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Status Replies posted by satinkira

  1. It's Myryna now.

  2. if anyone gives me an ungodly amount of oak logs i will make you a skin 

  3. if anyone gives me an ungodly amount of oak logs i will make you a skin 

  4. Please recommend to me a place to settle into on a human character. Looking for a conflict-welcoming community.

  5. I hope y'all like the Stag 🦌

  6. easy rep making a ban appeal ig (???)

  7. i cant believe that morbius is an important lore character on lord of the craft 

  8. if someone gives me a profile big gundam gif to use as a new pfp pic, ill write smth for them. has to be smth good that ill actually use (the pfp)

  9. I'm a little teapot short and stout

  10. gatekeep child rp 🥰

  11. haelunor my beloved UwU owo UmU UvU Uguu...

    -_- bruh

  12. LOTC needs a lottocracy- the government meetings are determined entirely by /roll

  13. freebuild. if you don't implement it, you'll keep hearing it, eventually in your dreams

  14. I did NOT beat the slow typer allegations

  15. azdrazi DONT exist

    vargs DONT exist


  16. If you spend most of your time sympathizing with the villains from stories is it really any surprise when you turn out to be a huge arsehole?

  17. If you spend most of your time sympathizing with the villains from stories is it really any surprise when you turn out to be a huge arsehole?

  18. You're a victim.

  19. i make forum rant

  20. 'mutters from the seven skies' stfu stop giving your ooc opinion through powergaming, give it by putting it in spoilers cowards

  21. I would like to rp.

  22. Name three nation leaders outside your nation.

    Ok now name three nation leaders' IC characters outside your nation without looking it up.

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