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Everything posted by farmerclown

  1. Dreams of the Forsaken Pacing the halls of a city she called home which only felt like a hollowed shell of what comfort was meant to be, a chilly wind blew into the cavern that the ‘ker resided in. The cave was empty and quiet as all things were within such a time of night, normally filled with echoes of laughter and amusement that had dwindled down as people finally had finally laid their heads to rest for the evening. The Warhawke had normally spent such evenings with a powder dusted nose to put herself to sleep to avoid such an empty silence. Yet, tonight was different, turning on the very things she would have once called allies, what a strange turn her life had taken. Was this truly what she had desired? To follow a path of redemption certainly, but who would she have to kill next to feel truly redeemed in her eyes? What would she have to do to prove herself further? Was it worth it? Surely she was not worthy of being redeemed even if she had done all she could. Those were such thoughts that plagued the mind of the dark elf as she wandered through the bitterly cold upper halls of Nor’asath. Marzoss had hardly gotten any sleep for the past several days, if one could even call staring blankly at a stoney ceiling for hours ‘sleep’.She knew that she had to allow herself to slip into such a torture bound state eventually. And so she did, to wander into her home on the edges of the pit, not even bothering to take off her boots as she tucked away for the night and allowed her exhaustion riddled features to sink into the mattress… Floating through an endless darkness as if trapped in a comforting embrace that surrounded hery in the abyss she had found herself within. She reached out towards nothing as she felt a pull within her mind and a familiar voice was heard within the recesses of her mind echoing from around her at all sides. “Oh Forsaken One, how it’s been so long…” Before she could retract her arm, the arm was snatched as her vision whirled and twisted as if being pulled through a tunnel at an endlessly fast speed until she was found herself suddenly forced into a sitting position at one end of a dining table and a cup of tea was forced into her hand as she sat within an overly ornate chair. Her field of view finally came into focus on the area across the table where a towering masked figure sat and the empty abyss that surrounded the table eventually had hundreds and thousands of eyes unveiled to watch, move, blink. The elfess was unable to speak however or even move as she tried to cry out, yet no noise was made from her maw. The empty slits of the masked figure began to turn into a grin as a maniacal laugh resonated throughout the emptiness. “Did you really think I would leave you forever? You forget I made you, I made you strong, you were weak before you met me.” The figure spoke in a tone as if it was a parent scolding a child before it grew more and more venomous as it continued. The abyss then seemed to fill where the floor would have been with a pit of serpents that began to writhe and twist as they began to inch towards the ceiling at a painfully slow pace. “You abandon what made you successful, you betray what we both know you are at heart. The mask you wear will begin to crack and inevitably shatter. You have a legacy to uphold.” When the masked figure lifted her mask, it was a reflection of the ‘ker, yet her features were refreshed as if fatigue and stress had never even glimpsed towards her expression and she lacked the red face paint that normally donned Marzoss’s visage. The snakes slowly began to fill the vicinity faster and faster and the identical figure sipped at her tea only briefly. “You know what you must do.” The voice of Ithuriel echoed throughout the abyss as if a thousand voices spoke at once. Marzoss’s features became stricken with fear as she was now simply paralyzed with only her own mind. The pit of snakes stopped growing upwards upon reaching her bicep, yet a cobra slipped out from the depths, bowing up towards her before striking out towards her throat in which Marzoss was finally able to unleash a scream. The ‘ker awoke in a sweat as she let out a scream that most likely echoed throughout the upper levels of the cavern. Her eyes remained wide as she caught her breath and clutched onto the pillows that surrounded the woman. Tears welled in her eyes before the burst at the seams from overfilling in her turquoise gaze. “It was just a dream… It was just a dream... It was just a dream….” She repeated quietly to herself from the confines of her home until she began to hear the cavern stir to life once more, though in her heart she believed otherwise, perhaps it truly was not a dream. ooc note :
  2. A young de Savoie boy's brows furrowed upon being told the news of his Grandmother's passing, while he did not yet understand, he knew deep down with this passing that the heart of Savoy's foundations had finally crumbled. His mother's death, and now his grandmother's with so few left around that remained. He looked towards Athénaïs and Adrian after being told, only briefly, before returning to playing with his toy soldiers alongside a Basrid youth within their residence throughout the loss that was surely to be lamented by most. @Tiresiam @Dasdi @Trinn
