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Status Replies posted by Songwitch

  1. jokul accepted pending admin approval

    1. Songwitch


      half a yr later... [insert denied in bold letters]

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. jokul accepted pending admin approval

    1. Songwitch


      that means stalling a denial verdict in my language

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. i have just lost so many braincells reading through debate posts in here

    y'all need help fr

  4. Let's just deny everything; it's easier, less to read.

  5. if any kings or queens want to curse their unborn heirs hmu

  6. qotd: what's something that strikes true, raw fear into your character? it could be a person, a concept, a magic, etc. you could also talk about an RP interaction relating to a time they were afraid of something, somewhere

  7. qotd: when you first created your character, what was the goal you had in mind for them, if any? has it been accomplished yet? has RP generated any new goals for them as a character?

    1. Songwitch


      for my first ever character i just wanted water/ice magic bc i really liked it, i was watching black clover at the time and was obsessed with noelle, and then i watched akame ga kill and also became obsessed with esdeath, so my aims were those


      my second character was made just because i had been into the server for a few months by then and i wasn't really comfortable playing or enjoying playing my first one, so i just created a new one and decided to chase the same goal i initially had: getting that juicy water/ice magic (she eventually got both)

      my third character was made because i was invited into an orenian family by a close friend and decided to join, i wasn't really interested in the character at all so i never played her but now she's my main one :3 the goal i had for her when i joined the family was just to let rp see where she would be taken, and now i feel like she is the one that i've accomplished more things with, in a way that i actually enjoyed and felt as though it was natural, not forced or arranged, etc. 


      i have more characters but i have never really dedicated much time or thought to them like i have for these three

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. If I become a Voice of Eshtel-er and get the funny white blood, I will sell it and tell people it's milk.

    1. Songwitch


      this has the same vibes as frost witch ice cream

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. continuing on this human RP slander but people who google translate RP are worse. please im trying to roleplay not learn ******* french

    1. Songwitch


      tell that to the spanish human rpers XDDD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. well? i dont like what you said. consider urself ban reported. see u in blue tag court, *****.

  11. most pathetic thing i've read:



    Calling a thread about rape and death threats a cry for attention.

    1. Songwitch


      it's always the incels with the lamest pfps ever

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. All hail Neridraza

    1. Songwitch


      ofc YOU would worship the only female dragon............

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. gonna be logging on for a day (ill), if you wanted to rp pm me

  14. @MunaZaldrizoti  Before making a spectacle on the forums about a skin, how about you try DMing me? Not hard, babe. 

    You simply needed to message me privately and I would have done whatever you asked.

    The skins are beautiful, JoelTheGinger, and I apologise. I did not know you had paid a hard-earned sum for them and would have not done that otherwise.

    Glad we got this resolved!


  15. If you're interested in my Weavers of Fate culture and would like to be included, message me on here and we can work something out :)

  16. looking to skin a few things for an upcoming auction. any refs ppl would like to see made ?

  17. guys if you had to choose to be with a spook group would you rather be with Da Dovahkin (Azdrazi) or Da Frosties (Frost Witches)

  18. Players in Europe! How difficult is it to play LOTC when you’re so far ahead of the core time zone base? What do you do to accommodate it?


    also, besides Urguan, what settlements or events are the most likely to align with someone in GMT with a somewhat reasonable sleep schedule? Thanks!

    1. Songwitch


      @Carson there aren't many. the few ones (i suppose) do events but i have never been able to attend to one of these 😔

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Players in Europe! How difficult is it to play LOTC when you’re so far ahead of the core time zone base? What do you do to accommodate it?


    also, besides Urguan, what settlements or events are the most likely to align with someone in GMT with a somewhat reasonable sleep schedule? Thanks!

    1. Songwitch


      it's hard. rp gets repetitive because it's always the same places, the same people, the same trope. there's nothing interesting going on at morning or early afternoon times for me (beside the occasional player or ST event that is more often than not finished by the time i arrive). my sleep schedule is also destroyed due to my numerous attempts at roleplaying with more people and at different times, so now i go to sleep in the day and play in the night. i am american in soul, european in flesh. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. what would you do if when you ok so he said yes would go? 

    1. Songwitch


      i would say, god bless him

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