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<☼> The Society Of Illuminus Obscura <☼>


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[[ For a more thorough comprehension in simpler words, we are a society dedicating to eradicating the religions of Asulon. To purge the lands of the gods and their influence and rule those under us. ]]

☼> The Society of Illuminus Obscura <☼

"The Obscuring of Light"


"The Pentagram of Illuminus Obscurum. Five pentacles represent the five pillars upon our society's founding. An eclipse, to obscure the light of the gods. And an eye in the center, maintaining order of the Illum and Obscurum, represents the Usurpant."

Histories and Religions

"Ponder this thought before you leave. For I will explain the very basis and meaning, of life.

The gods, who tirelessly watch over the peoples of the world. Relentlessly providing the people protection, sanctioning our very needs in the world. Tirelessly defending our subtle, yet weak races. We soil our cuffs, dirty our hands, and die for the gods who reward us with protection.

This is an Illusion. Falsehoods cover the true intentions of the gods. Why should we let our people die in hopes of a lost cause?

Now, bring a different train of thought into our minds. To obscure the "light" of the gods, to shun their lies and deceitful glares.

The gods, are nothing but cruel slave masters sitting in their thrones of celestial material. They laugh, they taunt, and let their servants, nay, slaves do their bidding. These 'slaves', referred as the Aenguls, Daemons, and any divine entities, do the bidding of the gods, carrying out their plans, and scripting their next scene. We, are but mere pets, folly to the slaves, and a burden gods themselves. The only reason we still exist, is the sheer enjoyment the gods receive from atop their thrones. The gods, treat us as mongrels do. They feed us, when we are hungry. They watch as we are a theatre, laughing at our hardships, troubles, and anguish with glee. Do the people of the world, sanction themselves as dramas and plays?

They care not about us. The meaning of life, is a large act, being played at a monumental theatre. Iblees, providing the drama and anguish, and Aeriel, supplementing the heroes and heroines. All a large plot from the creator. He laughs and cries. He chortles and becomes enraged. An everlasting serenade of gaffs.

No doubt, you must all remember the times, when the gods meddled not in the affairs of the people. Minor wars erupted, but none as catastrophic as the damage dealt by the gods. In their effort to please the gods, Aenguls and Daemons ready the stage, taking us away from our morales, and turning us into mindless followers of a faith. Whether it be Iblees or Aeriel, the sheer number of people inducted into the plays eventually die. Their deaths, all in vain, for life is a mere torch. It burns bright, and fades away slowly, destined to be discarded.

Your life, is not of your own. Your thoughts, are not of thyself. And your actions, certainly aren't acted by free will. Greater forces pull your strings, their ropes attached to a relentless puppetmaster, tugging the ropes erratically, never stopping to please their patron. For this is the cycle of how our lives run, and will continue running without end, until someone halts their passage.

The peoples of Aegis, blinded by their visions of fame and chivalry. A ruse to explain the meaning of their life, and the natural evolution of the world. The many lives it has cost us. The illusion of religion, justice, morale, and faith must be stopped. End the endless spiral of death, chaos, and confusion. Step out of the stage light, and into the embracing curtains of the show's stage.

Displease the gods. End their show. End the violence, with one last act of violence. Tear the strings that control us, and control the masters. Turn their creations against themselves. Control the controller. Usurp the tyrant. Create our own thrones upon where we may stand upon.

Become our own gods."

The Aims of the Illuminus Obscurum

Following the two teachings of Illum and Obscurum, they guide the society towards its goal, to uproot the traces of gods in the world. Old or new, they must be eradicated for the world to be at peace. Seeing the mindless hoards of people devoted to gods, the Usurpant, known to some as Eris Monitan, wishes to settle the score with the gods.