  3. A WISTFUL DEPARTURE 12th of Godfrey's Triumph, 1858 A moment of ponderance crossed over the foreign woman’s features as she gazed out the window of her Daelish home towards a sea which could not be seen beyond that of the static that obscured her view. It is there she remembered the times of before, times of her youth before the struggles of humanity pulled her undertow and began to wash her in the midst. It is there that she remembered what she did this all for… The running through the square with a youthful grin of ignorance crossed her countenance with the air tinged by the smell of burning corpses from Father Paul’s most recent purging of sin alongside a little Mareno boy who had long since forgotten her. The baptism of herself and eldest sister alongside Guiseppe Ashford de Bar within the Bastille as she was surrounded by those that had nurtured her into a woman of GOD. The moment when Olivier Laurene taught the young Basrid how to use the blade in secret from her oh so constantly worried father. Then, being whisked away from it all to Akritos to ensure she was raised away from such political turmoil by the nuns who taught her the scrolls… Then came the return, a still ever ignorant Vasileia who had hope that there was none corrupt so long as the scrolls were followed and the virtues were kept in line. Olivier Renault, who still cared for the people despite how the church made him out to be in his final years, had her summoned when he needed someone of scholarly expertise to manage his finances. A scholar and a poet at heart she was… Yet, she followed in her father’s footsteps without meaning to even do so, as a humble servitor within the walls of San Luciano. To do what was asked of her be it diplomacy, finances, hosting galas and balls, keeping the city she held dear to her heart at peace. The more she did for the government, the further she strayed from where her heart truly remained within her scholarly duties. It was the friends whom she made that kept her motivated for the future and ensured the sanctity of Savoy’s legacy. Nikita, who became a most loyal confidant with matters of courtly gossip. Catherine Johanna, a most kind soul of kindred thoughts and morals who remained a guide for each of her actions. Abbe Aubergine, who tended to continue to nurture her guidance on the faith. Valentino Gradic, a man who acted as a father to her until he became a father to her. Severinus, the one who taught her that love was not a sin but a virtue. Olivier Laurene, who allowed her to flourish where she was needed for the government. Lucien de Bar, a conversationalist for whenever she needed a hand to remain steady and a reminder of the heavens… The further she strayed from where her heart remained, the further her sight had failed her despite it being where she was needed most by both of those who led the people she adored. Sight, that was already a ticking time bomb, but so was the betrayal and chaos she constantly found herself in from her ignorance and hope for the world being a better place. It was then that she realized all she was fighting for was gone. The kindred souls that had brought her to where she was in that moment were gone. The people that once filled the city with hope and virtue before vagabonds and those that only care for power took over, were gone. San Luciano was lost, and the only thing that was left was the memories of those by her side. There was one thing left to do, the one thing she was good at her core, to put pen to paper and write. A MESSAGE TO HUMANITY; It is here, friends, enemies, and peers alike, that a departure must be made and the bloodshed must cease. A traitor I may be named, a sinner I may be named, a liar I may be named, yet the truth has been the only thought that has plagued my mind since the death of Princess Catherine. From the moment I had returned to San Luciano, the odds of the world were weighed and the scales were tipped. All that which I had accomplished had never been intended for myself. I wished to remain as a scholar and mathematician first and foremost; yet a politician is what I had become. Spending days and hours on end away from my passions of studying the celestial bodies and doing what was asked of me by both Oliviers, keeping Savoy out of a multitude of conflicts, keeping Savoy a place that was ever lively and full of excitement, keeping San Luciano the hub of the patron saint of change and enacting that change on humanity. The place that I loved dearly, the place which will forever remain a home in my heart is gone. The people that were the reason for keeping Savoy sanctified are gone, and the reasons for continuing to strive for peace and unity are gone. No blade was pulled from the side that supported the regency except in defense, no harm was intended or done upon the de Savoie line from the side of the regency. Yet, lies are all that are sown in the buzz of rumors and words uttered by those that would sooner corrupt the young Lucien so they may take power elsewhere. That is not something I may ever stand behind nor support. It is with all in my heart that I hope one day, Prince Lucien sees the truth in what I had told him, and it is with all in my heart that with this departure he still grows into the person that his mother wished him to be. Too many lives have been lost for a hopeless cause as sin has rotted away at the heart of the Savoyard spirit. It is with this in mind that we are to make a permanent departure from the Principality of Savoy. The people that now occupy the city are not those that we wish to remain associated with, yet they are ones we wish all the best in finding a better path than to turn to the blade and bloodshed in order to get what they desire. Let my mistakes in holding onto a vision and dream to aid the de Savoie in shepherding to humanity not be lost by those that wish to continue fighting for said dream. Humanity has splintered and fractured once more in this ever tumultuous cycle of conflict, and perhaps that might change in the future. However, that future is not yet here, despite all one might hope for it to be. The vision of hope and unity remains only at the heart of our leaders if they are the ones to strive to do different. It is with a heavy heart that a departure must be made with the failure to maintain unity amongst the people. IN NOMINE DEI, Humble Servitor of House Ashford de Savoie
  4. "Such shame bloodshed has been brought upon the very people that swore to defend the Argent Sun. How the mighty have fallen..." Vasileia muttered as the missive was read towards her by courier. "They wonder why order was enacted, because of chaos like this that sows harm to our people."
