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Status Replies posted by satinkira

  1. Okay, but where was this same staff energy and concern when people, including staff members, were actively harassing me ooc-ly with vulgar, sexual jokes and Youtube videos about my persona for actions done in roleplay? I'm so confused as to why taking action seems to be selective.

  2. Can't believe the removal of some of the biggest anti RP shitters that have been on the server in years is met with people begging for the administration to step down.


    happy I'm not admin or I would've crucified these people and made it permanent


  3. Can't believe the removal of some of the biggest anti RP shitters that have been on the server in years is met with people begging for the administration to step down.


    happy I'm not admin or I would've crucified these people and made it permanent


  4. #thotsnprayersforMonkeyandTwi uwu

  5. why does everyone do forum titles in all caps 

  6. Haense can paste in a build but Haelun'or can't? Despite us being given the go-ahead a while ago? Hrm..

  7. bury the light op song

  8. riddle me this batman. what do pvpers provide to the server?



    1. satinkira


      Give me an alternative to pvp for warclaims.

      Sure, it's been said above that they may not have any long term consequences - but they pull ridiculously large amounts of people, and spur all sorts of roleplay on the server. Should we just ignore that because pvp usually doesn't work out well?

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  9. Who watches the watchers? Why is pink doing Blue's job?

  10. memories broken the truth goes unspoken I've even forgotten my name

  11. god, I want wraiths 

  12. someone please write lizard horcrux lore 

  13. help me with something

    need three "fallen" kingdoms/empires/towns since the servers start. it may make a cameo in a further eventline if you give me good ones

  14. wub doez lat get when lat krozz a mentalli nubhozh glob wif a goi dat nub kayrz fur him anymur

  15. hey join the st realm

  16. why do I still have the purple tag

  17. Looking through the old miscellany pages, people used to post the most random stuff imaginable. We should do that more often, it's really damn funny

  18. Looking through the old miscellany pages, people used to post the most random stuff imaginable. We should do that more often, it's really damn funny

  19. $XAN about to shoot to the moon... 

  20. Apply for staff, I dare you

  21. I'm in your head.

  22. Dogged, why are you in my head.

  23. Get out of my head.


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