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    Peter Nicholas Montalt | Father Blackwald | Qahnaarin
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  1. Why is staff intervening on an affair that has been substantiated by an RP narrative. Every substantial or game-changing RP interaction nowadays inevitably contains a piece of OOC interaction (not everyday RP interactions ofc) and despite that, this Haelun'or takeover has been something rp'ed out if not weeks ago with their current government and Kiwi's character for however long more. 


    This isn't an excuse, but almost every war or attempt at a coup for the past 2+ years has been something motivated even by more OOC organization. Staff didn't care to intervene then, so where's the standard. If a majority of people are dissatisfied with an NL, they will rp it as so - there's no avoiding that it's how the server works. Why are they killing fun

    Let's not pretend to ignore either that previous regimes of Haelun'or are equally if not more guilty of ooc orchestration and blacklists lol

    1. ScreamingDingo


      we shouldn't have to grasp at straws and say roleplay must be done poorly and with ooc spite because of the predecessors on the server


      I hate the unionist. abolish player rights

    2. MRCHENN


      4 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

      we shouldn't have to grasp at straws and say roleplay must be done poorly and with ooc spite because of the predecessors on the server


      I hate the unionist. abolish player rights


      I don't disagree that ooc spite should be an excuse for poor roleplay, but I just don't think that's the case here. Staff rn is pursuing a policy of pull the trigger, explain later (one which I've only noticed or is acceptable for cases of banning players, etc) but why is it being done to valid roleplay in a transfer of power by players LOL

      I'm sure if matta, staff or whoever wished to have dialogue with twi or ryan they'd find that while there is some level of out of character organization (as is necessary to achieve ANY takeover of power), they'd find that they have actually done valid roleplay with whomever, be it the Sohaerate, or even Kiwii's character larping as some sleeping agent. Just sounds like excuses tbh and it doesn't justify gassing the RO list, making doors public, and taking PRO

    3. ScreamingDingo


      they did it with ooc intent and we won't get better as a server without abolishing this concept.


      If mods are actually taking a ballsy stand I approve immensely. Too much casual ooc in nation leader politics that detracts from majority of the server. it's not excuses it's holding accountability for the server needing to uphold a standard and why we're in such a strange slump of roleplay.


      It's not the scheme itself in roleplay, it's the celebratory expose that was attached to the post that caused all this. A very Disney villain reveal ngl

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