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Everything posted by Harald

  1. After spending many waking hours reading over the document with a careful eye, Johan would finally let the piece rest. “I see no reason for any other changes then those already pointed out. The canon law shall be blessed and keep us safe within its ruling.” He’d sign the Lorraine before Turing it in, going over to take his leave the Lay-Cardinal would first walk towards James II making sure to give his old friend a word and ordering the Holy Knights to keep their position before walking off.
  2. Knight Regent, Cardinal Johan Vuiller would quickly grab some paper and ink writing down a message to all members of the Palatine Guard Order of The All-Saints. “You the most noble defenders of our Holy Mother church, I herby send word to you all. Our presence is needed within the Kindom of Haense! All shall rise and travel there as quickly as possible. It is time we get rid of this poltergeist who echos in the halls of Godan! Ready yourself and see either me or Your Holy Knight Priors to be armed with Aurum blades before this battle! We must take up this battle that is within our grasp to protect the Noble Canonist flock! May Godan bless your travels as we shall meet ready for battle!” Signed ~ Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Palatine Guard Order of The All-Saints Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful he would quickly sign the letter before calling for his eagle binding it to its leg sending it off. After this he would grab onto his trusted aurum trident and shield readying himself for battle.
  3. The Palatine Guard Order of All-Saints Est ca. FA 1730 “In Hoc Signo Vinces “Cum visu procul raptas aquilae regnaturi sumus vicit” "In this sign, you shall conquer. “With the eagles far sight we shall reign victorious” -Saint Harald of Vuiller , ca. 1730 HISTORY OF THE ORDER The Palatine guard was established and led by Saint Harald Vuiller of Vuillermoz during the years of 1730 within the borders of the Holy See of Vuillermoz. The Order was firstly set forth due to the urgent need for protection of the noble canonist flock and its people during the time. From this Harald thought each of his members not to raise a sword against any who had accepted GOD into their heart and that any soul could be saved and was worth saving no matter race or age. These teachings and moral code is what our Order is based and built on. Any found member to be found breaking these morals and teachings attacking the innocent be handed punishment found fit for what crime they have committed. When St. Harald passed to the Seven Skies in 1761 his Son Johan Vuiller would take over from his place as Heir of House Vuiller. he would commit to the teachings of his father and working closely with his Holiness the High Pontiff James II and the rest of the Curia the Order would grow in numbers for years it blossomed until a disagreement with the late King Sigismund of Haense the city and Order would suffer, from being told that the Crown of Haense would see it as a act of war if the borders of the city would move from their current position. This would make the city cramped farms not able to grow larger and feed the people. From this now Knight-Regent and Cardinal Johan would admit defeat and advise his people to move from the town to ensure they would survive. After meeting with his Holiness after this and Johans close allies in the High Council his father had created they would together ask for aid from the Holy Orenian Empire. The late Emperor responded to their ask of aid and they were given new land next to the commonwealth of Kaedrin. With the help of the Grandmaster Ademar Castello and Cardinal Manifred, Johan would be able to build up their new town. here they would once again be at peace and with that change a new name for the town was ready for the world and it would then be formerly known as The Holy Palatinate of Aquila. Some years later the Grandmaster Holy Sir Ademar Castello came to Johan asking to be released from his position as Grandmaster as his age had started to catch up to him, Johan agreed to this under the terms that Ademar would stay in his position until they had found a person fit for the responsibility. After Johan and Ademar felt they had found two candidates the title ended up going to Jensen Amador, a sermon would be hosted where all Holy Knights and Squires were invited as the responsibility would go from one to another. After the ceremony was finished there would be a celebration feast within the walls of the Vuillerian keep until nights end. The day after Johan and Leonid would quickly get to work and their partnership would see a blossoming within the Order. But with a lot of new members and change it is important that we remember where we started. Our Order is built on the teachings of St. Harald, and these shall be our code of life. We are an Order dedicated to the protection of any man, woman,, elf, mage, dwarf and “hobbit” alike. any living creature that has accepted God's eternal light and love into their life and soul shall be protected unless they stand as a threat to the rest of the noble canonist flock. If the day ever comes where we have failed in this task and faltered away from our Holy purpose and these rules and values the Order shall be no more. painting of our patron Saint and founder. Saint. Harald Vuiller ca. 1754 A TIME FOR CHANGE With the move from our home in Arcas it is only fit that some changes are made within the Order. Not only because we are in