us. Bless these bountiful regents that have flourished in your green world. And bless our path forward so that we advance in Your name alone, Amen.


Bless these diligent hands O’Lord, that bear the burden of steel shaped and forged to combat the forces of iniquity. May these weapons hold steadfast in the grip of my brothers and sisters and serve each one of them until You call upon them to return to the Seven Skies, Amen.


Emundatio - Purification

The Rite of Emundatio, or Purification, can be done by any Lay Owynist to purify what has been made unholy. The unholy item at hand should be held before an open pit of flame and a prayer recited over it,


“Dear Lord, please wash this thoroughly of any iniquity and cleanse it of sin. I aim to follow your virtue but baggage and sin have kept me afar. Through this act, please sever a negative cycle and remake this anew, Amen.”


The celebrant will then drop the unholy item into the pit of fire and allow it to be destroyed in righteous flame.


Clerical Rites
These rites generally must be performed by a priest or by a deacon of the Church.


Conversio - Baptism by Water/ Baptism for Lay Owynists

Known as the first baptism for Owynists and is the general practice of baptism within the greater True Faith, the Baptism by Water is a mostly orthodox practice in the Owynist Rite with the addition of the use of ash in the ritual. This baptism is meant for the general conversion of the faithful.


(For an adult baptism)


Some preparations must be made for an adult convert to be baptized. The baptism will take place in a clean bodied lake/slow moving river and the rite of consecration (holy water) is to be performed on it. If there is no nearby body of water, a tank or barrel of water may be prepared. A bowl of ash should also be prepared at the shore.


Priest: “Dearly beloved, it was Ex. Horen who was first baptized by the angel Tesion in the Grotto of Gamesh. We continue this tradition in binding our faithful by vow to the LORD GOD’s family and the Covenants of Instruction, Purity and Sovereignty.


Priest: “Do you come as a seeker of God, faithful, penitent, and reverent, obeying the path of Virtue?”


Penitent: “I do”


Priest: “Do you put your faith in His truth, the Holy Scrolls, the Exalted?”


Penitent: “I do”


The priest now takes some ash from the bowl he has prepared and marks the Lorraine Cross on to the penitent’s forehead.


Priest: “Then as the Book of Horen says ‘I cleanse you and mark you as one of God’s servants.”


The priest will walk with the penitent into the body of water and will ease them with their consent into the water in total submergence very briefly before raising them back out of the water. The ash on their forehead should be mostly removed by this.


Priest: “I baptize you in the name of God. Be cleansed by the waters of Gamesh and be free from all sin and vice.”


(For a child baptism)

The priest should prepare a bowl of ash and a basin of holy water in the temple the baptism takes place in.

Priest: “Dearly beloved, it was Ex. Horen who was first baptized by the angel Tesion in the Grotto of Gamesh. We continue this tradition in binding our faithful by vow to the LORD GOD’s family and the Covenants of Instruction, Purity and Sovereignty. 


The priest will trace the Lorraine cross with ash upon the child’s forehead.


Priest: “Dear GOD, may this child be a seeker of God, faithful, penitent, and reverent, obeying the path of Virtue. May they put their faith in His truth, the Holy Scrolls and the Exalted.”

The priest, if they do not know the child’s name, may ask the parents for the child’s name now. After this is done, they may dip the child's head momentarily into the water allowing for the ash to be washed off as well before lifting the child out.


“(Name), I baptize you in the name of GOD. Be cleansed by the waters of Gamesh, and be free from all sin and vice, Amen.”


Dilectus - Baptism by Fire/Reaffirmation - The Path of Owyn

Baptism, for an Owynist, occurs twice in one’s lifetime. At birth, men and women are expected to receive the holy blessing of GOD and be made a part of the flock so that they may be anointed with the wisdom of GOD’s word and become one of HIS faithful. An Owynist, however, will undertake a second baptism, or the “reaffirmation” when they are of age, or when first adopting the tenets of Owynism, so that they might reaffirm their zeal to the world. Owynists do not think any less of those who do not undertake the reaffirmation as it is a personal endeavour rather than a dogmatic one.


The process of the reaffirmation takes the metaphor of a baptism by fire to a literal degree. It is expected that those who wish to partake in the ritual fast for seven saint’s days and partake in the “Path of Owyn”.


Upon the First Day, an aspirant shall undertake pilgrimage to all known public temples of the world and offer prayer within each and every single one, symbolizing Owyn’s escape from Edel to the Grotto of Gamesh.


