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Everything posted by Harald

  1. A smile grew upon Johans face as he saw the letter arrive, for many years had he prayed for the the swift return of his brother in arms, his Captain Nikolas, a man he had sworn to aid. He’d quickly find he’s loyal steed the aging man riding towards Southbridge once more.
  2. Harald

    On Grass VIP

    you kidding? i ******* love grass dude! HaraldMarron sings the petition!
  3. Johan Vuiller the Knight-Regent emeritus would give a slight bow of his head as he read over the missive looking to his own armor and the original copy of the Holy Oath the knights must stake once they join the Order he and his father had founded. The aging man would then find his trident walking towards the cathedral to join his brothers in faith..
  4. a burnt and scared figure would be seated in a tavern somewhere in Almaris, a cloak hiding most of his body as he'd tap his fingers to the woods of the table where he sat. a full glass of Carrion standing in front of him as he resided a letter of Ludwig's passing from one of his children. "There comes a time where we shall all perish into the depths of the void, but who would wish to go to the seven skies when all the fun people can be found in the depths below.." the slightly aging wick would state to himself, his eyes locked to the glass of carrion. an anger filling him as he'd raise taking a hold of the glass throwing it to the walls before leaving the town..
  5. would look the missive over before placing it on his desk. "I believe i was rather clear in my call for the trial, if they do not show to try and prove their innocence's it only shows their guilt." he'd look to the other members of the Tribunal as he'd speak before looking to the cathedral
  6. A Call for Ecclestical Trial Issued by the Auditor of the Tribunal. Johan “Horens Giant” Vullier Table of context. THE OFFENDERS CALLED FOR TRIAL. THE EVIDENCE. THE WITNESS LIST. THE JURY THE CRIMES. THE OFFENDERS CALLED FOR TRIAL. The organization known as the Ferrymen. Reasoning : I. During the assassination of his Holiness High Pontiff Jude II, Two members of the Ferrymen organization where found with their blades drawn surrounding the body of Jude II and the body of another member of the clergy. One of these men where quickly struck down by members of the Imperial State Army as well as the Ministry of Justice. Sadly one wearing the armor of the organization was able to escape the city. II. During the battle of Northguard thousands of Imperial witnesses could see the organization known as the Ferrymen fighting on the side of the heathen armies of Norland. This furthering the assumption that they in fact work for the heathen army. THE EVIDENCE During the Tribunal investigation dubbed “The Dove has fallen” we have gathered evidence from multiple sources. Not only witnesses of the crime itself, but other witnesses who saw one of the men behind the murder of High Pontiff Jude II while escaping the city of Providence while being ran after by multiple guards. The Tribunal has also been getting numerous reports of the criminal activities of the organization in question as well as one of them seeming to try and spy on the Imperial Household and staff. Its with these reports and accusations as well as the murder of his Holiness Jude II and their partaking in the ongoing war against the heathens hordes of Norland that the Tribunal had decided that enough evidence is gathered to call for an Trial of the whole organization known as the Ferrymen. THE WITNESS LIST. Due to the nature of the organization called to trial the names of the witnesses shall not be published. This to ensure their and their families safety. We know from experience and sources that the organization known as the Ferrymen do not take into consideration if they have to strike down a man, woman nor child if they gain from it. Thus it would be a crime against Godan if we where to put these witnesses and their loved ones in danger. THE JURY The jury itself shall consist of the members of the Tribunal offices and their Cardinal Judges. it will be under the command and word of the Auditor of the Tribunal and his word shall be final and absolute. In the case of a missing member of the Tribunal, the Auditor can see it to elect someone who steps into the role of that missing role or holds the position abstained. THE CRIMES On the day of first amber cold a horrid and blasphemous crime was committed within the cathedral of the Ex Godfrey. Not only was this crime against Imperial Law, but a crime against our faith, a crime against Him, the one true Creator. During the General Audience held by his Holiness Jude II. our Vicar of God, a General Audience that ended up as his last public Audience before his Holiness was brutally murdered during the time he was taking the confessions of our noble canonist flock. This is a crime that there is no turning back from, a crime against the Canonist flock as a whole and each and every person, nation or organization who calls themselves Canonist or believes in Him. Not only where our beloved High Pontiff Jude II murdered in cold