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Everything posted by Harald

  1. Reading over the missive within is office at Vuillermoz a slight tear left the towering Viscount, As Rev would stand walking upon the roofs of his family keep he looked over their family town. He had taken no pleasurer in disowning Lucius, his heart had ached as he had seen a young man filled with such ambition get twisted into the depths of the void. He held the missive within his hands, looking down upon it as his tears would stain the paper. A feeling of regret and guilt filling the man, could this all be his fault? After many hours the man would walk down the halls of his home, the man looking to the wall within the family room, there hung a old painting of some unknown Knights. Rev would think for himself for a moment before he left for the shipment delivery rooms finding a wooden box hidden in one of the corners, he brought the box up with him removing what was inside hanging it upon the wall. There he was once more, a painting of Lucius Wick Vuillerian, standing in his Vuiller house armor. "Until we meet again Lucius, do know that I will miss vy brother.." Within the Grenzi woods another figure could be spotted sitting upon a old moss covered rock. the figure wearing his black coat would feel the wind brushing over his hair as he had his eye closed.. A slight hum leaving the figure as he tapped upon his cane following the rhythm of the hum. A slight disappointment could be felt within the man, He was unsure if it was against himself or the fact that Lucius had died so early on in his life. The child he had hoped would carry the mans own good nature that seemed lost over a century ago within the city walls of New Reza. He would think to Lucius's kids for a moment, as he would speak in a a hushed tone "Ea guess they are right when they say like father, like son.." The man jumped off the rock, going to find the grave in which he had buried his son, the man opening the stone coffin as he would remove a finger from Lucius's body.
  2. Sir Rev Vuiller, the Viscount of Vuillermoz cries over not being visited but dips his head either way reading it carefully over.
  3. The Viscount, Sir Rev Vuiller would read the note over, a slight smile forming upon his face as he looked to the windmill in Vuillermoz. The man quickly writing a letter towards Sylyrine welcoming them to meet with him at his family estate. Feel free to reach out on discord! HaraldMarron#2000
  4. Saint Harald Vuiller as well as Father Johan Vuiller would smile the suns smile from within the Seven Skies as they watched over their descendant, a proud feeling filling them both. As Sir Rev Vuiller, the Inquisitor-General and Viscount read over the Thesis he would pause for a moment, brining it with him as he walked through his family's halls. the man finding a frame putting the thesis within it hanging it upon the wall while keeping a warm smile on his face.
  5. As The Viscount, Sir Rev Vuiller sat within his carriage on his way home to Vuillermoz from Providence his eyes would rest gazing into the nature surrounding them within the Grenzi regions of the Empire, his mind taking him back to all those younger years within the city with his triplet sisters. The years while they were gone while he worked by the side of his father, his first years in the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Civil Affairs where he had met his wife Diana. Back to the day when his both of his sisters had returned to their old estate of the lower petra before the war.. all memories the aging man kept close to his heart brining him joy. It was within this moment he heard the crying call of a eagle roaming over Vuillermoz as his carriage arrived. The man raising his brow as he looked out the window of his carriage. His eyes flickering as he noticed whos eagle it was that seemed to scream of pain. His heart would tighten as he rushed out of his carriage running down towards their family home with the aid of the cane that once belonged to their grandfather. As he entered the uncommonly quiet halls he'd pause in his set as tears would leave his eyes "N.. Nie.. niet Mink.." was the only words that would leave the man. They had always had many siblings, cousins.. a over all large family.. but his own safe guard had always been his triplet sisters... he looked up to the family painting from where Mink had stood his eyes still filled with pain.. No longer with they be three, but now they must carry on as two.. Within the Seven skies, a familiar man would stand by the gates within his Uniform, trident in hand as a wide smile rested upon his face. The towering figure opening his arms as he saw his daughter enter the gates, she who had been the last person by his side at his own passing "Oh Minky! How ea have missed vy!" Johan Vuiller would rush towards her to bring her into his embrace having tears of both joy and sadness leaving him. "Ea have waited for vy Minky, come lets speak with vyr granderpapej Harald and vyr brothers and sisters hm?" Just like he had when she was a child, the towering man bent down to his knee looking towards her. keeping his warm and ever loving smile "Tell me dear, how my children?"
  6. Father Johan Vuiller now truly understands that Walton has no clue what or who he is talking about
  7. Kristofer, Revs son was just a child! he does not understand!
  8. Johan Vuiller would get the letter delivered to him as he was bedridden himself within the Vuiller estate. the aged priest having been attacked by bandits upon the road just days prior.. reading it over his heart would ache as he looked to all the paintings of those once lost of his close friends and comrades. portraits of three of his children also having upon the walls of those fallen "We have always been GOD fearing within this house.. true believers and followers of the Church and her laws.. but for the Pontiff to allow this.. to allow those he deemed worthy of the title of Fidei Defensor to draw the blood of canonist just because they are from Oren.. This is brining a rift to our faith that I haven niet seen since Laurence Jrent poisoned the Mother Church..." Johan would continue to weep during the night, getting aid to get moved to his grandsons bed side brushing over the boys head as he would be seated there whispering prayers to him until he boy was healed and well.. Asking his son Rev to aid him in writing a response on the matter.. Lord Rev Vuiller, the Baron of Vuillermoz looked to his youngest son.. having his hand form to a fist after leaving Kristofers room after some hours, the man looking to the statue of his grandfather Saint Harald.. "Guide us grandpapej.. as we need vyr guidance now more then ever..."
