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Everything posted by bugbytes21

  1. Hernando Altamirano looks at the thesis with a sense of pride in his acolyte swelling in him. "My star pupil"
  2. Rules and guidelines of the Canonist Service Center At the opening of the Canonist Service Center, it has almost immediately began servicing the the poor among us. Those who are down on their luck now have a roof over their head, food, and a jobs program that helps them find employment. And I can say with a heart filled with joy that it is working. However, the lack of rules and guidelines for the use of the service center has hindered it's effectiveness. Thus requires these new rules to be established. Rules: 1: Follow all rules and laws of the local municipality of which the service center is located in. 2.: Follow all rules and laws of the nation the service center is located in. 3. As it is a Canonist establishment, Canon law is valid here (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197696-codex-iurius-canonici-danielus-pontifex-second-edition/). Though I find myself in disbelief that the establishment of such rule is necessary and vital to the operations of the Canonist Service center, I must reiterate that PDA, Fornication and any such immoral acts do not have a place within the Canonist Service Center and will result in immediate removal. 5. For the use of shelters, no one person shall spend more than 2 years within the shelter after finding a job, to ensure that we have room for all who need to use the services. All rules will be enforced by either local leadership or church officials and knights. Violations will be looked upon on a case by case basis. And punishments may vary from breach of rules. I now ask that you join me in prayer, for the poor and those having a hard time, Sanctus Pater vester voluntatis est finalis voluntatis, et arbitrium nostrae sunt libidini obnoxius. Oro te sumus in dolore succurrendum pauperes, et orate ut eos mox ut indentured et liberavit in tua erat gubernata. In nomine Patris, amen. Holy Father, Your Will is the final will, and Your Whims are our whims. We pray that You alleviate the suffering of the poor, and we pray that those indentured may soon be liberated with Your guidance. In nomine Patris, amen. Heilige Vater, Ihre Wille ist die Endwille, und Ihre Grillen sind unsere Grillen. Wir beten dass Sie das Leid der Armen erleichtern. Und wir beten dass die, die verpflichtet sind, wird bald bei Ihre Beratung befreit sein. In nomine Patris, amen. Signed, Hernando Altamirano, Bishop Cordoba
  3. Garret Darkwood spits out his tea looking at the announcement, "This changes things"
  4. "I usually don't drink at all, but if I do indulge it is San Roberto Tequilla, it is literally a sip of the seven skies on earth! Bestowed upon us by the great and glorious GOD" Proclaims Bishop Hernando, Cordoba as he carries crates of bottles from Cartagena to fill the rooms of Osanora's tavern
  5. Hernando Altamirano looks at the open letter his jaw dropping saying, "These accusations are most disturbing, disheartening and must be looked into I commend Agustin Jario Altamirano for his initiative"
  6. Hernando Altamirano nods in approval and signs the loraine. "We must defend our own"
  7. Funeral of Francisco Cardinal Sutica Depiction of Francisco Cardinal Sutica It is with an amount of sadness and grief, of which no words can describe the announcement of the death of Francisco Cardinal Sutica. A great loss for Hyspia, and the holy mother church. A man of virtue and strength who stood up for Hyspia, when Hyspia needed him the most, and ushered in a new era of Hyspian optimism and excellence. Who paid the ultimate price for the people of which he loved. This great man of virtue, who dedicated his life to the faithful and GOD is now with GOD in the ultimate paradise. Let us come together not in sadness, anger, grief, or hate. But in joy, joy of which Francisco would want us to be when he first stepped up to shepherd the Hyspian flock, joy in not just what has been but what will be, for he may be the first to step up and shepherd the Hyspians, but he will certainly not be the last. Born in 1768 in the wildlands of Arcas to nomadic tribesman, losing his mother to his father at a young age, leaving him to provide for his brothers then ascending to the one of the highest offices the church has to offer. Francisco Cardinal Sutica is a testimate to that with sheer will, we can achieve anything. Let us come together and celebrate the life, the legacy, the accomplishments, of Francisco Cardinal Sutica. Let us walk together into the new age, together, united as Francisco would want us to. GOD bless Francisco. VIVA HYSPIA Signed, Hernando Altamirano (OOC, Funeral in Cartagena Friday 5pm est, followed by Fiesta in memory of Francisco, all faithful are invited)
  8. Heranndo Altamirano looks at the letter, stopping himself from leaping in joy. He then looks at himself in the mirror, washes his face and proceeds to pray in the Garden, "Is it wrong that I feel joy at the death of the pretender apostate king? All life is the life of GOD no matter how far they strayed from the path. May GOD judge Antonio's soul and bring him justice where I have failed. May GOD judge me for not being there for Francisco, for I have failed in my duty to protect the leader of Hyspia? May GOD have mercy on me"
  9. Hernando Altamirano opens the letter and his heart fills with much joy and jubilation, opening a bottle of Hyspian Tequila he shouts at the roof top, "LONG LIVE THE KING, LONG LIVE THE KING LONG LIVE THE KING. VIVA HYSPIA." He then goes to the local pub to celebrate the opening of a new chapter in Hyspian history