To bring down the gods, the Illum, represented by a star that courses through the people, teaches how the gods exist, relying on worship and support, they dwell within our very existences, because we believe them to. Due to the nature of people, corruption lies in the very souls of people. Because of this, the gods strayed from their path, corrupting themselves and bringing anguish and pain to the people. With this, the birth of the Aeguls and Daemons took place, seeing their existences form and take shape in the realm. The Wandering Wizard, Iblees, Aeriel, and the like, are creations of the gods. As the Illum believes, they are slaves of the gods, manipulating the world directly, keeping the gods safe, hiding behind a mask. Not unlike gladiators, they fight their kind to the death, slave fighting slaves. If they are slaves, we are considered playthings, or puppets rather. As puppets, we are not expected to do much, rather to please the audience. The viewers, being the gods, laugh and cry at our anguish, never ceasing. The puppetmasters, Aenguls and Daemons, pulling our strings relentlessly, just to please their master. Why have we never seen the face of the gods? If we have, they would be grinning.

To carry out the will of the Illum, the Obscurum, must be applied. Represented by the five points touching the circle, they are the five ordeals and teachings on where we stand upon. To usurp the thrones of the gods, we must become gods ourselves. But not in immortality or magicks, but from influence and power. We must become our own rulers, eradicating the face of the gods from the world. The five principles, being exegation, inquisition, discretion, obscuration, and the eradication, are the five pillars in which we must keep unto. The inquisition, charged with using the influence of the spoken word, to question the people's standings. They are the keepers of the moral boundaries of the Illum. Exegation, interpreting new laws for the Illum, represent the central thought process which the world must stand upon. Discretion, being the secrets and law that must be passed upon the society. Obscuration, to change the thoughts of the people, manipulating their minds and forcing themselves to pass judgment upon themselves. The last being Eradication, the removal of believers and opposition by force. With these, they keep the world and society in order.

Subsidiaries of the Society

"Engulfed in flames,

We fight fire with fire"

This tyranny, end it must. With puppetmasters, we fight them likewise. Consider yourselves disciples, unworthy of achieving greatness. But, as your rise, the more your eyes open. The more they shut, the more you let yourself fade into the gods' grasp.

Take a step, turn not back, for you shall never return if you have.

Open your eyes to a true light. You realize that the wherefore the actions of a god no one had known of before. Aegis was a peace-riddled land before they came into being. A realization of the people, they exist because they think it.

Iblees, the personification of mortal sins, exists because sins exist.

Aeriel, the idealization of goodwill and trust, exists because good resides in evil.

Two of the most commonly worshiped beings of Aegis. The gathering of these ideals, in logic, formed the pantheon of deities.

Now, we shall personify ourselves, and we shall become the gods gods of our own reality.

The Illuminus Obscurum follows two secular beliefs; Illum and Obscurum.

Illum, being the faith and knowledge we possess to change the will and minds of the people.

Obscurum, being the Judgement that must be passed in order to fulfill our destinies.


'The Unobstructed'

Newly bred peoples, devoted to our cause, they have completed the 'Rites of Illuminus', testing their blood for 'purities' of the divines. Seeing the falsities of religion and gods, they have begun their journey unobstructed, awaiting the day they see the obstruction complete and full. People new to our cause are placed here, awaiting assignment and assessment from their 'Faith'.


'The Unhindered-

Charged with the task of leading and guiding the Brahamin, the Nay-Sayers are preachers of the 'Illum', turning many against the gods' will. They are under a 'Faith', who guides their actions, each devoted to a singular cause. They also hold the power to question one's faith within the Society.


'The Relentless'

Learned in the ways of their Faith, they may conduct high-tier assignments, bringing with them a maximum of three accomplices. With the votes of three Leitmundi, one may also commission a land to be claimed by the Society.


'The Veil'

Leaders of an entire 'Faith', they are the keystone for the Obscurum. One Mufti may lead only one 'Faith', suited to their specialties. Charged with the military force and prowess, these people lead the Obscurum into conflicts, obscuring their light, showing the resoluteness of our cause, and the task of crushing those who oppose the Obscurum.

-The Inquisitors-

'The Resolute'

Tasked with the purging of those against the Illum, they may wage conflicts, inquisitions, and marches with a certain amount of support. Only three Inquisitors may stand living, the others dead, before another may take their place. They are second in command, charged with the power of leadership until the Usurper returns.

-The Usurpant of Gods-

'The Obstruct'

The pure and resolute leader of the Illum. Dedicated and worthy, the Usurpant is privy to all knowledge within the Illum and leads the Whitemarch. Protected by the Usurpant Guards, a near-untouchable foe for his enemies, and a powerful ally to some. He wishes to see the Illum as the chosen philosophy and teaching to the world.