  5. favorite meme/moment us and the homies have had over the years? favorite color can you teach me how to breakdance irl?!
  6. You're playing checkers and I'm playing LOTC

  7. "Since when have high elves been on Akritos?" The Matriarch of House Basrid inquired as she passed the missive over towards her Uncle Matyas and younger brother Ioannis. A mild sense of confusion washing over her visage as she looked towards the other native Akritian in the room. "What happened within the few short years we were gone or are the elves back to being clinically insane?"
  8. On War and Peace Approved for General Publication 12th of Harren’s Folly, 1855 Violence and war have gripped humanity for centuries as we remain divided amongst the unequivocal sin that has rotted this world. The sins of wrath, ambition, covetousness, disloyalty and so many more have begun to rot away at the heart of humanity who is supposed to be a testament to the scrolls of canondom and lead by example amongst the heathens. This is not meant to spark deceit or for one to pick a side, but conversation and reflections over the actions that we as humans are all guilty of. It is time for the age of violence and spilling the blood of humanity to come to an end. Time and time and again it has been seen that we resort to war instead of allowing for the virtues given to us by GOD’s prophets to guide us. WE as the leaders of humanity have allowed wrath and ambition to cloud our judgment upon the actions we take to protect our people. Change can be made so long as we allow for the virtues to guide us, “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.” (Virtues 3:9) The scrolls have stated that we should not raise a hand in sin, yet is that not the root of actions that have led to the route of violence? Why is it that instead of taking action in the form of spreading the virtues to cite one’s wrongdoings that we instead raise the blade to those in some cases we once called friends? Not only in matters of the faith have we been torn apart by this, but matters of the temporal that we preside over. The numerous accounts of bloodshed of innocents that have occurred on account for our decisions as leaders of humanity, the numerous accounts of lifes being shifted and people displaced from their homes because of our actions we have taken, the numerous amounts of times which the impoverish have been taken from on the accounts of humanities actions; it is all relative to the fracturing of the faithful. It has further cemented these centuries long grudges and feuds that have led to nothing but an age of darkness that has clouded over not only us, but the common people that we have the responsibility of ensuring the safety of. This continuous turning towards war as the only option has led to the destruction of humanity time and time again; villages burned, children sent off to fight in battles they have no business fighting in, the distraction away from the true problems of the world and our homes. The suffering of those that we are meant to guide and protect must end, WE must be the ones to end this cycle of pain and suffering which has been brought to fruition from this violence. This is a calling to the faithful to do better, to be better, for all of humanity to do what our forefathers could not. To speak with words of virtue and faith to solve one’s problems instead of reaching for the blade to form resolve. We have an opportunity to right the wrongs of our generations that have been made countless times over to lead us to this fracturing point. The time to bridge our differences has begun, and it is time we do our duty to take action to do better. Signed; Her Excellency, Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid Lady Chancellor of Savoy
  9. In Friendship and Truth A N N O D O M I N I 1855 16th of Joma ag Umund, ES 408 The grand reconciliation and unveiling of truths in front of the Hexer Camp depicted circa 1855. Dear Readers, Citizens of Savoy and Haense alike, With the crashing of the waves and the twinkling of the stars, two unlikely women met on the soft sands of Savoy. They overcame cultural differences and old communication boundaries to speak, face to face, lady to lady. From this strange twist of fate, a treasured reality had bloomed and the truth was unveiled once and for all. After much deliberation, Her Highness Nikoleta and Lady Chancellor Vasileia have untangled a mess that the maiden’s ex-husband created, Prince Andrik of Akovia. These sacred truths lie here, in a treaty of peace between the woman and