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Founding a Lineage

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To put it simply, I'm looking for people who want to RP as my character's kubs. I have already extended this offer to people playing clanless orcs within the existing orc playerbase, but I have interest in helping to guide people curious about orc RP through the avenue of being one of Prauta'Lur's kids. My requirements are as follows:


- Your character must be 16 or older - I don't really like roleplaying with actual child characters, and this is the youngest age that would make sense given Prauta leaves her young in the woods to survive on their own. If you made it that far, you're competent enough as a hunter and an orc to make it back to Krugmar.

- Be mature OOC. I have a real life and a real job that take most of my time. I mainly have weekend availability. Family RP cannot be the cornerstone of what you want to do with this character.


Prauta is an orc nearing 270 years of age. She is an accomplished shaman as well as an elder of the Lur clan. Additionally, she is a well known painter of the Horde. My ideal descendants would be interested in playing as Lurs, interested in learning about orc culture & history, and interested in having far reaching stories. I am starting to reach a point where I know I won't be able to be as active on LotC as I'd like to be in the future, and I would like to leave a more enduring legacy behind in the form of a lineage.


Please contact me via responses to this forum thread or direct messages.

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