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Endless Nightmare [RP]

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It’s easy to take some things for granted. When you’ve lived your entire life with the ability to see, it’s not really something one pauses to think about. The ability to see how ugly and how beautiful the world was is something that I simply took to be a factor of life. Right up until I lost it.



Darkness, that is what had been consuming the young elf. With no ability to see her children or the rest of her family, coupled with the last thing she had seen? A sight that haunts her dreams, makes her wake up with a startle in the night as if being attacked. The memory of being attacked, of blood running down an uruk’s maw, crimson red falling and dripping onto the floor in front of her whilst her hand bled from severed fingers… She remembered trying not to gag before her head was gripped and her eyes were gouged out



‘Why’ was the question she asked every night before she slept and every morning when she woke. She wondered if she had done something wrong. The uruk had blamed her for her kind’s misdoings, and she wondered if it was deserved. Surely not, her whole life she had tried to do her best for people, tried to become the priestess of freedom before her own freedom was obstructed. ‘Why?’ Perhaps it had been punishment for not having done enough, or punishment for something she had done in the past? 


“Please… I can't do this anymore, I want to do so much more, I want to keep fighting, I want to keep watching my children grow… I need to watch the life going on around me…” she cried out in pain and anguish sitting alone within her room. 






Sleep finally overtook the woman. Granting her a moment of peace from her years of torment. During her peaceful slumber, she began to stir, before she awoke to a gentle breeze caressing her. As her golden orbs glanced around, instead of her bedroom, she beheld a meadow she now stood within, peaceful and quiet.


A voice from her side called. “My child… I heard your plea. Your voice amongst the wind, which has now brought you here. Which has brought you to me” Karuna spun around and tried to spot the source of the voice, yet saw nothing. No one.

“Who are you?...” The wood elf asks quietly, her gentle voice betraying how troubled she felt.


“Be not afraid, and follow my voice. If you answer my call… I shall set you free” The voice replied, echoing as it seemingly grew further and further away. Karuna began the chase, following after the unknown voice… until finally, she came to a stop. Before he stood a line of people. All wearing veils. One with their hand outstretched towards her.


“My child, allow me to return to you what you have lost.” The singular figure continued to speak, calm and collected. Without even the slightest moment’s hesitation, Karuna went forward and tried to take their hand. However, as her hand came within centimetres of the figure’s own, a gust of wind knocked the small woman backwards and into the grass-


Karuna woke with a gasp and a start, that same voice greeting her in the waking world.


 “Adorn your cloth, child.”

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