a new land, but also with the change of leadership with the Grandmaster, Holy Sir Leonid Amador has brought some fresh air into our Order and it is only fit we make some changes with that in mind. Therefore I would like to declare and show some of these changes. THE COAT OF ARMS With these changes our Order has welcomed a new Coat of Arms, this change has been made to better represent what our Order stands for and its purpose. We see the flaming sword of the Archangel Michael, the Pontifical Orb, the Lorraine cross all held by the Eagle that represents our order. THE ARMOUR OF THE HOLY KNIGHTS The change of armor is something that has been in the work for quite some time. It needs to produce the right amount of protection as well as letting our Knights move with ease during a battle or confrontation. Therefore we have long worked on and planned with these new armors. They combine the colors of our Order with the dark mist within its metal core, giving it a outstanding look easy to recognize. Painting of a Holy Sir during the last battle against the Inferi Ca- 1790 RANKS OF THE ORDER For the change in our Order as our ranks fill up with new life and members we have decided to make changes to these ranks, their position and purpose. The following ranks are as follows. Auxiliary Auxiliaries are the reservists of the Palatine Guard. They do not swear vows, but make a nonbinding promise of obedience. Auxiliaries may discharge their promise at any time; likewise they are not bound to activity requirements. Though it is also those from the Auxiliary rank that will be chosen to become squires if they have proven themselves in their service to the church. Squire The duty of a Squire lingers around learning as much as possible from their mentor. this not only being about how to swing a sword but also on the matters of canonism, history, demons, phantoms, combat and the different cultures around us. they shall also learn how to behave around different people and situations. Once their training is complete they are to take their Oath to become a Holy Sir or Holy Dame. They will then be the sword and shield of the canonist flock, the church and its members. Holy Knight A Holy Knight has taken an oath laying down a promise to Godan that they shall and will serve and protect the Holy Mother Church and its members and the noble Canonist flock. They are to be accepting of all who have taken God’s love into their hearts and offer them protection no matter if they are a bishop or beggar. Holy Knights are also to take a minimum of one squire under their wing to teach them in the ways of the church and our Order. A Holy Knight may choose their Squire but for the squires to be knighted their mentor (The Holy Knight) must bring them forth for the Grandmaster or Knight-Regent for them to decide if they are worthy of Knighthood. Holy Knight Prior A Holy Knight Prior are as officers within our Order. They are given special responsibilities and task within the order and are the Grandmaster’s helping hands to make sure our order is at its best at all times. They will be able to host trainings, patrolls, and smaller missions with the other Knights & Members, once finished they are to report back to the Grandmaster and Knight-Regent A Holy Knight Prior may choose their Squire but for the squires to be knighted their mentor (The Holy Knight) must bring them forth for the Grandmaster or Knight-Regent for them to decide if they are worthy of Knighthood. Grandmaster The Grandmaster is the overview and controls the Order. only answering to the Knight-Regent himself. The Grandmaster holds the power of accepting new members, having them take the oath to become Holy Knights, host missions, accept missions or bounties delivered to the Order etc. The Grandmaster is to keep the Knight Regent informed at all times of what changes are happening, how our ranks are being filled, how they are doing, reports from missions, and all other information that has to do with the Order itself. As their power over the Order is only matched by the Knight-Regent it is important that they fulfill this role. They must be able to teach the Knights of our teachings and way of life. The Grandmaster's powers are only limited to the following. The Grandmaster can not decide for the order on a political standpoint, either if this being in an election or in the case of war. This decision is for the Knight-Regent and High Pontiff to make with the input and acceptance of the Grandmaster being present during the meeting. The Grandmaster can not change or alter the armor, coat of arms, name, patrons Saints or teachings without the acceptance of the Knight-Regent. The Grandmaster can not strip any Holy Knight of their titles without the blessing of the Knight-Regent. Knight-Regent The Knight-Regent is in full control and power over the Order itself, but will give out the position of Grandmaster to his most trusted member. The Knight-Regent will often be working more in the political part of the order, keeping their relations with the canonist nations abay, taking part in important meetings, and keeping a close interaction between himself and the Grandmaster and Holy Knight Priors. He is to command and the Order making sure to protect the Holy Mother Church and every single member there off, he shall also make sure the land holdings of the church is under protection, such as Cathedrals, abbys, alters etc. Candidates for Holy Knighthood are granted that rank by swearing the following oath before the Grandmaster of the Palatine Guard Order or the