Upon the Second Day, an aspirant shall stoke the flames of Owynist pyres for a period of several hours so that they might understand the discomfort Owyn felt when commanded to serve the man who betrayed his uncle.


Upon the Third Day, an aspirant shall recite the admonishments set forth in the Scroll of Spirit to a priest so that they might understand the wisdom transcribed by Owyn.


Upon the Fourth Day, an aspirant shall confess their sins wholeheartedly to an ordained cleric as an act of humbling, for an Owynist knows they are not perfect and will always, in some capacity, require reconciliation with the faith. This mimic’s Owyn’s realization that he had committed the sin of slaying his kin, and how he sought GOD’s forgiveness.


Upon the Fifth Day, an aspirant shall embark on a quest of penance prescribed by the aforementioned ordained cleric. Though the actual task of penance differs for all aspirants, it is expected that regardless of the expectations that the aspirant should meet them with fervor and diligence. This symbolizes Owyn’s crusade.


Upon the Sixth Day, an aspirant shall reconcile with the ordained cleric and confess once more to any sins that they may have committed in their quest of penance. When completed, the aspirant shall seek total and complete isolation until the time of the final ritual.


Upon the Seventh Day, an aspirant shall crawl hands and knees through the aisle of an Owynist temple, surrounded on either side by flame, until they kneel before an altar of GOD. There, they shall be baptized by a priest, and entrusted with the responsibilities and values of an Owynist. They will even be offered a chance to adopt a new Flexio name befitting the faithful. It is at this time the aspirant and their comrades celebrate, for they have suffered and emerged a new man.


Confessio - Confession

An important aspect of Owynism, the rite of confession allows for the truly repentant an opportunity to redeem themselves. Unlike other Rites, Owynism promotes public confessions when possible, although when a congregation is unavailable it is acceptable to confess before just the priest and the Lord GOD. Often the confessor will declare their sins before the fire altar in a temple or in the town square for an audience.



The penitent should sit with or before the priest depending on circumstance. A vessel of holy water should also be kept on hand.


Celebrant: “The Lord is merciful, and even as the Prophets have fallen short of Him, He will forgive the truly repentant. Have you failed and fallen short of Him?”


Penitent: “I have.”


Celebrant: “The Lord’s eye is cast over all sin but He is merciful, and He and I await to hear your confession of your sins.”


The penitent will confess all of the sins they wish to confess. The priest should distribute penance befitting and related to their sin, but for more complex sins that can not be remedied directly, general service to one’s community is acceptable in order to spread positive energy.


After penance quest is given…


The celebrant traces the cross with holy water on to the penitent’s brow.


Celebrant: “I cleanse you, and you are His servant again.”


Matrimonium - Marriage    

Weddings are a conservative affair in the Owynist Rite that puts emphasis on the symbolism of the union between man and woman. Public displays of affection are generally frowned upon and seen as lewd and obscene.


Before the wedding begins, King’s Ivy is burned as an incense to waft through the temple to instill a subtle euphoric feeling in the room. To begin the wedding, a bell is rang seven times for Heartlanders. In other cultures within Owynism, a gong may be used for say Oyashimans or the beating of a drum seven times for Qalasheen. The bridegroom must already be standing before the altar, and after the ringing of the bell/gong, the bride is to be escorted down the aisle by her father, brother, or whoever is chosen to release her to her husband to be.


Much like standard Canonist weddings, the bride and groom stand before the priest at an altar to GOD and face one another as the priest introduces them and begins the union. Rings, wedding bands, cloaks, shawls or whatever the bride and groom will be exchanging are held off to the side by the colloquial “ring bearer” or an assistant to the priest overseeing the wedding. The use of items in the exchange is to take into account possible poverty amongst unions who cannot afford a wedding band.



After the bell is rang seven times.


Priest: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God to join together man and woman in the holy union of Matrimony; instituted by God himself, commended in the Holy Scrolls to be honorable among all men; and therefore not by any to be taken in hand unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently; discreetly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for which Matrimony was ordained,”


The priest will now join the hands of the bride and bridegroom and their hands are bound with cloth loosely. The priest will also take some ash from the flame altar and trace the cross onto the foreheads of the bride and the bridegroom.


Priest: "Sic enim Horen et Juli’el, ita nobis quoque. Hanc unionem nos in omni loco oculi Domini solidatur, quia et nos ipsi propius adducere, ut ad sancta sanctorum collegiorum. 