blood, His body has also been stolen after the murder. The bodies of the Vicar of God do not belong in some ditch, nor as a trophy for those who have committed the crime. He belongs with the church, in the halls of those who came before him. where he shall lay at peace until the seven skies shall come from all of us. The fact of his body being stolen will forever be seen as one of the worst cases of theft in the History of our Holy Mother Church, a crime that will not be forgotten nor forgiven. The crimes committed go as follows.. TITLE III. Crimes against ecclesiastical authorities. §1 A person using excessive physical force against the Pontiff incurs excommunication. Members of the clergy may incur greater penalties depending on the severity of the crime. §2 A person who further uses excessive force against a bishop or cardinal are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court. §4 A person joining a group plotting against the church are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court. §9 Those who see it fit to insult or threaten a member of the clergy. These individuals are guilty of the crime of indignity. Let it be known that if the Organization does not show to this trial they will by default be punished with the worst punishment that the Holy Mother Church can grant. That of being declared excommunicate and anathema. SIT PERDUCAT NOS PATRIS LAPIS, AMEN. "May the stone father guide us, Amen" Johan Vuiller “Horens Giant” Head of House Vuiller, Auditor of the Tribunal. Knight-Regent Emeritus. Knight of the Black Sepulchre. Protector of the Church of the Canon and her faithful The Trial shall find place on the 1st of Horens folly within the Imperial City of Providence. [THIS SATURDAY 5.06.2021 TIME: 5:30PM EST]
  7. would smile upon seeing the canonization of James II. "Well deserved old friend.. may we soon meet again.."
  8. I’m sad to see you leave but glad for the memories! Take care of yourself! And do reach out! Who knows maybe we need to all come back to do a rebellion in some years!
  9. The tried Johan Vuiller would dip his head as he read the missive, still in his armor the man would be kneeling in the Cathedral of Exalted Owyn as he’d pray looking to his fathers statue “Your blessings and guidance once more kept us safe father, or me safe.. no matter my age or where I shall be I shall follow your teachings as I wield the trident of our family. And with the eagles far sight we shall rain victorious. God save the Empire, God Save the Emperor and God save the noble flock!”
  10. Tribunal investigation on the murder of High Pontiff Jude II Authorized by The Auditor of the Tribunal Johan “Horens Giant” Vuiller. Table of contents. I. THE CRIME COMMITTED AGAINST OUR FAITH II. THE TRIBUNAL INVESTIGATION III. THE ECCLESIASTICAL TRIAL IV. THE PUNISHMENT IF FOUND GUILTY I. THE CRIME COMMITTED AGAINST OUR FAITH. On the day of first ambers cold a horrid and blasphemous crime was committed within the cathedral of the Ex Godfrey. Not only was this crime against Imperial Law, but a crime against our faith, a crime against Him, the one true Creator. During the General Audience held by his Holiness Jude II. our Vicar of God, a General Audience that ended up as his last public Audience before his Holiness was brutally murdered during the time he was taking the confessions of our noble canonist flock. This is a crime that there is no turning back from, a crime against the Canonist flock as a whole and each and every person, nation or organization who calls themselves Canonist or believe in Him. Not only where our beloved High Pontiff Jude II murdered in cold blood, His body has also been stolen after the murder. The bodies of the Vicar of God do not belong in some ditch, nor as a trophy for those who have committed the crime. He belongs with the church, in the halls of those who came before him. where he shall lay at peace until the seven skies shall come from all of us. The fact of his body being stolen will forever be seen as one of the worst cases of theft in the History of our Holy Mother Church, a crime that will not be forgotten nor forgiven. The crimes committed goes as follows.. TITLE III. Crimes against ecclesiastical authorities. §1 A person using excessive physical force against the Pontiff incurs excommunication. Members of the clergy may incur greater penalties depending on the severity of the crime. §2 A person who further uses excessive force against a bishop or cardinal are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court. §4 A person joining a group plotting against the church are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court. §9 Those who see it fit to insult or threaten a member of the clergy. These individuals are guilty of the crime of indignity. II. The Tribunal investigation. It is through our bestowed right and power that the Auditor of the Tribunal command that all current investigations are halted until we for certain know who has committed these crimes and have answered to the Tribunal's justice under ecclesial Trial. The Auditor with the blessing of his Holiness Tylos I has thus ordered the Tribunal with full power start