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~The Ceru'ker Dominion~


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"Our great father Malin, in an age long past reached up into the night sky, and put that very fabric of darkness into the root of a tree, and from there, added the blood of his own palm. That is how we were created." -Aeyrius Oussana


Since day one, the Mali'ker were to protect mortals, brought from the night skies above to send back the greater evils, it was our duty to uphold that. Even though the threat of years past has faded, another of the future nears. Do all of us even have the right to bare the name of Mali'ker? Some of us have descended to those we were to protect, some even weaker than that. That is no more. The Ceru'ker Dominion settles in the ruins of our land, granted by those closest to Malin among the Mali'ker, the ones who have not strayed onto the path of weakness. 


That duty is one that all should know, and it is feared that time has caused it to fade. Mali'ker are warriors, created to rid the previous world of Iblees' creations, and if it was managed than, by our name will it be done this time around as well, they will be erased. The coming tide is one we must reform for.


Our purpose is to reform the Mali'ker, and stand united indefinitely. With the seeds of any trace of mortality, can only be made up in quantity. As long as the immortal exist, a single mortal will be struck down, whether they are weak and innocent, or strengthened and experienced.


The Mali'ker will stand together once more, the strong will adapt, and the weak will fade. 






Days past, two Mali'ker met to discuss a broader view of the Mali'ker, those two individuals were and are currently known as Aeyrius Oussana and Kaldo Raven'kor


All Mali'ker know in some place of what our race has become, and if not, what Mali have become, unable to protect themselves, weak and brittle. Anyone who could coordinate themselves could walk through that gate with five knights and threaten thousands of lives, the truth in that is awe-striking. 


So, an idea arose, knowing why Mali'ker exist, at least they should be saved from the clutching hands of weakness. The Faeries could save their own kinds, but the Mali'ker will be the first to adapt to this savage new age.


It was a swift and simple decision, and it was put into work, in context it seemed so simple, but in reality...


There were conditions that needed to be met, and Aeyrius intended to do just that, he needed:


-The permission of a representative of or the High Council itself.

-A place to house these passionate Mali'ker.

-The Mali'ker to see the need for this.

-An abundance of fliers.


And more.~


Later in the week, Aeyrius managed to cross off the first issue, High Council member Prince Lafthi Sylvari permitted the establishment of the Mali'ker Group, dubbed as the Ceru'ker Dominion.


The current conclusion as to where the Mali'ker will be living is in a separate wing of the Barracks, though discussions are still ongoing with this matter, as the military has yet to form as well.


Fliers had already been laid out and graphically worked by both Aeyrius and Kaldo, and they both took it into their own hands to spread them throughout Malinor, a lengthy task.


Now that leaves it where it is, in a stagnant limbo, all that needs to happen now for those of the future to embrace the present, and join the Ceru'ker Dominion.






     House Applications                   Citizen Applications

Houses have a say in the Mali'ker council,                 Is your family weak? If that is the case,

specifically the head of the house. To form                you can individually apply, you'll still

a house, the member must have at least 3                 hold your family name, but only be one

individual relatives. The say in which the                   person, to form a better name for your

house has increases with the size of the                    family by joining the Ceru'ker Dominion.

family, and or special conditions are

applied. It is the household leader's

duty to keep in contact and remain active,

and maintaining their families activity within

the activities.





((Can't read it? Want to Copy/Paste, here's the rough versions of both:

Ceru'ker Dominion House Application
Is your house that of the Mali'ker?
Who is the leader of your house?
How many members do you have?
What are the 'average' members' profession?
Have you lived in Haelun'or?
Have you lived in Darkhaven?
Place of current residence?
Do you understand you're subject to the Dominions' order?
Ceru'ker Dominion individual Application
What is your name?
Where were you born?
What is your age?
What is your profession?
Living relatives?
Size of family?







(Ceru'ker Emblem)

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Vierna sighs as she sends the Kameki's off. She mumbles, going back to her room to sleep.


Is your house that of the Mali'ker?



Who is the leader of your house?

Arzota Kameki!                    Family


How many members do you have?

Currently three living members




What are the 'average' members' profession?

Well we have a druid... A mage... And an Alchemist..

Have you lived in Haelun'or?

I tried, didn't work out~

Have you lived in Darkhaven?

Yup! We still have our tents there.

Place of current residence?

Kameki wander~

Do you understand you're subject to the Dominions' order?


~Vierna Kameki

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