  10. [!] A public letter addressing the Hyspian Public would be distributed to Nueva Tierra and Cartagena It is with a heavy heart and sad circumstances of which I find myself in the position of having to write this letter. Nevertheless the circumstances call for such letter to be written. It is with a heavy heart that I must state that the apostate king of Hyspia has reverted to attacking his own people in an attempt to cling to power. Such attack happened recently on the man of virtue named Carlos Mendez. A man who dedicated much of his life to the nurturing and raising the young prince and dedicated years of his life in selfless service to the Hyspian people. Years of his life of which been repaid by exile, and the baseless allegation of being undead, in an attempt to end the life of one Carlos Mendez. After Carlos was proven innocent Antonio then continued to charge Carlos Mendez with numerous crimes of which he never committed. All in an effort to make Antonio look more powerful and distract from his constant and numerous failings as a leader. So therefore after much time in thoughtful prayer I must cease to even recognize the existence of Red Hyspia and call upon all Hyspians to do the same. Antonio is unfit to be king and lacks the virtue that Cesar Rivera held. Antonio Rivera's crimes are numerous and serious, his reign of terror has resulted in many deaths and attacks on many Hyspians, may GOD bless each and every soul sent prematurely to the seven skies as a result of Antonio's arrogance and selfishness. I was but a young boy when the Canonists first rolled into Osanora to help the Hyspians achieve their sense of identity once more and was ecstatic to have the love of GOD not only enter in my heart but in the heart of Antonio Rivera and all other Hyspians. It was a glorious and happy time, filled with love and optimism. Antonio then crushed those feelings and destroyed that time when he decided to turn his back on the holy mother church, abandoning not just GOD, but Hyspia. I have praid every day sense for Antonio to return back into the light of GOD. Alas, no such day has come. Antonio abandoned the holy mother church for selfish reasons and personal gain, the largest insult to virtue and the people of Hyspia. He then proceeded to send the Hyspians of faith such as the Altamiranos into exile and cast out the Canonist Hyspians out of their homes, their families, their people. How can one claim to be king when he constantly divides and destroys the very people of which he swore an oath to protect and to serve. Antonio has not just betrayed Hyspia, but he betrayed Cesar the man who united Hyspia, little would one know it would be his son to divide Hyspia. When one would think Antonio cannot go any lower, he goes lower, exiling the man who raised and nurtured him through his infancy to adulthood. Then levying false claims against him in an attempt to destroy his name, his heart, and his will. and in turn Hyspians heart, will, and spirit Hyspia will not be broken so easily. Such extraordinary times call for extraordinary people to step up and take the mantel of responsibility of leadership. One such man of virtue and GOD has stood up to help Hyspia, guide it, heal it's people under the guidance of GOD. Such man is Cardinal Francisco, he is the man for the moment. By the grace of GOD Cardinal Francisco helped guide the Hyspians of Virtue to their new home in Cartagena. It is through the grace of GOD that Cardinal Francisco is the rightful ruler and Shepard of Hyspia. Under the guidance of GOD Hyspia shall prosper and it is with a heart full of Joy and optimism that I pledge full and unwavering support to the most Holy leader of Hyspia. Cardinal Francisco. I call upon all Hyspians to do the same to follow the the one true leader of Hyspia, Cardinal Francisco, long live Francisco and GOD bless Hyspia. I now wish that you join me in prayer for a most wonderful and prosperous future. Dear GOD, May we find the strength to overcome this obstacle placed before us. May we emerge stronger and united than ever before, may Hyspia see bountiful harvests and peaceful times. May we forever stay on the path of virtue oh GOD and never stray from it once more. For it is GOD that is most high, GOD that delivers us from our sin, and grants us eternal life in the seven skies, and may GOD deliver us from this crisis and strengthen us on the inside and renewing our resolve to virtue. We ask this in your name. Amen. Peace and long life be with you my Hyspian brothers and sisters. Viva Hyspia, and long live Francisco, the True ruler of Hyspia. Signed, Hernando Altamirano
  11. Heranando Altamirano looks upon the notice with a vigor rising in his soul such vigor and patriotism of which he has not felt in years "GOD bless the holy mother church, GOD bless Hyspia VIVA HYSPIA"
  12. Hernando Altamirano reads the public letter and is quick to write a public letter in response to Carlos Mendez Carlos, Your calmness and courage in the face of this adversity is admirable to say the least. You have earned my most upmost and highest respect. You are truly a man of virtue and spirit. I offer my public support to Carlos Mendez and all other Mendez's who wish to leave the illegitimate apostate king. King Antonio claims to be the protector of the Hyspian people, yet his own people leave him in droves to take up the path of virtue. I pray for the day that Antonio see's the light of the most high and glorious GOD. These baseless claims of which Antonio has pushed against the most honorable Carlos Mendez is arguably the most heinous crime of which a leader can commit. If you can call Antonio a leader in the first place, he claims to be the rightful ruler of Hyspia yet contains no virtue or spirit that Cesar had. I was but a young boy when the canonist church stepped in on Hyspia's behalf and saved Antonio and Hyspia. Antonio repaid them by abandoning the one true faith for his own personal gain. Therefore I too add my name to the public denunciation of the fake apostate "king" who is nothing of the great man of his father. GOD have mercy on Antonio's soul and the souls of which still follow this man on a false path. May GOD have mercy on the apostates of Norland. May GOD bless you Carlos and all other people who follow in your foot steps. May GOD bless Hyspia, and the Church. Signed Father Hernando Altamirano.