the investigation within the two largest canonist nations in our realm The Holy Orenian Empire and the Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. We thus ask for the full cooperation of the Government of both nations as well as the Ministry of Justice, Imperial State Army and the Haense Royal Army. Any and all who is found to be withholding information on the crimes committed shall therefore themselves be put on trial and under investigation for being in cahoots with the heathens who have committed these crimes. We shall also hold interrogations with all people of interest, eye witnesses and high ranking officers who work on this case within the Governments and military organizations of the canonist world. We also ask that any information gathered is sent to the Auditor of the Tribunal Johan “Horens Giant” Vuiller. III. THE ECCLESIASTICAL TRIAL a painting of the Tribunal during the ecclestical trial of Jasper Carrington. Once the offenders of this crime have been found they will be called for Ecclesiastical Trial by the Tribunal of our Holy Mother Church. We ask for the full cooperation of both the Canonist Nations, The Holy Orinian Empire and the Duel Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska during this trial and that the punishment decided by the Tribunal shall be held in all canonist lands. The offenders will stand before the Tribunal and Auditor during the Trial where the evidence against them shall be presented. Any and all witnesses, testimonies and evidence that shall be presented or used during the Trial must be informed of to the Auditor before the Trials shall find place. If we also find that a larger group of people have been involved in the crimes committed the organization and or group will be accounted as being in cahoots with those who carried out the actual crime. If the persons called for Trial fail to show for this they will by default be found guilty with immediate effect for these crimes and will not be given the chance to defend themselves for these crimes. IV. THE PUNISHMENT IF FOUND GUILTY If found guilty I as Auditor of the Tribunal will deliver the punishment fitted for these horrid crimes against our faith. separating the offenders from the light of the Creator the body and blood of Horen, banned from communion of all Faithful. the Offenders being excluded from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments, banished from the Seven Skies and Gods realm. If found guilty they shall be declared excommunicate and anathema, casted to the other darkness, judged them damned with Iblees and his demons. Domed for eternal fire and everlasting suffering and pain in the Void. This bestowed upon me as the Auditor of the Tribunal, with the blessing of his Holiness Tylos I. A punishment only given once by our church in the last hundred years to the man found guilty of murdering the late High Pontiff Pontian III by Jasper Carrington in the year of 1752. Any who shall then take his person in, shelter them or aid them will therefore excommunicate themselves by Canon law for being conspirators in the murder and theft of High Ponitff Jude II. TITLE VI. Excommunication §3 Those who aid, or otherwise shelter an individual excommunicated by the Church. They are to be guilty of the crime of Harbouring. All know this, if you aided in this murder or theft you will be put to trial, no matter your name nor your position in any nation. As none is above His law. Signed. Johan “Horens Giant” Vuiller, Son of St. Harald. Auditor of the Tribunal. Knight-Regent emeritus. Knight of the Black Sepulchre, Head of house Vuiller Deputy of the Rangers of Eastwood. Chaplain of the Imperial Household. Protector of the Church of the Canon and her Faithfull. @KosherZombie @Rudi @sergisala @ColdestPepsi
  11. would shake his head as he read over the missive “This Joaquin.. he seems to never see that there are always two sides to every story, a man coming into the cathedral shouting the name of Iblees and all his demons.. and now he still keeps on saying I made threats to him for already holding my trident to aid my leg when he entered the cathedral...” he’d simply state to his brothers in clergy, the man seeming tired as he shook his head once more before entering the cathedral to bow in prayer.
  12. Johan would dip his head in approval as he reads over the thesis noting it towards his fellow fathers before sending a copy to his Holiness Tylos I @rep2k
  13. Johan Vuiller would be seated in his office after the gathering, as the church bells so close rang in the streets. A echoing sound filling his head. He’d look to the picture of himself, Cardinal Goren, and Cardinal Manfried. His mind filling with memories of the times where they where simply cardinal brothers under the church of James II. A peaceful time of luck and joy as they tighter built the Holy Palatinate of Aquila, formerly known as Vuillermoz his family home. A year falling down his chin as he’d lock eyes with Manfried ( JUDE II) “your sacrifice will not be forgotten, your work forever sited. Your life forever lived brother..” he’d close his eyes, his mind once more taking him back to those blessed days..
