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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by satinkira

  1. To answer the question: Yes, I am behind the UK’s political instability. This is a textbook Coupublius plot. Italy is next. PM me if you want to be part of the government, been on call with Berlusconi all day and we only have opportunities available until Meloni resigns.

  2. @squakhawk deserves a break… sand rp when

  3. you know the lotc addiction is becoming real when you invite your other old rp friends to join.

  4. azdrazi gang 🦾

  5. mfw I can’t sleep because I’m nervous abt a huge irp st event that’s in 5 1/2 hours.

  6. mfw I can’t sleep because I’m nervous abt a huge irp st event that’s in 5 1/2 hours.

  7. are we dispelling our boredom by crying on the forums now

  8. Updated the lore forum/subforums, should be much more clean and easy to navigate/use from the front page. Removed a lot of redundant links and made lore applications an easier category to see. Also removed loregames/activity trial references on apps to be less nonsense on the screen.

  9. mfw I really want to write a missive but can't cause I'll fr get in trouble irply if I do

  10. "all good now"
    >is bleeding out from my leg and lost a buncha fingers.

  11. mfw remon 

    (no context shall be given)

  12. There is definitely some fckery at play lately.

  13. @satinkira literally didn't know his own timezone so we started a 3 1/2 hour long st event AT 6AM. >:(

  14. looking to skin a few things for an upcoming auction. any refs ppl would like to see made ?


  16. lotc staff corruption is usually zzz or gross give me money and ill give you events simple??? 

  17. thought u quit what happened monke

  18. thought u quit what happened monke

  19. It's time for me to roleplay as a pretty princess, nobody can stop me 

  20. guys if you had to choose to be with a spook group would you rather be with Da Dovahkin (Azdrazi) or Da Frosties (Frost Witches)

  21. guys if you had to choose to be with a spook group would you rather be with Da Dovahkin (Azdrazi) or Da Frosties (Frost Witches)

  22. guys if you had to choose to be with a spook group would you rather be with Da Dovahkin (Azdrazi) or Da Frosties (Frost Witches)

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