  13. Hernando Altamirano stops what he is doing and signs the loraine and sits in the gardens of providence to pray for the lost souls of Leumont, "Oh GOD of most high, may these lost souls on the trail of virtue find their way home. Let them find the light of GOD once more and protect them from the apostate state of Norland"
  14. Father Hernando looks at the law, spitting out his tea taking a minute to compose himself, "First they had the audacity to kill men of GOD in GODs house. Because they didn't like the decision that they came to. Then they allow heretics to roam the streets freely? May GOD have mercy on the Haense's nobilities souls."
  15. William Santiago would look at the ministry of justice building in horror and shock, seeing his ISA brothers fall one by one. He then weeps for his brothers in the ISA. He then stands up, dusts himself off. Picks up the sword and shield and yells "One GOD, one EMPORER. one EMPIRE" Signs the loraine, then goes to train to get back at the terrorists that took so much from the empire.
  16. Hernando Altamirano would read the booklet, nodding in approval "Though Cesar was not Canonist, he exibited virtue and high values, such of which will make one welcomed in the kingdom of GOD. I pray that Antonio finds it in himself to walk in his father's footsteps and choose what is right for the Kingdom and reunite Hyspia under the divinity and love of GOD"
  17. Hernando Altamirano would stop everything he is doing, looking down at the letter stating, "GOD is good GOD is great. GOD the most high. GOD bless you Carlos Mendez. And may the rest of Hyspia follow in this path and find redemption in the everlasting love of GOD. Welcome back Carlos!" Hernando would then spend the next 5 hours in quiet contemplation and prayer, prayer for the rest of Red Hyspia so that they too follow in Carlos's footsteps into the light of GOD.
  18. Hernando Altamirano would cough choking on his tea looking at the missive, filled with anger he proclaims, "These poor children of GOD have been ripped from the path of GOD, forced into a religion not of their own because of some oppressive nation of apostates. If you can call Norland a nation at all. This is one of the most severe crimes against GOD that Norland has perpetrated. I am at a loss of words of how saddened I am to see this. I pray that GOD show Norland the light, and that Leumont returns once again to the one true path."
  19. The utility of Humility Peace and long life be with you my brothers and sisters. This great gift of life GOD has bestowed on us, through his infinite love. Through his infinite love GOD has given us all a holy mission, a purpose in life of which it is our solum duty to carry out. Throughout our life, GOD will test us, we will face trails, tribulations. It will be our task to overcome those obstacles. Throughout this life, every time someone gets full of themselves, GOD creates a challenge of which is greater than the last, challenging the resolve of a man who lacks humility. Throughout our life it is vital that ones remain humble through all trails and tribulations, the utility of humility is one of the greatest assets to anyone. Our holy mission given to us by GOD, is ours to take, and ours alone. By bragging to others and lacking humility, we laugh in the face of GOD, asking him to give us more challenges, give us more hardship. By maintaining humili­ty, we show respect to GOD and his plan, and those reap what they sow, if you sew humility, you will receive a calmer life. As the Canticle of Humility in the Scroll of virtue states, “So I am the most high in pursuit of my own virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not judge you own virtue, be it great or small, for all fall short of Me” if one is not humble, they will think themselves higher than their fellow peers, and higher than GOD, none is higher than the most high GOD. Thus, being humble is one of the greatest ways to live life, showing thanks to GOD for the life of which he gave you. GOD the highest GOD our creator and savior, created us through his eternal love. It is our duty to give thanks to GOD who gave us life, a mission. We have only one life, one death, we must live it to our fullest, not get full of ourselves. As the Scroll of virtue states, “I am the lord GOD without peer. I created the earth, the seas, and the heavens. And I breathed life into the beasts of earth and the men who rule them. And as I am eternal, you are transient and there is no eternity without me”. GOD created us, and GOD holds the power of most high. It belongs to no mortal, not me, not you not anyone. To lack humility, is an attempt to place yourself above GOD. All those who play GOD always end a horrible end. So let us be humble as it is one of the key actions on the path to virtue. So in conclusion my Brothers and Sisters, humility remains one of the highest assets in ones life. To fulfill our holy mission, we must ensure that we remain humble in our endeavors,­­­­­ and our triumphs, for it is one step of many on the path to virtue.
