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[✗] [Amendment] Animii Crafting - Lifeblood Economy


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Mechanics -


All Animatii require Lifeblood to function. Lifeblood’s recipe is as follows, which produces enough to reliably craft a single humanoid Automaton;


- Powdered charcoal mixed with water

- Connection x3

- Life x3

- Growth x2

- Strength x1

- Balance x2

- Endurance x3

- Grace x2

- Order x3

Redlines -





Mechanics -


All Animatii require Lifeblood to function. Lifeblood’s recipe is as follows, which produces enough to reliably craft a single humanoid Automaton;



- Powdered charcoal mixed with water

- Connection x3

- Life x3

- Growth x2

- Strength x1

- Balance x2

- Endurance x3

- Grace x2

- Order x3



However, to create smaller prosthetics - eyes, feet, and hands, the recipe may be simplified and dulled down at little cost to the gear heart's productivity. If this recipe is used, it may result in the limb sometimes acting strangely (floaters in vision, 'muscle' spasms in hands, etc) but otherwise is unnoticeable. This creates 2 counts of lifeblood, enough to power 2 hands/feet/eyes, however, will spoil within 1 OOC day of making due to it containing the receiver's blood.



- Powdered charcoal mixed with water

- 2 Counts of the Reciever's Blood

- Connection x3

- Endurance x3

- Order x3

Redlines -


- Regular reciped Lifeblood has an infinite shelf life until blood (for obedience vessels or connecting to a living person) is added.

- Lifeblood does not require an ST signature, however, the limb/construct it is being used for may. 

- Simplified Lifeblood has a shelf life of 1 day after the product is made.

- Simplified Lifeblood does not require an ST signature, and the prosthetics it may be used for do not require a signature.

- Simplified Lifeblood can only be used on Small prosthetics (Eyes, hands, feet).

- Prosthetics using simplified lifeblood will occasionally 'bug out'; perhaps vision briefly going dark or in the wrong color, or a hand clasped around a cup accidentally crushing it or spilling it. 

- As long as a hand/foot is completely mundane (no upgrades), it may be playersigned. However, if upgrades (i.e. a finger that can double as a quill) is added, it requires an ST signature.

*Note: Rule on small prosthetics not requiring signature goes unchanged, see text below to see the reason for change of Small Prosthetic classification




I noticed that lifeblood has no way to 'scale down' for smaller crafts (meaning you're constantly making enough blood for an entire t5 Automaton). Thought it'd make sense to provide a way to scale it down at the cost of it only being available to smaller prosthetics, and add in a tidbit about malfunctions (because you're using Temu motor oil inside of your limb instead of Valvoline V1).


Alongside this, golem limbs do not require ST signage unless they have Runes added to them: in similar spirit, Hand & Feet prosthetics would no longer require ST signage unless any upgrades were to be added to it (as listed in the lore piece: i.e. finger quills, secret compartments, etc). Just makes prosthetic creation much more simple.

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