Knight-Regent of the Holy Palatinate: “I vow to never falter, to obey and guard the laws of GOD, who is the one true Creator. I vow to be the sword and shield of the Church of the Canon and her faithful, to fight for them when they cannot protect themselves. I vow to resist the temptations of Iblees and strike down those who have fallen under his dark rule. I vow to keep my post as Holy Knight until death takes me from this realm into the next.” With the response by the administering official: “Then rise, [Name], and join your brothers as Holy Sir/Dame [Name and Epithet]. You are a Holy Knight of this land and all the lands of the Church of the Canon, sworn to protect the people of the Canonist faith. You shall be fair and just, defending the innocent no matter their rank: beggar and bishop alike.” Signed~ Holy Ser Leonid Amador, Grandmaster of the Order of the All-Saints Guard Singed~ Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Holy Order of the All-Saints Guard. Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  4. As Prius of Sutica finished his prayer a eagle would land in his window, the warmth from this eagle would fill the room. As he sat down a prayer would be heard echoing in his mind.. “tueantur mali pugnamus sub lucem hanc pugnam benedictus es Domine. Vincere enim animo precamur Clytum myrice in acie hostium” after this, the eagle would take flight, before disappearing into the skies. [ transition ] defend us from evil as we fight under your light on this day of battle, blessed be you o lord. we pray for your protection and courage as we shall defeat our enemies in the heath of battle.
  5. Otto would feel a warmth fall over him as a eagle would fly over him before taking a landing rather close, as the eagle would look at him the warmth could be felt flowing from it as his prayer was answered
  6. The declarations from the High Pontiff during the First Golden Bull of Providence would be sent out to the Vyronov home. as well as placed on notice boards around the world. but with the one to Stefan a note would be delivered. "Section VIII ~Cardinal Johan Vuiller"
  7. Saint Harald Vuiller. The patron St of Priest combatants & Demonic banishment. Born on the First of the amber cold 1699. Dead at the Sixteenth of the Amber Cold 1760. Father Harald Vuiller cirka 1756. The Life of Father Harald Vuiller Harald Vuiller was born on the first of the Amber Cold to Alf & Johanna Vuiller in 1699 in the city of New Reza while his mother and father were on a business trip to the city to buy supplies for their keep and the land around it. He was the firstborn from a group of siblings of three. Harald, Auriann, and Lukas Vuiller. As the firstborn Harald was the heir of House Vuiller and to the family lands but when he chose at the age of 14 to join the army and travel the realm of Godan serving the armies of man. It was during these years that Harald picked up an interest in becoming a Priest and Bishop. He would at every new town and city they went to join the people in prayer in their churches and temples. His family had always been close to the church and followed the laws of the Scrolls and it was from this he chose that any man who fell in battle either at his own side or at the side of the enemy should be given a proper burial. he would spend countless hours after each battle tending to the bodies of the dead making sure they would get the burial they deserved. while on the road or awaiting battle he would spend his time making wooden or stone crosses that he would place on the chest of the dead as he placed them to their final rest. At the start of his time in the army his comrades would chuckle and joke about his actions as he would move countless bodies from the battle ground and digging individual graves from them. But after a heafty battle where they had lost over half of their men Harald was asked to host a prayer for their fallen brothers as their souls traveled to the seven skies. It was after this he was given the nickname of “the Battle Bishop.” After serving in the army for close to 16 years Harald would get a letter from his younger sister Auriann about the passing of both of their parents. He would be granted a leave from his duty in the army i fought for and set sail back to Arcas to join his family in morning his wife who he married just 4 years earlier joined him as well after being let of her duty. On their way to the Vuiller keep they went through New Reza Harald was filled with joy seeing how the city and its people had recovered after the battle of the Rat King. After the burial of their parents Harald would spend some months with his family in their family land before leaving for New Reza joining the Brotherhood of St. Karl but as he entered the city he would be surrounded by the soldiers he wished to join not understanding what had happened or why they would surround him. after getting attacked by the five men he would be dragged out of the city and thrown on the ground outside the gates getting told “We do niet wish for your kind here Vuiller!” without understanding nor knowing why he had been removed from the city he had early in his years helped to defend he would finally get his answers from a member of the Brotherhood and the Chaplain at the time Jacques De Beaumont who would inform him that his sister had been accused of witchcraft. Hearing these words Harald would sit down outside the city walls looking over to the River Rubern asking Godan for guidance. a vision would come to him of a man wearing a white cloak whispering the tounge of Iblees. From