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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by satinkira


  2. remember when everyone was complaining about how necessary discord was for your experience on the server

    and now they are making it harder to communicate in ooc mediums ON the server. awesome job 👏


  4. https://youtu.be/GJleW4TCQM0

    Once I called you brother
    Once I thought the chance
    To make you laugh
    Was all I ever wanted
    I send the thunder from the sky
    I send the fire raining down
    Serving as your foe on his behalf
    Is the last thing that I wanted
    I send a hail of burning ice
    On every field, on every town
    I send my scourge, I send my sword
    Thus saith the Lord
    You who I called brother
    How could you have come to hate me so?
    Is this what you wanted?
    I send the swarm, I send the horde
    Then let my heart be hardened
    And never mind how high the cost may grow

  5. You know what, unpopular opinion: I LOVE THE PALEBEAST

  6. This trend of making posts on how to make LotC better but never involving itself into any staff team to see the other side or make changes is quite tiring. Always the same people rambling, get over yourself redditors.

  7. the clock... strikes twelve....

  8. Okay but like...why do halflings get a 50 block tunnel (or however long, close enough) from CT straight to their new settlement?

  9. mfw you go through st screenies and realize something major that you missed 💀

  10. Brother, I confess
    There is little of me left
    That could care about dousing the wildfire

  11. The verdant tide approaches. How do you know your grandmother isn't a plant? How do you know your son isn't a plant? How do you know you are not a plant? Embrace nature. Photosynthesize with me.

  12. Happy birthday to my g @satinkira

  13. Happy birthday to my g @satinkira

  14. where the f*ck do I find schizo rp, I want schizo rp

  15. where the f*ck do I find schizo rp, I want schizo rp

  16. To answer the question: Yes, I am behind the UK’s political instability. This is a textbook Coupublius plot. Italy is next. PM me if you want to be part of the government, been on call with Berlusconi all day and we only have opportunities available until Meloni resigns.

  17. @squakhawk deserves a break… sand rp when

  18. you know the lotc addiction is becoming real when you invite your other old rp friends to join.

  19. azdrazi gang 🦾

  20. mfw I can’t sleep because I’m nervous abt a huge irp st event that’s in 5 1/2 hours.

  21. mfw I can’t sleep because I’m nervous abt a huge irp st event that’s in 5 1/2 hours.

  22. are we dispelling our boredom by crying on the forums now

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