  14. Johan Vuiller would be atop his horse as he came close to the city of Korsgrad. The aging Holy Sir and Auditor would walk into the local Basilica saying a prayer for good fortune on his mission to find information and justice for GODAN. As he finished his prayer he’d stand walking towards the exit of the church, as he did the apparition of his father Saint Harald would shine above him “Vy must return quickly to Providence my son.. it’s his Holiness.. vy must return to his side.” Hearing this Johan would quickly grab a hold of his trident the aging man trying to figure out what his father could have meant.. either way he knew it must be of importance for his father to come down to him. He’d ride for days never stopping to either eat nor drink, as he man road into the city he’d quickly find his way up to the Cathedral entering the doors he’d be met with the news of the High Pontiffs passing by his brothers and sisters the man falling down one one knee “M... Manfried..” the man would let slip as looked to the floor, the nuns, monks and other priest looking to him as the towering man held himself to the ground “How could this happen... where by GODANS MIGHT WHERE THE HOLY KNIGHTS!!” he’d shout in anger “who in their right mind and belief would let our High Pontiff take confession without enough thirds surrounding him during this time of war?!” Johan out of anger would use his trident aiding him up as he spoke as his last words left his mouth he’d stump his trident to the ground braking the stone tile underneath him at impact “let there be known, all current investigations by the Tribunal shall be placed at a halt until justice is found for this crime..” he’d turn once more walking towards his home.. the man entering his house walking towards his office, moving the painting of himself and Jude II over to the wall with his fallen brother and sisters “we often spoke of death you and I brother.. but never in my days would I believe your time would come before my own.. what a dark time our world shall enter without your guidance.. I swear it on my oath, on my fathers stone body, and his holy trident.. I shall not rest until your murderer comes to justice and are excommunicated and hung for this crime..” he’d quickly pen a letter to those in the Tribunal as well as his Imperial Majesty the Orinian Emperor and the King of Haense. @KosherZombie @VIROS @Rudi @rep2k
  15. The Tribunal The letter would be marked with the coat of arms of the Auditor of the Tribunal, Johan Vuiller. A painting of the Auditor of the Tribunal, Johan Vuiller. "Much like the changes that come to the Church with each High Pontiff, the Tribunal sees its own changes as a new Auditor rises to that office." - Johan Vuiller. Table of Contents I. The Hierarchy of the Tribunal. II. The Roles of the Tribunal. III. The Roles of Canon Lawyers. IV. The Extent of the Powers of the Tribunal and the Auditor. I. The Hierarchy of the Tribunal The Tribunal’s hierarchy is controlled by the Auditor, who is responsible in his duties only to the High Pontiff. The Auditor promotes and demotes members of the Tribunal as he sees fit, providing yearly updates to the High Pontiff in order to ensure the courts’ neutrality. \ A painting of the Tribunal, where the people of the Empire and Haense gathered for a hearing on the crimes of late High Pontiff Owyn III. II. The Roles of the Tribunal The Auditor of the Tribunal. It is the duty of the Auditor of the Tribunal to judge, apply and enforce ecclesiastical penalties of the Church. His office is that of an executor of the High Pontiff, his position the second-highest of his curia due to the authority bestowed. The Auditor or his proxies by The Auditor can bestow any penalty fit for the committed crime if the person in question is found guilty in the crimes they are charged of. Only limited by that the Auditor can not convict someone to be excommunicated nor remove an excommunication without the blessing of the High Pontiff himself. The verdict given by the Auditor is final, and can only be vetoed by the High Pontiff himself. The Cardinal Judges It's the duty of the Cardinal Judges to aid the Auditor in trials against people who have been accused of breaking the Canon law. These individuals shall aid the Auditor in holding the trials as well as giving a final verdict on the case. There are three Cardinal Judges each representative of the largest canonist nations (Oren and Haense) as well as a Cardinal Judge who shall be neutral, not belonging to either state. This is to secure a neutral stance in cases against high ranking members of each canonist state as well as for canonist states outside of each nation. The Canon Judges. The Canon Judges are members of the Tribunal who have been sworn in. They are not members of the curia, nor do they need to be ordained members of the church but will be required to have a firm grasp and understanding of the history and overall information of our Canon Law. Once sworn in they are the defenders of the law, able to take part in, hold and give verdicts during a trial. They can convict members of the noble flock if found guilty of breaking canon law, but must send word to the Auditor before the final verdict is given. They can not convict ordained members of the Holy Mother Church. III. The Canon Lawyers The Canon Lawyers are responsible for the defense of the person of interest during a Trial by the Tribunal. Each and