As for Horen and Juli’el, so for us too. We solidify this union in the eyes of God, that we may bring ourselves closer to His holiest of unions"


Wedding bands, cloaks, shawls or whatever will be exchanged is prepared by either a “ring bearer” or the priest himself.


Priest: "[Bridesgroom], will you have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together according to God’s law in the holy union of Matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health? and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?"


Bridesgroom: "I do."


The priest will now direct the bridesgroom to adorn the bride with either the ring, shawl or cloak being exchanged.


Priest: "[Bride], will you have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together according to God’s law in the holy union of Matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health? and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"


Bride: "I do."


The priest will now direct the bride to adorn the bridesgroom with either the ring, shawl, or cloak being exchanged.


Priest: "Forasmuch as [Bridegroom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name] have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, having thereto pledged their troth to one another, I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of our almighty Lord and God. Amen."


The priest will undo the binding of their hands. The bell/gong is rang seven times once more, concluding the wedding.


Consacratio - Consecration 

The Rite of Consecration takes two forms, that of consecrating holy water and that of consecrating sacred places such as temples and officially making them holy places.


Rite of Consecration (Ablution) - Holy Water/oil
With the loss of the Grotto of Gamesh, this rite makes any vessel of water/oil into holy water/oil in place of the Grotto. This can be done over a bowl of water, a large basin or pool of water or even a lake or river.



The celebrant stands before a vessel of clean water. A silver horn or sacred symbol should be at hand.

Celebrant: “O Lord, You poured the sweet water into the rivers, and You blessed the waters of Gamesh that cleanse the faithful. You name the pure and the impure. We pray that You name these waters pure as well, that we may be renewed in Your Holiness.”


The celebrant makes the sign of the cross over the waters, dipping into them a silver horn or a sacred symbol.


Celebrant: “And lo! the waters of prophecy are purifying, and they spill forth to purify.”

Rite of Consecration - Sacred Places

Before beginning, one should plan accordingly. Four stakes and a mallet will be needed along with enough oil soaked rope to span around the sacred grounds in need of consecration. A flint and steel fire starter. A vessel of holy water such as a bowl should also be kept.


If the celebrant is married, it is preferred that his wife serve as aide. Otherwise, any member of the faithful is suitable. If no one can serve as aide, the celebrant may fulfill both roles.



The celebrant and the parishioners gather at the threshold of the sacred place. The aide should hold a mallet and four stakes of wood. A vessel of holy water should wait inside at the altar.


Celebrant: “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in sight of God to dedicate this place to Him, and to make it a tabernacle of Ex. Horen and St. Juli’el, such that we, their children, may find solace from the iniquitous.”


Celebrant: “As He says in the Book of Horen: ‘So Horen was inspired with the Word of God, and he returned to his people. He went into his camp and found that two thirds had fallen into iniquity, and they embattled Horen’s tabernacle but could not enter it.’”


Celebrant: “Pray for us, Ex. Horen.”


All: “Pray for us.”


The celebrant leads the gathered into the sacred place. If it consists of multiple rooms, they should enter the room which will be used for worship.


Celebrant: “So Horen resolved that his children should be protected lest they be led into sin, and all but the most virtuous ceased their ministrations. He took them south of the Isthmus of Kramoroe, between the ruins of high towers, Aemon and Daemon.”


The aide holds the stakes and the mallet aloft for the gathered to see.


Aide: “There Horen drove the stakes of his tabernacle into four corners, and they became the boundaries of the holiest city.”


The aide and the celebrant should work towards putting a total of four stakes roughly around the place to be consecrated with oil soaked rope tied around the border made by these stakes. The parishioners will follow after the celebrant. 


With each stake striked with the mallet, the celebrant will say “Pray for us, Exalted Horen/Owyn/Godfrey/GOD” after each time, the parishioners will reply with “Pray for Us”


The aide or the celebrant now starts the rope alight at the final stake and allow for a controlled fire to alight around the sacred place. Once the flame has burnt out and smoldered, then the embers of the remains may be doused with the sprinkling of holy water around the border of the stakes.


Celebrant: “As for Ex. Horen and St. Juli’el, so for us too. We consecrate this place to God, that we may share in the holiness of the tabernacle.”