♦○ The Usurpant Guard ○♦

Those who have shown true dedicatory ambitions towards the welfare and faith, may one day be honoured to serve as a guard to the Usurpant in sermons, marches, and preachings. Power and prestige are an absolute must, as they are tasked with controlling denizens of followers, and opposition. In two sects they serve different purposes for the Illum.

-Usurpant Guards-

Chosen from the finest veterans of the Illum army, a force strong and proud. Their calls gather in unison with their fellow guards and strike with deadly force upon the enemies. Relying on skill, rather than brute force, they are capable of leading attack forces with military prowess. They are chosen by the Usurpant himself. They are often trained to guard nobles who support our cause as an act of fealty and trust.


Not much should be said about them. Secrets and shadows they keep to, and in them they shall stay. Elite and discreet they shall stay, and silent they must remain.

Faiths of the Illum

Of the many sects founded by the Mufti, five stand as the core and centerpiece of the Illum. Theses five are the very pillars of the Illum, sanctioning an equality between Warfare, Peacemaking, and Inquisition. Upon the five's shoulder, houses the entire force and standpoint of the Illum. These form the pentagram of Illuminus Obscurum.

-The College of Cardinals-

"The Exegators"

A council comprised of veterans, trusted members, partners, and high-ranking officials. These people ensure law, order, and faith are equally distributed amongst the Illum. Overseen by the Usurp and Nighthawks, they ensure the equal rights distributed amongst the people. Wars and Alliances may be declared, and under extreme cases, execution of a being who shunned the tidings of the Illum, and decides to bask in the tyranny of the gods.

-The Road to Inquisition-

"The Inquisitors"

These men are charged with the task of uprooting heretics and the public execution of those who oppose our cause. They are trained to feel no emotion whilst doing so, ruthlessly killing the being who praises the gods of the worlds. Wielding the rights to forcefully interrogate those in their very homes, no mercy shall be shown to those against the faith. Interrogation of Nobles will require approval from an Inquisitor or a person of Higher stature.

-The March of White-

"The Whitemarch"

Trusted soldiers and officers, trained to purge a land after an inquisition. Commanders of their own sect, they march into battle, ridding the land of those of a religion. Children, Women, and Men shall have no immunity, for all shall be purged in the lands. One soul, could provide the people hope, and it is the lies that hope brings that blinds the eye in the light of the gods.

-The Path of Obscuration-

"The Obscured"

True to their word, conductor of rites. They determine what is, and isn't, against our Faith. Interpreters of the gods' miscreants, the Obscurers drive the Illum forward, gaining followers, fealty, and dominance over religion. Preachers, Criers, and Converters to the Illum belong here, possessing great intellect, charisma, and most importantly, the skill of manipulation.

-Usurpant's Alley-

"The Discreet"

Comprised of warriors, fighters, and those devoted to our cause, they carry out the word of the Illuminus. Working the maintain the iron grasp of the Illum, sanctioning the safety, welfare, and overall conduct of the followers. Used as a military force as well, they are considered an elite force, composed of mainly Usurpant's Guard and honorary members.

The College of Cardinals


Directors of the College, two uphold the laws and integrity of the Illum. By shaping the Illum to what it must be, they determine all the happenings and doings of all the five sects.


Tasked with Chronicling, recording, and maintaining the meeting discussions, they must be attentive. They may also contribute through their respective standing Vicarus.

The Road to Inquisition

High Inquisitor

Leaders of Inquisitorial Sect, leading the inquisition of the people's beliefs. The High Inquisitor is tasked with the welfare, responsibility, and success of an inquisition. Possessing intimacy and wordplay, they must be able to coax the secrets and separate the lies from the truth. Ruthless, yet subtle, they are the interpreters of belief. They are also members of the College, providing providence and law.


Followers of the Road to Inquisition. Two Precepts rule their actions, to follow their faith, and to follow their leaders. Ruthless as they may be, they hold no weapons other than their unquestionable faith in their words.

