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Emberhard Posts a sign

Just a reminder, the discussions between Barias and the people are due to resume this evening, I expect all that we present last night to turn back up again


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Emberhard Posts a sign

Just a reminder, the discussions between Barias and the people are due to resume this evening, I expect all that we present last night to turn back up again


((What time?))

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Emberhard Posts a sign

Just a reminder, the discussions between Barias and the people are due to resume this evening, I expect all that we present last night to turn back up again


((Can it be in 40 mins?))

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All Ravens interested in becoming a mage, follow this application and hand it into me. ((Just post it on this topic.))

What is your name?

How old are you?

What city do you currently live in?

Do you agree to follow the rules of the White Ravens?

Have you had any experience with magic? If so, what kinds?

What race are you? [Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf]

What are you efficient with? What are you inefficient with?

What are your weakness? Strengths?

Biography: [3 Paragraph minimum please]

Open response, answer with as much detail as possible.

You see a man attempting to kill a White Raven citizen, you walk upto the man and asks what he is doing, what do you do?

You see the lord of Aliquam Purus and a man, the man is in full armour with a gold sword, holding the sword to his neck. What do you do?

You see another mage using magic to harm another mage, and or citizen, what do you do?

You see an evil spirit, being used to do harm. What do you do?

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((What time?))

((Whenever we are all back on and available, or if at least one of you and Barias are on then we can resume I guess))

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You see the lord of Aliquam Purus and a man, the man is in full armour with a gold sword, holding the sword to his neck. What do you do?

(( What did I do to get a gold sword held at my neck D:

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All Ravens interested in becoming a mage, follow this application and hand it into me. ((Just post it on this topic.))

So, would you teach them to be a mage or do you need to be a mage ahead of time?

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*Looks at Seraph leave Aliquam Purus with two Dark Brotherhood members. "hmm suspicious...very suspicious...."

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((Wondering do you have proper experience with magic like taught by the mage guild or someone there e.g?))

Changing from Guard to Mage if I get accepted. ((Found this app abit unstandable, tried my best))

What is your name? Rae'iri Bloodcrest

How old are you? 25

What city do you currently live in? Aliquam Purus

Do you agree to follow the rules of the White Ravens? Yes I do.

Have you had any experience with magic? If so, what kinds? I experienced little magic when I was a little boy with my father, starting of learning magic but it did not go far. I was taught by Aodran of using the fire spell, producing it. Thats basically it.

What race are you? [Human, Orc, Elf, Dwarf] Half-human, Half-elf.

What are you efficient with? What are you inefficient with? I guess that I'm efficient with a sword and slightly with bow. Inefficient in farming, mining and cooking.

What are your weakness? Strengths? My weakness are that I can get angry time to time, mostly from my father, and sometimes quiet when I'm in deep thought. Strengths are that I listen to others, and in my blood I'm great with magic.

Biography: [3 Paragraph minimum please]

I am the child of Regaki and Serene Bloodcrest, I used to live in Aegis when I was very little but it turns to blazes which I was told. I grew up in Solace for a while with my parents to grow and learn. From farming to magic but as time goes. My parents spent less time with me. When I was alone, I was kidnapped by bandits and the rest is unclear, but been told that the bandits made me fight to the death with others. I was so young. I could not take it anymore of my parents just saying 'Hello' and doing business. So I ran off to do my dreams or try follow my father's footsteps by joining the White Ravens. I was introduced to nice people, taken in by Hannibal to Holm as I grow up properly. Hiebe tried to get me in Mage guild, no luck so far. And now I put my sword to use to the White Ravens.

Open response, answer with as much detail as possible.

You see a man attempting to kill a White Raven citizen, you walk upto the man and asks what he is doing, what do you do?

I'll wait for the man's response, and advise him to move away from the citizen or there will be trouble. I would not strike if he does not, I would warn him again but stepping in between them. If he wants me to move, I will not. If he strikes, I would. I would use one of my spells to defend myself or use my blade.

You see the lord of Aliquam Purus and a man, the man is in full armour with a gold sword, holding the sword to his neck. What do you do?

I would advise the man to step away from the lord, if he does not obey I would warn him that I would use magic on him so I would attempt to cast a spell that does not do damage the lord and the man, I would go and cast the spell only until someone notices and help me to solve this mess.

You see another mage using magic to harm another mage, and or citizen, what do you do?

I would see if there is a counter spell to different that man, then step in to fight this mage while trying to tell him/her to stop harmining others. Could result to magic versus magic battle, it could result of me failing.

You see an evil spirit, being used to do harm. What do you do?

Find knowledge on how to stop this, and ask for help to stop the spirit.


Someone invade my house and stole my book, has to be someone in our base or could be my father. Please invesigate this, do not feel safe- Rae'iri

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