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Everything posted by Qctho

  1. THE7Dwarves Maltic_Sharbreaker#4032 Nim'Bur Aedove a single ticket
  2. this is an amazing idea.
  3. hhehehehehehhehehheheheheheh *amibient nefarious plotting noises*
  4. [!] Nim'Bur Aedove smiles upon seeing the flier, and makes preparations to send a bird to the man. It seems this kha has finally found a master of alchemy to apprentice under-
  5. I have a question for the writer: In the application stated that only beings with greater souls, such as those that can learn magic, can become Demi-Djinn. However, Kha were not specified to be able to become Demi-Djinn, yet aha do indeed have greater souls and as such can learn magic and things that require a greater soul. Can you clarify this for me? Thanks! :D
  6. Well, Fingers crossed it gets excepted, but if it does get denied, I'm exited to see what you do in the rewrite.
  7. I feel as if I'm not sure if this is gonna be added, but it hope it is. I'm already emotionally attached, already remade my Creature Application in case it gets added XD
  8. A lot of people don't approve of this idea, but I totally do. This would be awesome. nice job on the lore. if this gets added, i'd be so happy. +1
  9. ok so tell me straight. If any of you could RP as a shelved race, or use a shelved magic, was would it be? and why?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sorcerio


      Torn between Wraiths and Harbingers. Wasn't around for either though 😔 

    3. Shmeepicus
    4. Slorbin


      Arcanism, but treat it more like housemagery.

  10. I hear someone wanted a sorvian maid. first of all, WHY? and second of all, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. third of all, WHO THE HECK WOULD WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phoebe202


      What is a sorvian maid?

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      @Majesticpasta when you get a sorvian to serve you drinks in a maid outfit

    4. Phoebe202
  11. I like this idea a lot, I'd make for a lot of spice in RP and would be really good for lotC. +1
  12. sorry fo applying a MILLION THINGS :/ 

  13. my kha'cheetra application has been updated


    1. Qctho


      will you check it for me?


    2. Qctho


      hey keefy will you check my Kha application


  14. what if I removed the azdrazi part?


    1. Qctho


      would I be able to have it then?


      sorry nevermind


  15. Hi! So glad to be joining this community, I really love role-play and  I can't wait to get my application checked so I can truly join!


    1. Suicidium


      Glad to have you!

    2. TheCapybara


      Welcome my dude! Hope you enjoy the experience!

    3. Qctho




  16. Qctho


    Qctho's father was an adopted dwarf who was brough up amongst esteemed members of society. His father fell in love with an adventurous soul, a woman named Arachne, during an adventure to the jungles of Axios. They were happily wed and soon they returned to his ancestral village that they might bear a child. They soon gave birth to Qctho. Qctho therefor bore the name of his fathers adopters, McAntoine. Qctho's first years of his life were happy, and he increased his stealthy abilities from sneaking around the large ancestral home. His mother disappeared after a siege on the providence that the village their home was within the attackers also stole a large sum of the McAntoines Midas. Qctho's father, lost without the joy of adventure and the love of his life Arachne, fell Ito a state of depression. Qctho grew sad because he longed for his mother, and I drove him to learn the shamanic arts, that he might speak with his mothers spirit. His father tried to teach him to become a cultured member of society so that he would not end up in the emotional state he himself was in, but Qctho didn't retain much beside his advanced vocabulary. His father scraped up a large sum of his last remaining Midas to afford him a trip to the nearest city, and then told his son to go and seek out his own fortune in the city. And the last we see of Qctho is him riding the traders vessel toward the city as his father prays that he is safe on his journey.
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