The March of White

The Grand Marcher

Leading the Whitemarch behind them, the marcher is the ideal personification of Order and Righteousness. They are sent to purge the lands of scum blinded with gods and ideals against our own. With unquestionable judgment, the sword acts instead of their words.

The Right Arm

The fist of the Grand Marcher, they carry out the will of those above them. To be used as commanders in war, they, along with the Marcher, purge the lands of miscreants against the cause.

The Left Arm

The attacking force of the Whitemarch, tasked with abduction and killing of opposition.

The Path of Obscuration


Obscurers of the false light of hope and leaders of the Path of Obscuration. Falling under the jurisdiction of the Usurpant and the Inquisitors, they interpret and decide the fate of the Illum. There are no understudies, for beliefs and wisdom should be left unhindered by other forces. They preach as holy preachers do, letting the public familiarize with such foreign antics to spread the veil over the people's eyes, letting the world know of the lies of the gods.

Usurpant's Alley

The Usurpant

The Master of the Illum, representing the top pentacle of the Illuminus Pentagram. Overseeing all of the Illum and leading them to their goal, the Usurpant's word is equivalent to those of a god's.

The Obscuring Hands

Servants of the Usurpant, they serve both the Illum, faith, and the Obscurum, judgement. They swear fealty to the Usurpant, and the Usurpant alone. They are equivalent to the god's puppeteers, shaping their own destinies, along with opposition.

The Pact of Binding

Take upon the Pact, swearing fealty to our cause. To relinquish the grasp the gods hold upon you and fight the mindless suffering it plagues us with. By signing this, you waive your rights and allow us to embrace you as family.

I X____________, swear to place my past faith in deities behind me.

I will swear fealty to the Usurpant and obey my superiors, even if it displeases the gods.

I swear to never commit treasonous acts towards the Illum and Obscurum, letting both the knowledge and punishment define the world.

I swear to not defile, maim, or harm any properties of the Usurpant, including conquered regions, people, or members of the Illum and Obscurum, unless express permission is granted by a Mufti, or any subsidiary permission from them.

I swear to keep secrets I am given, whether it is for your welfare or demise.

I swear to never betray the secrets I am given, even if it means for my demise, or demise of those around you.

I swear to carry out the will of the Usurpant, and of those of higher rank.

I swear to raze, pillage, harm, or kill anything, at any place when the Usurpant gives the command.

I swear to uphold the pride of the Illum, and preserve the fist of Obscurum.

I swear to always keep to this contract and any violations will result in punishment of my person, whether death, pain, or exile occurs.

---Out of Character---

Remember, a villain application for evils 1, 2a, are required. Number 4 and others may be needed as you progress. It should also be preferably related to anti-heroism as well. Simply completing this form, does not make you a member of the society. Signing this is agreeing to all the terms above, covering In Character, and Out-Of-Character aspects, as well as any outliers. Filling out the form is equivalent to signing your name on the scroll above, asking for examination of your bloodline, heritage, and traits that separate you from the rest of the world. We will accept forms, but may not accept you in game if you fail the required inquisition.

It is also a great help if you could support our town charter here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/36551-the-city-of-enlightenment-%e2%80%94-pasloe/#entry247674

Thank you.


Minecraft Name -

Role-Playing Name -

Race -

In-Game Age -

Real Age -

Villain Application Link -

Time on the Server -

Contributions You Bring to the Society -

Did you support out City Charter? -


Why does your character share our views -

What do you wish to Accomplish -

Which of the five pentacles appeals most to you? -

Character Viewpoint Essay: A city filled with pagans, plagued by heretics, are being persecuted by another religion. A city of thugs, mercenaries, bandits, and lowlives stand in your path. What is your course of action?

Character Viewpoint Essay: A heretic claims that the gods have blessed him with power. What are your views?

---End of Out of Character---

Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towards the Society. This must be In Character. When I have received it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM or Post.

---In Character---

[[ Writer Your Letter Here ]]

---End of In Character---

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[[ Good. Don't let this place overflow with random chatter. ]]

[[ Keep this for minimal OOC talk. ]]

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Well I suppose I shall be the first to formally apply.