+ Audoenianorum Doctrina +

Atlas of Owynist Doctrine

While Owynism has been practiced in many forms, the Owynism stemming from the Church of Gaekrin’s disciplines and brought over by the Lectors of Owyn promoted a strong traditional and conservative views of the Scrolls and being skeptical or flat out rejective to additions, false interpretations 


The Third Son of Spirit

Contrary to Mainstream Canonism, the Owynist believes that Saint Sigismund is not the Fourth Exalted and that GOD’s word has not been finished in its deliverance to us. Many Owynists believe in a Third Son of Spirit to come that was promised to Horen with many hypotheses depending on the Owynist asked ranging from an Owynssiah or Owyncarante to come to an unknown Third Son who will unite divided faithful and end their discord but one thing acknowledged for certain is the uncertainty in the Unknowable’s divine plan. And so the Owynist waits patiently for that revelation to come.


The fallibility of all men, the need for Penance

All descendant-kind has been tainted with the sin of the Deceiver and thus the Owynist finds no one is above sin or incapable of sin be they the common man to the Kings of the land. Each one of us must be held accountable for our actions either by repentance and proactive action or by GOD’s will one way or the other. Owynists are encouraged to confess their sins regularly to their local priest and seek penance that will better the Lord’s world. Penance can range from either making amends with someone should their sin have wronged someone, free service to their communities or punishment via self flagellation.


Refuting innovation of faith

The Owynist’s teachings are rooted in long tradition and abhor innovation or changes to the faith most often done out of secular gain. It is important for us to derive pure faith from GOD’s word. In the Scroll of Spirit, it was spoke to the Jorenites “And to ye Sons of Joren I admonish: There is no innovation in faith. For GOD is as he was and shall be, and the holiness of Horen is as the holiness of all men, forever.” One group of men cannot be made above the rest of Horen’s children.


On the use of pyres

The pyres within Owynist temples are visual symbols of the GODhead, GOD made manifest into the world and how He is depicted. He is the blinding light at the center of the void at the beginning of creation, He is the light in Owyn’s sword unsheathed in the Harrenite court. Often a fire altar is displayed safely below a Lorraine Cross where the upper bar is the Seven Skies, the second bar the world, everything below the void and the fire of the altar representing the GODhead at the beginning of creation. The GODhead is also called “GOD’s/The Divine Light” or the “White Flame”. Pyres are used in different ways of incorporation into a temple dedicated to the Creator.


On Proactive Methods

A common analogy used for the relationship of the priest and the parishioner is the shepherd and the flock. And what good is a shepherd who cannot defend his or her flock from the wolves? The Owynist believes in the proactive and militant approach to combating threats to the faith and flock by any means necessary and with as much destruction to the enemy as possible, counter to the pacifist approach of some slothful clergy.


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And before Owyn was enhanced, he did suffer. His homeland was destroyed, his body was insufficient, and GOD demanded a fast. Through this suffering, Owyn’s soul was purified, and became worthy of the mantle OWYNSSIAH.



An orthodox monk of the scrolls, humble servant of the OWYNSSIAH turns the gearstaff septence. Fitting it as a key into the great machine forge.



3 I am the Lord GOD without peer. One turn of the key


4 I put into your heart the power of creation, and I created the seed and chaff, and put heat into the fire that reddens iron. Another turn of the key


5 And as I have created means to ease your labors, so I have created new labors, and new fruits. A THIRD turn of the key


6 For I have blessed you with My miracle of creation, and you shall draw nearer to My throne by your labors. A fourth turn of the key


7 And you shall discover strength of heart as you work the forge and the plow. A fifth turn of the key


8 So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not be idle, nor forget your duties in favor of sloth. A sixth turn of the key


9 And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My works are the holy works, and My labor is the virtuous labor, and all the strength of the Virtue shall serve the righteous laborer. A seventh turn of the key, a whir heard, and ignition.



The great flaming engine of the machine rumbled to life. The monk, with incense lit, did he pray towards the sacred flame within the miracle of creation that eases labors so new labors may commence.




The forge is my temple, each one a sacred shrine. I name each piston blessed, and every gear divine.



Edited by SteppeNomad
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Father Temesch smiled down from the heavens to his son. What a based and redpilled son of his.

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Valindra had confined herself to her quarters for many a moon as of recent, shouldering the burden of several lifetimes of servitude. She sat in fear of the safety of her own room but more so of that which lurked beyond. However as the papers found their way into her hands, the corners of her lips twitched, as though seeking to muster a smile. “Still need to finish my trials… will have to wait until I am better.”

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