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[The Black Market] The Hebi Kari


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The Hebi Kari


Throughout the lands of Aevos strange markings were made within markets, sewers, and alleys. The depiction of the Eye of Shirohebi had been engraved in flame. These eyes were scattered through the largest of cities, as well as the smallest towns. Those who held greed for the wealth of the word did not discriminate against those who would seek to fill their coffers. Should the mind of an intelligent being come across these strange symbols, they’d discover a path to be followed. Paths that lead into dark corners of the realm, trails leading off towards abandoned structures in the woods, a path that guided those who sought the Hebi Kari - The Sell Swords of Shirohebi.





Trained for years on end in the far northern wastes of the world, the warriors of the Hebi Kari have been hand picked from the rankings of Shirohebi’s Defenders. Samurai and Shinobi of the realm who have proven that their arts of combat are able to surpass far more than what is asked of them - warriors who can carve the world at their will. 


It is not the sheer wrath, the bloodlust, or the power that is most feared of the Hebi Kari. It is the innate will that holds a grasp upon their soul. Once a task has been designed their bodies transform and twist to meet the needs set before them. And should death embrace them - the task will continue.




When the blades of the Hebi Kari are directed they will swing and carve until the task at hand is completed. Life after Life, Rebirth upon Rebirth. Unlike mortals of descendent-kind, the Hebi Kari are bound to the material realm, their souls hidden from the God’s and unclaimed by any. Some tales of these warriors detail beings who change their face at will, constructs who have been abused at the stage of their creation and shaped into contributors of the Eternal Hunt, or even shadows of ash lingering upon the sky. 


Power must be held, treasures must be collected, the hoard must grow. Death is not a foreign concept, Death brings power, wealth, and honor. Should you seek it, you will find it. Should you wish to wield it - there are those who can be your sword.





If you seek to hire the Hebi Kari or browse their wares - seek the castle in the north, or send a bird to any of the following:



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