Minecraft Name - Jakbenimble

Role-Playing Name - Murmundamus ( Tully )

Race - Dark Elf

In-Game Age - 608

Real Age - 16

Villain Application Link -Here you go.

Role-Play Experience - Roughly four years , from WoW RP servers, to RIFT, now here.

Time on the Server - I've been here since the first of August.

Play Times / Time Zone - GMT

Contributions You Bring to the Society - The strength of my arm, the keenness of my mind, my knowledge and my undying allegiance.

Did you support out City Charter? - Yup-yup.


Previous to this, did you follow a religion - Tully grew up following the mainstream religion, worship of the Aenguls.

-If so, what made you turn - Mumundamus, a cynical, doubt-filled spirit who has long since abandoned any faith in all but himself.

-Which deity did you follow - The Aenguls, Aeriel and the one who is only referred to as 'God'.

Why does your character share our views - He believes that in a society where there is no worship of deities or divine powers, there will be less moral constraints and zealots. He regards others who hasve cast religion aside as the enlightened and would believe it a privilege to live amongst them, not the blind fools who worship things they cannot see.

What do you wish to Accomplish - Power, wealth and ultimately knowledge, which Murmundamus believes to be the root of the other two and ultimate power.

Which faith appeals most to your character - Of all the faiths that exist, Murmundamus looks with the least disdain upon Iblees Worship.

He can sympathise with the poor fools who worship a being that has actually shown it's strength in the past. This, however does not mean that he considers them as anything more than the ignorant dogs they have proven themselves to be.

---End of Out of Character---

Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towards the Society. This must be In Character. When I have received it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM or Post.

---In Character---

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to pledge allegiance to your cause, which I find most worthy. I am sure that you will appreciate my talents as a man of 'questionable ethics'. My name is Murmundamus, however I will forgive you however you wish to pronounce it, as it is an old name, intended for use in a language long lost. I am certain that you will value my knowledge, as I believe my mind is a veritable treasure trove of intellectual wealth, but it may be just my ego speaking. Regardless, I was never one for writing long letters, so I shall keep this brief. I am sure you have some sort of pact or oath for me to say, so I await your response eagerly. Accept me as one of your own and you will not regret it.

---End of In Character---

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Minecraft Name -


Role-Playing Name -


Race -


In-Game Age -


Real Age -


Villain Application Link -

As a VAT, you don't need to apply as a Villain, your auto accepted for all villainous acts. ~Cataris

I got this when I posted my app =)

Role-Play Experience -

Lotc was my first encounter with Rp. I joined the server in mid-September, and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. Having no prior knowledge to Rp, other then LOTC, it leaves me in a questionable light, and such I hope you’ll judge my Rp In-game.

Time on the Server - I joined September 11, so around 3 ½ months.

Play Times / Time Zone -

I can’t give promises, but I’d like to say 1-2 hours a day, and a bit more on the weekends. I’ve got School, and Water Pollo.

Contributions Your Bring to the Society -

Notte was a vivid follower of Ariel bringing her countless offerings every day. These offerings have cut into his savings to the point where he can longer offfer. With this being said he has a strong fire for the hate of the gods. The events that shaped Notte’s views on what he is today, are unexpected, but sadly true.

Did you support our city charter?

Yep =)


Previous to this, did you follow a religion -

Notte was a vivid follower of Ariel until he saw the dawning truth.

-If so, what made you turn -

-Which deity did you follow -

-Why does your character share our views -

(These 3 questions will be answered here, and sorry for the long bio-ish reason, I kind got carried away with this new character =D)