these visions he would track the man down trying to break the curse that had been placed on his sister but it was already too late. as a letter would reach him informing him of the trial of Auriann Vuiller in New Reza. he would come there just in time for the sentence of the lord Palatine “Auriann Vuiller, you are found guilty of witchcraft and is sentenced to death by drowning!” as these words where uttered a tear would fall from Harald´s eyes as he saw his little sister being dragged out of court towards the docks of New Reza he would quickly follow them watching them as his sister was thrown in the waters with rocks binded to her feet, as her body went down in the dark waters he´d look to the ground as tears would stream down his face. But has he though all hope was over the guards would shout as they could see her swim away as they had forgotten to bind her hands and remove her knife. After this Harald would spend many years cleansing his family name as he joined the Brotherhood and quickly raised through the ranks and became the Chaplain of the Brotherhood. During these years Harald would also be Ordained by the man then known as Cardinal Boniface swearing to spend the rest of his days in the service of the church. Many years pass as Harald keeps on his mission to serve Godan a mission and promise he would keep until his final breath. During these years many great things would happen during his life, but also many sorrows. While he was out fighting in a battle with the Brotherhood of St. Karl his wife who was pregnant at the time would be kidnapped. no matter how many years he spent searching for her he would never see her again. After the loss of his wife and their children Harald would commit the rest of his living years to serving and studying the Holy Scrolls and to serve Godan. Living in New Reza as well as at his Family's keep he would use the money he had earned during his times at war to build and start a Orphanage in the city of New Reza while being active in service at the Brotherhood of Saint Karl taking part in the Voidal battles, and the war between the Holy Orenian Empire and AIS. Turing this war Harald also discovered a cult spreading through out Haense, reporting this to the Regent Tiberius, he kept his work in the shadows until he was finally able to remove the cult from the Kingdom he loved. when the time of war was finally over the city of New Reza would be indangered by a new treat as Demons would often attack the city. Harald a now old man but still in fighting spirit would take his part in fighting of these demons while using prayer, blessed weapons and exorcisms to remove the demons from Godans Terra. But one day a demon too strong even for the old priest would attack the city making fire rain from the sky using his voidal magic to attack the city and GOD´s noble flock. Harald would draw his sword from his cane running towards the demon attacking it as he shouted prayers to his brothers the demon would strike him making the old man fall to the ground before turing his hand towards him making the old priest float 15 feet in the air. The voidal magic would make Harald twist and turn in pain as his body would slowly turn to stone. as the magic had reached his neck he would still hold on to his golden cross shouting out “In GOD we trust as he shall bring our souls to the seven skies in eternal peace with his love!” This would be the final words of Father Harald Vuiller. As the magma still went around and inside Haralds body the demon would not be able take the attacks that stroke him after spending so much of his magic and energy on killing the priest. as a final blow was struck towards its head the demon would explode in a fire of magma that all would fly through Harald before his now stone body would fall towards the ground. Just before he would hit the ground being guaranteed to break into a million pices a beam of light would strike him making the body float over the ground. and this was the end of Father Harald Vuiller. or so we thought… Miracles “The Beam of light” As his body of stone would fall towards the ground a beam of light would strike the body making it float just before it would hit the ground saving it from breaking into a million pices. “The help of a fallen father” over twenty years after his passing during the time of need of the noble flock and after his old friends and family had prayed for guidance a shadowy figure would show to offer them guidance. This would be the soul of Father Harald Vuiller. after roaming God mortal realm for some time he would finally meet with his old friend High Pontiff James II. they spoke for hours about the seven skies and both agreed that God must have sent Harald down to the realm of the living to serve and do whatever he could to help in the battle against the Inferni. This work of information is taken from my fathers jernals over the years. the later part describing his death is from eye witnesses and the information given by people who where there. This has been written as a tribute to my father and our Saint Harald Vuiller. Singed~ Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Holy Order of the All-Saints Guard. Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  8. Cardinal Johan Aquila would smile as the note was delivered to his office in the Holy Palatinate, he’d walk out to greet his men who where working day and night for the new city to be finished smiling at them “As your Knight-Regent i swear that we shall never falter as we stand united to protect and serve our Holy Mother Church!”