  20. Portrail of the bottom of the Infieri Pit in the last moments of life for Padre Javier Padre Javier peers down at the endless pit, appearing as if it has no end, Padre froze, signing the Loraine saying “GOD remember me when I come into your kingdom” as the cultists push him down the endless pit. Falling to his death. At his last breath of life, Padre sends one last plea out to GOD. Asking him to forgive the cultists, for they do not know what they do. Padre then closes his eyes, as the ground meets his body. Taking the life out of him, Padre Javier Fransisco-Altamirano, born 1782, only at the age of 26, with a promising future ahead of him died in 1808. Padre Javier was born in 1782 to lost Hyspian soldiers in Arcas and spent his life traveling searching for his home. He then found a group of Hyspians who were settled in Osanora, Javier went down a dark path in life, spending time on feuds, violence and greed. To the point of being exiled from Hyspia, Javier then fell into alcoholism, lust and bitterness, the lowest point in his life. Until one fateful day he received a letter from then Bishop Fransisco of Hyspia, after spending some time Javier had a spiritual revelation, seeing the light he decided to become a man of GOD. Becoming an Acolyte under Bishop Fransisco. Siding with the Hyspians in the schism between Red Hyspia and Canonist Hyspia. Padre Javier spent years evangelizing the word of GOD in providence, rising to be Vicar Providentia shortly before his death. Faithful till the last moment, Javier spent his final moments of life, begging for the forgiveness of others. On the desk of Vicar Providentia lays the last homily of Padre Javier, of a funeral yet to be, “Life, the greatest gift of which GOD has given to us through his infinite love. GOD created us in his own image, gave us purpose, and gave us a plan. But GOD gave us one more gift, the gift of free will. GOD gave us a choice, whether to walk his path, or reject him, GOD gave us a choice whether to be kind or be hateful, and my brothers and sisters. It is up to all of us to choose right. Let us always endeavor to choose right right, for we do not know the time of which GOD will call us back to his kingdom and for those times we fell short of GODs holy mission, let us pray for his forgiveness. Nothing in life is ever permanent, and we must accept that, people will come, people will go, it must be our duty to move with the world. As the scroll of Auspice states “So the horn of GOD pours out upon the world, and it is inundated in the waters of Gamesh. And lo! I see the face of GOD, and from his mouth are falling tomes of prophecy. They are washed out upon the world, and the virtuous are perfected before Him.” For every beginning there is an end, for every sunrise there is a sunset, for every life, there is a death. It is only natural for the passing of souls from this life to the seven skies to take place. It is part of GODs plan, each and every one of us has a time, and we must accept that when the time comes. Let us remember those who went before us, and live a life of virtue for those who will go after us. I thank you for coming today and choosing to listen to the word of GOD. Let us conclude this homily in prayer, Oh GOD help us live a life of virtue, keep us on the right path to virtue, help the sheep that are lost their way and forgive their sins. May GOD bless all those gathered here today, and those who are not. Remember oh GOD we your people when we come into your kingdom and take rest in the seven skies, let us bring light when there is darkness, love where there is hate. Forgiveness where there is mistrust, let the people of GOD say amen. Go in peace, to love and to serve GOD and all of his creations. Blessed be GOD forever. Amen.”
  21. "Amen praise be to GOD. May the red hyspians see the light once more, before they are forever lost to the void" Padre Javier Altamirano would state, reminiscing on his time before being banished by Hyspia, tearing up remembering how he fought side by side with Carlos Mendez and how close he got with the others before being betrayed by his fellow Hyspians
  22. Javier Fransisco-Altamirano, signs the Loraine upon reading the thesis, "Amen" He nods in agreement. "By far one of the greatest thesis's I have read"
  23. Javier would sit in his office reading the missive "What in heavens name are they doing over there" He says, shaking his head returning to his duties as a Vicar
  24. "I am so sorry Otho, you deserved better, you all did" Padre Javier states looking up to the sky, as if he were talking to all who died in the massacre. "I swear on my honor as a priest, a man of GOD, and a Hyspian. I will make this right, I will seek justice"
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