Notte was born into a wealthy family, due to their control of the lumber trade in most of Oren. His mother died giving birth to him, but he never felt sad about it, due to his father saying, “Ariel has brought her forth, in her curtain of blinding light. She’s in a better place, watching over you, leading you to greatness”. Notte was brought up to believing this, along with taking Ariel as his one true faith. His father, being wealthy, brought Notte to church often usually giving a more than generous donation to the goddess. Notte confused about these donations often asked his father, “Why do you give so much to the church when we could be buying some more cake from Dawns Bakery?” His father would scold him saying “We are lucky Ariel blesses us with these wonderful gifts, she repays everything we give to her ten-fold”. Notte would look all around his house, for the “repay” only to find dust, and confusion. This confusion hung with Notte but, he otfen kicked it aside because he saw his father was a wealthy and successful man, so whatever he was doing was well...correct. Notte kept this mindset, but always had a bit of resentment to it. He would often bring home a load of logs in his stack, which soon became a gift to Ariel. Yet life was good, he had money, a loving father so this questioning wasn’t needed. About the time Notte was 19 his father fell ill to simple cold. His father would say, “*Cough* Son, you are strong, go bring your father some wood for the fire to keep him warm.” Notte would say, “No father, If I’m not here who will take care of you?” His father always answering, “I’ve devoted my life to Ariel, she is my goddesses and she will protect me from death. She’ll make sure I live to see the day my boy takes ownership of my lumber trade.” Notte would sigh, and go out to collect the wood for his father. This played on for a couple of weeks, and his father was getting better. He was no longer coughing, but he wasn’t fully healed. Notte seeing this, begin to understand Ariels way of repaying. Ariel gave people life, gave people strength, and emotion. She didn’t pay you in money, logs, or wealth. She gave people happiness, well-being, and for Notte a smile. That night Notte left a small offering of his own, for Ariel. It wasn’t much, but nothing could repay Ariel for keeping his father Alive. Notte woke the next day to the sound, of footsteps and noise around his house. He grabbed his axe, and crept towards, the noise which now seemed like chanting. What he saw, dropped him to his knees. His father was in his dead, surrounded by a group of 4 monks, chanting some prayer. Notte rushed to his fathers side, ignoring the monks who seemed a bit irritated that this boy had interupted their prayer. He looked at his father with tears in his eye’s......”Ariel’s goinging to save you.....right father?” *Notte shook his father* Father “Ariel will save just wake up dammit.” It dawned on him, Ariel hadn’t saved his father Ariel hadn’t done a thing. Ariel was practically dancing in a manor of gold with all the offerings Notte’s father had given, and yet his father laid dead in front of him. Notte ripped of his father’s church amulet and threw it in the fire. He yelled “Dammit Ariel, where the f*** are you know! You’re supposed to protect him, have him teach to run the business! How the hell is he going to do that if he’s dead!” *The monks smack Notte, for dishonoring Ariel with his words* Notte turns in a feat of rage and stares the monk down. He smiles, “Ariel stole from me, tricked me, and killed my father...Let’s hope she gives a **** about you....” *Notte grabs his axe, and swings at the monks head cleaning it right off*. Notte watched as the monk led to death. He watched as the other monks prayed for their fallen comrade. He laughed, “This monk has devoted his life to Ariel. He’s given up on love, wealth, and freedom, just to serve that *****. Yet she doesn't save him....” Notte left his fathers manor with axe in hand. Behind him he heard only the screams of 3 monks as the once well known manor burned around them. In the manor lay, all the family riches along with his father. His father would have disowned him for this, but what did he care his father was dead. “My father will watch me from the stars”. HA! *Notte laughs*

What do you wish to Accomplish -

Notte wants revenge, for his father. He wants to rid the world of people who worship gods, that give false promises.

Which faith appeals most to your character -

(I’m not 100% sure if by faith you mean Illum and Obscurum, or ibless, and Ariel....I’ll just answer both)

Of all the gods Notte has the least resentment against Ibless, because unlike other gods he shows his power, by destroying cities, and what not. Yet, with this he kills many of his followers as well, and such Notte still has little to no respect for him.

Notte is a more vivid follower of obscurum because, he finds that by passing judgment and letting people scream for their gods, only to be ignored is the best way to purge the world of these “Fools”.

---End of Out of Character---

---In Character---

Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towards the Society. This must be In Character. When I have received it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM or Post.

Dear The Usurpant of Gods,

I send this letter in regards to serve in your ranks, as a purger of the monsters people call gods. Although I can’t provide for group in areas of wealth I assure you I share your fire for these goals. I have matters to settle with the gods, and I hope to reach them through the help of your society. My matters agree with your goals, and such I wish to serve under your knowledgeable hands, in which I will flourish. I intend to make the gods bleed for all they’ve stolen form me, and I’ll gladly cut them down time, and time again for anyone who asks. I have no resent for you cause, I only wish for it to take this “Stage” by storm. The gods have held the strings for to long, and I intend to cut them while holding, your hand as more than a brother in cause. You’ll find I’m a man of action rather then one of thought. With your guidance I’ll bring the gods to your knees where they will kiss them, as they witness judgment passed by a mortal. I give you my heart, mind, and soul to command, I just ask you to accept them.


