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The Mayoral Results of Krisyuln

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The Mayoral Results of Krisyuln

Issued year: 172 SA 2



I am pleased and honored to announce the outcome of our most recent mayoral election. The people of the Queendom of Vikela have made their voices heard loud and clear.


Following a closely contested contest where two candidates received more than half of the votes, I am pleased to announce that  DYÒK ESTEL BLANC has emerged victorious, securing 52% of the votes to be The Mayor of Krisyuln, Capital of Vikela. I am happy to announce that MOG THE OLOG, who received 40% of the vote, will be our esteemed Vice-Mayor, working alongside  Dyòk Estell Blanc in this endeavour.


We express our heartfelt gratitude to Prince Orn de Viola for his participation in the electoral process, which resulted in 8% of the votes and two commendable ballots. Best of luck next time.


DYÒK ESTEL BLANC, MAYOR OF KRISYULN, and VICE-MAYOR MOG will serve the next ten-year term.


Long live the Queendom of Vikela



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