  9. Johan would just have finished writing up the speech that was planned to be held at the next gathering for the Holy Knights, as he signed the papers looking over the names of his list he would smile thinking of all the memories he treasured in his heart. Looking over at Bjornolf’s name he’d get a wide smile thinking of all they had been through and all they had done, the time they went and raided Rubern, the days of his wedding where Bjorn was his closest friend, the coronation of Bjorn to be a Holy Knight under the Church, when Bjorn first met his children after many hours of intense waiting for the them to be born. and last but not least when they carried Harald to his last resting place. As he put down his feather pen, he’d smile saying to himself “Many good memories, and more is to come Brother.” he’d then start walking down to Bjorns home to ask him to join him and Ivar on a hunting trip, but when the no one opened the door he became worried. Johan would run to the stables jumping on his horse and ride to Haense. While riding to the city a Eagle would come and land on his shoulder with a letter telling him of Bjorns demise, with tears starting to form from his eyes he would let out a massive shout that could be heard all the way to Haense, as well as the Palatine State. he’d throw a knife into a tree standing by as he started galloping twords where Bjorn’s body was, as he needed to see this with his own eyes. Entering the room where Bjorns lifeless body was the large man would wall to his knees next to his body grasping Bjorns hands “Brother, how could your life end so sudden? what am i to tell the others? and what am i to do without your help?” Johan would sit there for a long while before placing a golden cross in Bjorns hands signing the Lorraine. “You rest now brother, with all we have lost and loved. and give the old man my a word for me eh?” he’d smile looking over at Bjorn knowing he would now rest in the Seven skies with his father. “for the last time, GODspeed brother, may GOD welcome you with open arms to the seven skies where we shall meet again” Upon his return to the Palatine State, Johan would return to the keep where he would hang up a painting he had gotten made for Bjorn 40th birthday, the painting would be of the two during Bjorns coronation and would hang inside the keep upon entering. “Forever and always brother”
  10. Harald


    Harald was born son of Ragnnar Odinsson and Freya Mathissdotter in the old city of Haense, during his child hood he often played with his fathers weapons mostly his axes and sword`s as well as a bow. During his early years he therefore turned inn to a skilled fighter and surved in the army with most of his friends from childhood but in the end was the last survivor of his men from the village of Haense and therefor was seen by many as a great war hero, but during all of his travels and wars he always felt like there was something missing from his life as well as even tho he was a skilled fighter he did not like to see the people suffer nor did he like to see the dead put in mass graves with no proper funeral. He therefor turned to god and after proving himself and working in the church for a long time he became a bishop. The church of his religion decided that he would best serve god in the heat of the battle field and therefore got the rank of Battle Bishop ( War Bishop) Harald Ragnnarson would therefore join many more battles to come and would be seen in a beautiful armor with a golden cross in the middle of the chest. Harald would spend some years in the city of ves breifly but left in 1724 after he fought during the battles of the Ratmen Scourge. After fighting of many men alone he was finally able to escape the city and on horseback he went to Haense. But when he finally got there he saw that his family in Haense had died, this left him with a big home where he moved in. after some time it war time for him to once more go in to battle and so he went off. after a long time on the road he found the old city of Haense in ruins after it had burned to the ground. He spent the next weeks giving all the dead people he could a final burial before he left the city he once lived in. Harald now roam near the city of Reza
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