(Just in case the font above is to hard to read)

Dear The Usurpant of Gods,

I send this letter in regards to serve in your ranks, as a purger of the monsters people call gods. Although I can’t provide for group in areas of wealth I assure you I share your fire for these goals. I have matters to settle with the gods, and I hope to reach them through the help of your society. My matters agree with your goals, and such I wish to serve under your knowledgeable hands, in which I will flourish. I intend to make the gods bleed for all they’ve stolen form me, and I’ll gladly cut them down time, and time again for anyone who asks. I have no resent for you cause, I only wish for it to take this “Stage” by storm. The gods have held the strings for to long, and I intend to cut them while holding, your hand as more than a brother in cause. You’ll find I’m a man of action rather then one of thought. With your guidance I’ll bring the gods to your knees where they will kiss them, as they witness judgment passed by a mortal. I give you my heart, mind, and soul to command, I just ask you to accept them.


---End of In Character---

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---In Character---

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to pledge allegiance to your cause, which I find most worthy. I am sure that you will appreciate my talents as a man of 'questionable ethics'. My name is Murmundamus, however I will forgive you however you wish to pronounce it, as it is an old name, intended for use in a language long lost. I am certain that you will value my knowledge, as I believe my mind is a veritable treasure trove of intellectual wealth, but it may be just my ego speaking. Regardless, I was never one for writing long letters, so I shall keep this brief. I am sure you have some sort of pact or oath for me to say, so I await your response eagerly. Accept me as one of your own and you will not regret it.

---End of In Character---

Intriguing... perhaps we may meet some time. I will judge your faith and worthiness and let you prove how much of a valuable asset you may be to our cause.


---End of Out of Character---

---In Character---

Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towards the Society. This must be In Character. When I have received it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM or Post.

Dear The Usurpant of Gods,

I send this letter in regards to serve in your ranks, as a purger of the monsters people call gods. Although I can’t provide for group in areas of wealth I assure you I share your fire for these goals. I have matters to settle with the gods, and I hope to reach them through the help of your society. My matters agree with your goals, and such I wish to serve under your knowledgeable hands, in which I will flourish. I intend to make the gods bleed for all they’ve stolen form me, and I’ll gladly cut them down time, and time again for anyone who asks. I have no resent for you cause, I only wish for it to take this “Stage” by storm. The gods have held the strings for to long, and I intend to cut them while holding, your hand as more than a brother in cause. You’ll find I’m a man of action rather then one of thought. With your guidance I’ll bring the gods to your knees where they will kiss them, as they witness judgment passed by a mortal. I give you my heart, mind, and soul to command, I just ask you to accept them.


(Just in case the font above is to hard to read)

Dear The Usurpant of Gods,

I send this letter in regards to serve in your ranks, as a purger of the monsters people call gods. Although I can’t provide for group in areas of wealth I assure you I share your fire for these goals. I have matters to settle with the gods, and I hope to reach them through the help of your society. My matters agree with your goals, and such I wish to serve under your knowledgeable hands, in which I will flourish. I intend to make the gods bleed for all they’ve stolen form me, and I’ll gladly cut them down time, and time again for anyone who asks. I have no resent for you cause, I only wish for it to take this “Stage” by storm. The gods have held the strings for to long, and I intend to cut them while holding, your hand as more than a brother in cause. You’ll find I’m a man of action rather then one of thought. With your guidance I’ll bring the gods to your knees where they will kiss them, as they witness judgment passed by a mortal. I give you my heart, mind, and soul to command, I just ask you to accept them.


---End of In Character---

Alas, another has pledged their services to our cause. I hope you to be an invaluable asset towards the welfare of our Society. I shall contact you in due time...

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[ Revamped the guild application once more. It is shorter in some aspects, but have more Character Viewpoint essays. ]

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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