every person under the trial shall be offered a Canon Lawyer as representative for their defense. A Canon Lawyer must be approved by the Auditor of the Tribunal to be allowed to defend the offender under investigation. IV. The extent of the powers of the Tribunal and Auditor. The Tribunal The powers and duties of the Tribunal is to inform, discuss, investigate and give a verdict of an ongoing trial or investigation being handled by the Tribunal. They shall together with each other as well as the Auditor come to an agreement on the verdict of the crimes of the offender. thus giving the offender a fit punishment for their crime if the Tribunal finds them guilty of the crimes they are accused of. The Auditor. The Auditor is responsible for the Tribunal itself as an institution under the Holy Mother Church of the Canon. He shall make sure that the ranks are filled in such a manner that there will be no bias during a Trial. He must also make sure that the Canon Laws are followed and protected at all costs and situations. During a high profile trial the Auditor must be present to deliver the final verdict of the offence. The Auditor also holds full veto power of the verdict made by any Cardinal Judge or Canon Judge if he strongly disagrees with the verdict given, only again being vetoed by the High Pontiff himself as he is the Vicar of God. Signed Johan Vuiller “Horens Giant” Head of House Vuiller, Auditor of the Tribunal. Knight-Regent Emeritus. Knight of the Black Sepulchre. Protector of the Church of the Canon and her faithful
  16. Johan Vuiller smiles as he reads over the treaty. “May God bless both the people of The Empire and Kingdom of Haense, and may the canonist flock prosper as one” he’d sign the Lorraine as he looked over a map of Almaris
  17. «The Orinians truly show their canonist values in freeing those in prisoned.” Johan Vuiller would give a slight dip of his head “These actions must be taken into account after their testimony’s have been given.” He’d smile the suns smile starting to write down four letters from the Auditor of the Tribunal. @grnappa @Imperium @KBR
  18. On the Petition for Ecclesiastical Trial The missive would be sent to Joaquin Nuñez of Osanora. and would also be published around the churches of Almari. Stamped with the coat of arms of Johan Vuiller. @Burnsider “Joaquin Nuñez of Osanora. do know that your petition has not been ignored. It has been heard within our halls. The crimes against our Holy Laws, His laws that you describe has been broken is not something we the Tribunal take lightly. So I invite you to bring any eyewitnesses to meet with me, the Auditor of the Tribunal in neutral territory of the Dual Kingdoms of Haenseti-Ruska. A case of this matter involving such names of high profile in both Haense and Oren must be discussed on multiple levels and times. Thus I wish to start with any eye witnesses you might have for your cause to meet with me so that their testimonies can be written down directly from the source. A matter of hearsay will not be valid in such an offense. If their testimonies and the stories told are as you state found to be in breach of our most Holy Laws as ecclesiastical trial shall find place in our most holy of houses. The crimes you have accused these members of are I. Committed a crime against GOD by murdering innocents; II. Committed a crime against GOD by attempting to murder one who has not obtained the age of majority; III. Committed a crime against GOD by encouraging and commanding members of the Imperial State Army to breach canon law; IV. Broke Canon Law by not attempting to resolve violent conflicts with as few casualties as possible, and assaulting targets that were unnecessary for a speedy and virtuous pace; V. Broke Canon Law by not treating prisoners of war humanly. These testimonies will be taken into regards to see if these laws have been broken, and if found to be correct will be used as evidence in an ecclesiastical trial. here the people of interest giving their testimonies will be asked to speak before the Tribunal and those present. The testimonies of those accused of these crimes will also be taken into consideration before a verdict is made on if the matter will move to ecclesiastical trial. This to ensure that both sides will be heard. The list of accused goes as followed; The Count of Susa, Iskander Alexios Basrid. @KBR The Count of Valles, Erik Othaman. @grnappa The Countess of Halstaig, Azariah O`Rourke. The Count of Kositz, Erik Ruthern. @Imperium All of those listed above have been accused of crimes against the noble flock, the Sons and Daughters of Horen. Even if these men and women have denied His eternal Light we must remember that they can still find salvation, but it will not be found at the end of a blade. Thus, I call upon all of you to testify and give your side of the story before a decision shall be made. These testimonies shall be held within the walls of Providence. Also we must not forget that the actions of a few does not shine over the Empire as a whole if these men are to be found guilty of these accusations. as St. Harald though us. we do not punish the many, for the actions of the few. Godspeed.” Signed Johan Vuiller “Horens Giant” Head of House Vuiller, Auditor of the Tribunal. Knight-Regent Emeritus. Knight of the Black Sepulchre. Protector of the Church of the Canon and her faithful
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