in the hopeful turning of the page; I. The Lady Chancellor of Savoy did not participate in any adultery. II. The Princess Nikoleta was slipped false information by people who wished to cause havoc among the royal house. III. The dissolution of the Holy Union between Her Highness Nikoleta and Prince Andrik was not due to this. With that and the help of God, both ladies hope that this has cleared up the swirling rumours that spiralled and had carelessly thrown away years of both ladies' lives. History can not be changed, but it can be learned from. Friendship and human kindness can be born from even those that feel the most scorned. Honour is one's word and the truth behind it. Virtues are those that guide us and it is those virtues that lead us to moments like these; where truth, honour, and amity come to light. Signed, Her Highness, Nikoleta Barbara Morovar Her Excellency, Lady Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid Lady Chancellor of Savoy, Matriarch of House Basrid
  10. "Sutica is dead, has been for decades." The Lady Chancellor of Savoy commented with a roll of her eyes within her office before tossing the missive into her pile marked 'junk'.
  11. Upon being passed the letter and her emerald hues scanned over the words penned by his Holiness, her expression shifted into a sympathetic smile when her attention finally settled onto the Morovar. A sharp exhale was emitted from her lungs and she interlaced her fingers upon the table. "It's a new start, from the good, the bad, and the ugly. The hardest part is now over, Nikoleta. You're in control of your life again."
  12. Man I didn't know they released a new season of Game of Thrones?? This one is looking so good

    1. Shmeepicus


      But did your pet put forth for a claim on the Throne?

  13. While you guys were playing chess, I was forgetting to take my meds and now they’re in my walls.

  14. Hey everyone! I decided it’s time for a skin auction to start off the New Year. I made a few new skins for this as well as including some that I don’t use anymore. The ones that have been used (or that got made but never used) are discounted and the ones that I made specifically for the auction are at a higher price. The price is stated next to the title. If you would like to bid on a skin, respond to the auction with the format below! Format Discord Tag: In-Game Username: Skin Name: Bid(s): The auction will end at 7:00 PM EST on January 16th, 2022. Colorful Cloth [Starting Bid: 100 Buyout: 350] BOUGHT OUT Mystical Monk [Starting Bid: 75 Buyout: 250] BOUGHT OUT Deadly Dark Elf [Starting Bid: 100 Buyout: 350] BOUGHT OUT Girlie Goth [Starting Bid: 100 Buyout: 350] BOUGHT OUT Lady of the Mushrooms [Starting Bid: 75 Buyout: 250] BOUGHT OUT Eerie Eclectic [Starting Bid: 100 Buyout: 350] Pious Peasant Female [Starting Bid: 175 Buyout: 500] Pious Peasant Male [Starting Bid: 175 Buyout: 500] BOUGHT OUT Vineyard Florals [Starting Bid: 175 Buyout: 500] Pretty in Purple [Starting Bid: 175 Buyout: 500] HEAD COLLECTION BOUGHT OUT Ginger Youth [Two Heads] [Starting Bid: 100 Buyout: 200] BOUGHT OUT Ginger Elven Man [Starting Bid: 50 Buyout: 100] BOUGHT OUT High Elven Man [Starting Bid: 50 Buyout: 100]
  15. THE PACT OF PRINCES Agreed and established on this 10th of Wzuvar i Byvca, 407 ES | 10th of Snow’s Maiden, 1854 Between the KONGZEM OF HANSETI-RUSKA and the PRINCIPALITY OF SAVOY Let it be known to all of the realms of Almaris that despite the current turbulent and violent times we live in, there is still peace and unity to be found between the two true Canonist Realms of Hanseti-Ruska and Savoy. It is the pleasure of both parties to reaffirm their longstanding peace under this treaty before the eyes of Godan and to their realms. I These brothers in God shall pledge recognition of each other’s sovereignty, and that they shall recognize no other claimant to their titles, nor invaders of their territory. II These brothers in God shall pledge not to draw arms against one another, and if such tensions arise, to solve them by peace of plea. III These brothers in God pledge to protect Haeseni within Savoyard land, and Savoyards within Haeseni lands, so long as they do not flout the law of either. IV These brothers in God pledge to trade freely by allowing merchants of their sovereigns to trading free of tax within their lands through the provision of a tax-free stall, and that the goods sold in these stalls shall not offend the laws and beliefs of the nation. V These brothers in God shall, at their discretion, agreement, and invitation, assist each other in times of war. VI These brothers in God shall commit to fostering bonds among their people through sending representatives to each others’ court addresses and inviting their peoples to revelries and festivals. VII These brothers in God shall recognize fugitives, sinners, those who have committed wrongndoings, and criminals on their territories and shall transfer them to the proper courts so that justice may be served. VIII These brothers in God pledge that this Peace shall last for ten years. