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  • Character Name
    Gansk/Hansk Lamar
  • Character Race
    Human Highlander

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  1. Sven would join his stewards as they took stock of the kingdom’s war supply. ”Come what may, we’ll be ready.”
  2. 1. The one thing I had trouble with as a casual coming in was the language. When I first started off as king I’d always need someone in the disc to translate for me. But that’s also kinda fun and different. Nothing felt similar and I’m always engaged at a Krug diplo meeting. It’s a hard thing to balance with pros and cons for sure. 2. Some really cool folks in leadership. With Masouri, Mikaelz and Pancakez I’ve felt like I’m interacting with stand up guys. Everything’s on the table, no beating around bushes. It’s a breath of fresh air. The community has been really solid too with Krug-Norland interactions. We just had a convo in Norland the other day about how Krug has been awesome with us and our events, and how we really owe it to them to return the favor. We’re hyped to bump up that interaction and I’d love to build it up in the ways you’ve mentioned! 3. The kind goon vibe is 10/10. I haven’t had enough interactions with the core community to see the issues others site, but if they are present, setting the example that good crits don’t excuse shitty behavior could really make the tone of the group shine. Big fan of Krugmar, cool cap build btw!
  3. Dear Valued Writer, Thank you for your correspondence. Your request is very important to us and will be responded to in the order it was received. Father Guide Us, The following would be stamped onto the parchment. Sven Edvardsson
  4. Sven would begin drafting a summons of his best and brightest to aid Haense in their investigation. A man of such reason, cut down. We'll find whoever's responsible. We have to.
  5. Sven would read the missive on a quiet night in the Ashwood Tavern. There has never been a people more worthy of protecting. Iron from Ice. With a nod, the man would rise from his seat and be on his way.
  6. Sven lumbered across waves of grain, guided by the trampling steps of the man marching before him, mucking a path for the man to his back. His legs grew tired from the weight of his cargo, the foundations for the Elysian palisade. The sound of rock and gravel rustled all along the convoy as they advanced, one by one. Then, for just a moment, he'd glance off from his mission to the village below. He'd see the contrast of ash, blood, and disarray. The blood of a woman fallen just a day before, her ghost locked in the cracks and flats of cobbled stone. People met their end here, he thought. People. No renowned Northguardsman, finally meeting his end after a glorious life worth lived. No damned soul, guilty of crimes beyond counting, finally put to a rest well deserved. It was a woman. A woman and her kids. "Sven?" He'd shake from his thoughts to meet eyes with the man behind him. Alric, his trusted crownsguard, an Icathian, and a friend. Sven would pause a moment as he parsed the meaning behind his racing thoughts. He'd manage to convey just the one, speaking to his companion with a tone of certainty unknown to him all his days before. "In their haste for glory, they lost what made them human. That is a gash; cut deeper than our sharpest axes could ever hope to plunge." A moment. "I would not wish this on my worst of enemies."
  7. To Redress the Slights A Declaration of War Issued Thirteenth of the First Seed, Twenty Second Year of the Second Age TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Since our settlement of this new continent just two decades past, the nations of the world have remained in a blessed yet fragile peace. It has not been without its turbulent moments, certainly, however peace it has been. But, peace can continue no longer. Despite our Kingdom’s multiple efforts to seek peaceful recompense and apology for the wrongs done against our nation and our people, the Orenian State has chosen to ignore our grievances. Despite their promises of diplomats and discussion, they have delivered neither, and have refused entirely to treat with us. And then, the proverbial final straw came within the past Elven Day, when a troop of men calling themselves the Sons of Horen planned a raid on the city of Varhelm by the order of the Pontiff and the King of Oren. These valiant men, of course, backed down following the discovery of their party in the Rimeveld, yet their flight availed them little; even still they were tracked, captured, and put down. Yet, this list is hardly exhaustive. Put simply, we have been given little recourse, and the Clans of Norland have made their desires known. Enumerated below are the most recent wrongs perpetrated by the Orenian State against the Kingdom and people of Norland: I. The unjust assault of a blind man of Norland at the hands of the Orenian Ministry of Justice, the sullying of his honor, and subsequent spreading of untruths about his actions and affiliations. II. The violation of Norlandic Sovereignty, and therefore the Treaty of Owynsburg, by way of planning and attempting to conduct multiple arrests and investigations on Norlandic soil without first negotiating an agreement of extradition. III. The violation of Norlandic Sovereignty, and therefore the Treaty of Owynsburg, by way of the conducting of espionage within Norlandic borders and attempting to bribe both Norlandic citizens and officials of the Norlandic military in exchange for information on the activities of the Norlandic Crown. IV. The failure and refusal to negotiate or even engage with the Kingdom of Norland in its attempts to mend tensions. When first these rifts between nations began to open, our King Halvar Edvardsson personally made overtures to mend the situation, asking a pittance for the man whose honor had been besmirched and a simple apology. He was refused and was met with insults from the room, the loudest among them being accusations of terrorism and the assertion that our people lack both laws and principles. Shortly after, the attempts at espionage and extrajudicial arrests began. Again, we sought reconciliation with the Orenian State, even as the Clans clamored for conflict. This time, our advances were ignored outright. It is clear that the Orenian state assumes it can ignore its own misbehaviors in the vain belief that their fabricated narrative of moral superiority will place them on the right side of history at the end of days. Unfortunately, for every wrong that is committed, there must always be a redressing of the balance. If it was truly peace they sought, perhaps they should have come to the table whilst they had the chance. The Clans have cast their votes, and their decision will be rendered; The Kingdom of Norland hereby declares an official state of war. If they will not pay for their wrongs in the currency of gold, then they will pay in the price of blood. Penned by, Arthas II Edvardsson-Ruric, Prince of Norland, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland In the Name of, Sven II, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, Chieftain of Clan Edvardsson, Protector of Highlanders
  8. MasonMcBadbat


    Gansk is a Norlandic male hailing from Morsgrad following the Red Faith. He is 5'10" with the average soldier physic and brown hair with a dull sense of fashion to match his brown rustled hair. His father served in the Oren-Sutica war as a Norlandic legionary. Gansk had a martial upbringing that would set him up for his own service. He sports a scar over his left eye from the edge of his shield during a skirmish. Gansk served as a shield-bearer assigned to guard the siege engines during battle. He would become a veteran of his unit and develop a strong bond with his fellow soldiers over the years. During one siege, the defenders would sally out and rush the siegeworks. Gansk held the line along with his shield brothers for hours awaiting relief from the army. As time passed and battle brothers fell, Gansk would lose faith in his superiors, thinking the army had abandoned the siegeworks and his unit along with them. Against the orders of his captain, a friend and father figure, Gansk would break rank and flee the battlefield. In his early career, Gansk would resemble the average young soldier. He was a bold, reliable companion with a strong sense of duty. However, after his desertion, he would hold an internal conflict between his strong sense of duty and brotherhood and the very real decisions he made at the siegeworks that day. This conflict is projected into his personality with a distrust for "Sly" characters who find no problem with abandoning that which doesn't serve them. Gansk would retain his strong respect for loyalty and his preference for shield-based combat but would hide his desertion from most. Though not a fanatic, Gansk would become a follower of the Red Faith, specifically to the paragon Donovan the Bastion.
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