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974 Heroic

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  1. What does a “heroic character” look like to you?

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    2. Wizzar


      Tall, dark, and handsome

    3. Zarsies



    4. lemonke


      A hero isn’t always someone who goes fearlessly into a fight to die and act heroic in a dramatic manner. What some people have said, the most heroic individual is for sure the most common dude. I'd say they should reflect the ideals of common folk and be always there to help others to improve and be sure his/her help would be needed no more–as in to make the environment a good place and bring the best out of other people. However, a good hero character should also know sometimes certain people are just like that, and at times sacrifices do need to be made(in a less murdery sense otherwise we walk on the anti-hero area).


      There is more to it of course but these are my 2 cents. @Andustar has given some good examples too!

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