  9. CONFIRMATION OF THE RIGHTFUL HIGH PONTIFF EVERARD VI For generations our blood has served the Holy Mother Church, our own father serving as a Cardinal and the Knight-Regent of the canonist faith, leading and watching over and founding the last two Holy States of our Holy Mother Church, our family having served under each High Pontiff since Pontian III. Thus upon the news of schism a shock rang through our hearts and home, both being proud patriots of the Holy Orenian Empire as well as the Church of man, it was clear to us that this was a rift between His noble flock and His Holy Institution that needed to be healed, one that is in dire need for the salvation of each Canonist. Because what are we if not the children of GOD? Where shall we find salvation if our churches were to fall empty and silent. Sadly did word reach me late as I was on a diplomatic meeting outside the border of Almaris, but now as I have returned we shall make it official, that the House of Vuiller stands behind the rightfully elected High Pontiff Everard Sextus, our bothers and sisters still standing proud behind the banner of our Faith. Let it be known that if any Vuiller shall see the imposter who has taken the name of Micheal I upon himself, they are to apprehend him and deliver him to the Canonist Church for rightful trial by the Tribunal of the Auditor. Cum aquilis longe victores regnamus. “With the eagles farsight we reign victorious” As declared by, His Excellency, the Solicitor-General, REV VUILLER, the BARON OF VUILLERMOZ.
  10. Johan Vuiller, the aged holy knight and former Cardinal would go grab one of his cows, pulling it after him "I swore to give them a cow for eternal milk during their wedding! and I was niet able to before they left! God smite me if I'm niet able to do so now!" He smiled warmly as he tried to find them
  11. Rev Vuiller would dip his head, celebrating with his father Johan, the man speaking as they looked to a fire "They have to learn, mess with a eagle and vy get the claws"
  12. Riders on the River Petra Sir Arthur and his soldiers barreling over the fields 16th of Horen’s Calling, 1849 As word was heard of an attack upon the lands of the Empire, the members of the ISA quickly got to their horses rushing down to the bridge over the Petra. There our troops were met by a band of Ireheart manlets as well as members of the group known as the Ferrymen, cowardly hiding in the muck and brush searching for easy prey, each mounted on horseback. Prey they would not have, our numbers swiftly overwhelmed them this day, they now knew they had made a dire mistake. Among the stalwart defenders of the realm stood Sir Arthur Gendik-Komnenos, leading a contingent of ISA, at the ready with lances atop their steeds stood also the Duke of Cathalon Thomas Andrew Helvets, the Duke’s son Helton Rhodes Helvets, and two warriors clad in crimson. As the heathens would hurl their hate at the Empire, Father Johan Vuiller led in a prayer of battle to rebuff their vile braying. The holy chants rang throughout the wheatfields of the Empire, the nature of GOD flowing with the true spirit of the Canonist faithful. As the hymn of “OREN AUT MORTEM” boomed from the soldiers of Oren, the sound of our righteous steel clashing with the dwed-forged armor and bandit bones arose, serving as the call to hunt the filth from our lands. An Imperial Auxiliary would falter ahead of the force as the vultures circled in for their carrion, though he would be redoubled with a second wind as the charge of the cavalry broke out over the bridge, sending their manlet riders into a full rout. My own stallion took an arrow in his neck, quickly throwing me from my horse, thus I joined our brothers in faith on foot, hunting down the heathens and scouring them into the fields of barley and hay, now trampled by mounts who had lost their riders. Our enemies’ numbers laid there trampled and bloodied, we cut through the enemy to a man as wheat to the scythe. Once back within the capital city of Providence, the ISA gathered within the Imperial Palace telling his Imperial Majesty of their victory against those who wished to hurt our Empire and the noble flock. Here Sir Arthur Gendik-Komnenos would be granted a life-peerage for his service and brave leadership within battle. Our crimson comrade-in-arms who had aided us would join us in the Imperial Palace of the Augustine, their aid celebrated and given their thanks from His Imperial Majesty Philip II. Let it be known to those that would invade the realms of man, those who dear attack the noble flock of GOD, our blades are ready, our war cries loud and our honor and trust in GOD shall never be broken. Father Johan Vuiller The Knight-Regent Emeritus, founder of the formerly known Palatine Guard Order of the All-Saints, Lay-Cardinal Emeritus, Auditor of the Tribunal, Chamberlain of our Faith, Founder of the Black Library of Vuillermoz, Horen’s Giant, Former Dean of the University of Saint Sixtus IV, Knight of the Black Sepulchre, Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful, former Circuit judge of Oren and Deputy of the Rangers of Eastwood.
  13. "Ah the heathens show themselves once again, those whom has failed their rebellion.. they should have seen how their allies fell short against Orenian steel today." the aged priest and Holy Knight would shake his head as he stood there with the ISA after the protection of the noble flock against the Ireheart heathens.
  14. Cardinal Johan Cuiller whom had for many years worked as the The Imperial Chaplain, teacher of Josephine Aaugusta The Dutches of Crestfall and personal friend of both John VIII and Philip II would look to Anne Josephine with a raised brow.. "Do vy nie understand child.. this will immortalize our beloved Emperor in more ways then only legend and memories? It will aid to teach the new generation of whom he is and whom he was.." he signed the lorraine "Now that is only if one uses it correct of course, nie if one plan on only using it as a toy to chew on as you state yourself dear" he offered her a warm smile, showing her his own edition of the Action Figure "I think he looks rather dashing does he nie?"
  15. Saint Harald Vuiller looks confused at Theo, as he winces, the Saint also looking back to the Diet of karosgrad, remembering how it all happened because the Order he founded drew their blades and did not step down after both the Koeng of Haense and the Empire denounced the false Pontiff of Owyn III
  16. Reads over the quote of Laurence Jrent (Owyn III) and shakes his head.. thinking to himself "using a quote from a self centered heathen who was a poison to our faith... He should have been excommunicated years ago" Thinks back to the proper oath of the order, he then wondered about his Signature for a moment shrugging his shoulders "well, I do agree with all except the person quoted"
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