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty SIGISMUND III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, FIDEI DEFENSOR, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera. HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Olivier II Laurene, Prince of Savoy, Duke of Corazon, Count of San Luciano and Sarissa His Royal Highness, Andrik Nikolas Bihar-Barbanov, Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Duke of Akovia, Haeseni Ambassador to Savoy Her Excellency, Lady Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid, Lady Chancellor of Savoy, Lady Regent of Savoy
  16. Vasileia Ekaterini beams upon reading the publication of the family history at long last, proud of her lineage.
  17. The Lady Regent recieves a missive and quickly begins to ride off towards Daeland to sort through the issue!
  18. The following invitation is only available to those who are listed at the bottom of this post. Rheynari Revelry ANNO 1853 Rheynari women relaxing under the Savoyard Sun. circa 1800s Friends and Family of the Basridi, you are hereby invited to an evening of Rheynari Revelry at Catherine Court 2 within San Luciano, Savoy. Following the Basrid Accords of 1853, this gathering is held in honor of family which reconvenes together and reconciles once more, to bring together family in these times despite the world in turmoil outside of the Rheynari. The evening will consist in the Basrid Estate gardens with hookah, chai teas, wines imported from Akritos, and the likes. Guests are invited to bring others that are highly regarded amongst the Rheynari. [[OOC: TUESDAY, JANUARY 4TH 2022 3:00 PM EST // 8:00 PM GMT]] Signed, Matriarch, Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid Invitations are sent to the following lines of Basrid; The siblings of Vasileia Basrid Matyas Basrid, Count of Susa, and his line Juliya Rose Basrid, Countess of Aldersberg, and her line Holy Dame Helena Augusta Basrid, Countess of Temesch, and her line Isa Nasif Basrid, and his line Alina Isidora Basrid, Countess Carrington, and her line Eirene Maria Elisheva Basrid Safiya Oma Basrid, and her line
  19. Vasileia, rather than indulge further in the rumors and fueling the gossip simply began to write a few letters addressed to a certain monarch of Haenseti-Ruska upon the missive landing on her desk, solving this the diplomatic way to crush this slander and lies that have been construed. “Surely this would not have happened if I was a man, perhaps their outdated ways are shining through. I worry not, for GOD will assess their sins when they ascend to the Seven Skies. ” The Basrid commented to her husband within their home, simply rolling her eyes at the courtiers who had nothing better to do.
  20. Vasileia Ekaterini Basrid, the now Matriarch of House Basrid, lifted a quill in order to sign the bottom of the document. "To reunite the family, once and for all." She'd comment once the document was signed to the Count in the seat across from her desk, a smile gracing the Rheynari's features.
  21. Vasileia made way to her stack of morning missives to read through only to find such hand delivered by a courier, being told it was of the utmost importance. As she read over its contents a certain ire formed in her eyes as she crumbled up the missive, throwing it through her wine window at some poor unsuspecting bartender in the tavern. She quietly moved to shut such, shooing out the courier to hang up a sign which stated “CLOSED”. Clicking the lock shut, a loud scream was heard throughout the Tax Office. It would seem Vasileia had more letters to write, yet another day cleaning up messes which other people had started.
  22. A smile would be cast upon a young Basrid's visage as she read over the missive which made it's way to her desk. "For once, waking up and the world is not burning. We need more people like Sir Mohammad Hassan." She'd comment to no one but her ailing thoughts which churned in the recesses of her consciousness.
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