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[Voidal Connection] Magelight Amendment

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hi, transfig has enhanced magelight and makes reference to normal magelight, which hasn't been around in a while

i would like to re-add regular magelight, please! you can drop this under imagination in the main voidal conection post if you'd like :)


Magelight [Combative]


Magelight has long been a staple of magicians, tricksters, wizards and sorcerers, it was only a matter of time until it made a return. The caster is capable of imbuing mana into their aura to brighten it, causing it to shine and illuminate ones surroundings to a limited, harmless extent. This also allows them to alter its colour for the duration of the spell, including having 'dancing lights' that shift colour.




  • [1] Emote to connect + [1] emote to cast.
  • Magelight requires at least one voidal magic at Tier 2 to use.
  • Magelight can be formed within 8m of the caster, and produces light equivalent to a torch.
  • Magelight cannot obscure vision, blind, disrupt, etc.
  • Magelight, once created, can have its colour changed with [1] emote.




  • Magelight is entirely harmless.
  • Magelight is temporary, ending when the caster disconnects or chooses to end the spell.
  • Magelight cannot shine bright enough to harm anyone.
  • Magelight is dispelled immediately if it comes into contact with either Thanhium or Null Arcana,
  • Magelight is not brighter at its creation point, meaning it cannot blind people or obfuscate their vision in any way.
  • Magelight cannot create UV / Blacklight. It's normal light.
  • Magelight cannot be made to appear like a normal flame, nor hidden.
  • Magelight can have literally zero combat usage except for providing light in dark places. It's a light spell.
  • Whilst Magelight is active / being focused on, the caster cannot cast any other spells.


co-writer credit to Toodles, we worked really really hard on this lore piece

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you're not a real g if you don't powergame this spell already existing

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30 minutes ago, sam33497 said:

you're not a real g if you don't powergame this spell already existing

so true

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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