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Everything posted by Me_llamo...

  1. Gregorius Roa read the missive as he was in the manor of Lumia, he blinked at the missive several times due to surprise "Grandchildren!" he exclaimed out of pure excitement, running to the smithy to create a sword in honor to his grandchildren, inspired by two different births this same day. After finishing the sword, he examined it and departed to the Grand Principality of Aeltarys
  2. Full Name of Man - Elio Augusten-Kervallen Date of Birth of Man - 1913 Full Name of Woman - Eirene Linh Vuiller Date of Birth of Woman - 1910 Location of Ceremony - Balian's church Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1936 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - BuilderBagel
  3. Gregorius Roa has Adler Vietnam trauma and starts remembering how many kids were indoctrinated and kidnapped by them!
  4. T H E Festival of Youthful lights What is a city without its children, perhaps a place devoid of innocence and laughter perhaps? It would be a simple and serious place, for the light the kids bring to a city would be gone. From time to time I have seen events focusing on the adults who have matured, who have lived enough so that the light they had previously has left their eyes, kids whose innocence was taken at a young age, and I don't want to see that happening once more, the children deserve recognition from the people, and I will give that to them. For such I want to present the Festival of Youthful lights, an event where the children will be able to have the fun they have wished for so long, having events such as Egg races Boat races Arm wrestling Hide and seek Tag Signed Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Viscount of Atalais, Baron of Austerone, Lord of Erice, Privy of Helious, Master of Interior of Helious Lady Firentia Ivonne Roa, Heiress to Atalais, Austerone and Erice
  5. Gregorius Roa reads the missive, thinking about where to use it, he then stores it in his office's desk
  6. [3rd of Deep Cold 134 SA] A stolen Coronet “Nullum Magnum Opus Sine Magna Ambitione Venit” As my daughter, Lady Firentia Ivonne Roa was walking through the peaceful roads of the Principality of Helious, porting the Viscomital Coronet to decorate her head, an unfaithful man decided to steal it from her, this act shall not go unpunished and for such, the House of Roa hereby ask the populous of Helious to lend aid to the House of Roa to find this sinner and get him to justice. Whomever gives back the Viscomital Coronet, along with the sinner who stole it, shall receive a hefty price as a reward for such. Lady Firentia Ivonne Roa’s description of the perpetrator will be pinned below: Skin: White Eyes: Couldn’t be seen Hair: Large Blonde Race: Ears were covered by the hair The perpetrator held a deep voice so we have deliberated it is a man, he was dressing all black at the moment of the robbery alongside a cloak that covered most of his face, along with a white glove to cover his left hand, probably covering a scar of some kind Signed Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Viscount of Atalais, Baron of Austerone, Lord of Erice
  7. The now not-so-young Eirene Linh Vuiller wept as she read the letter in her room, locked in there so she wasnt bothered "I- I promise I will be better…" she nodded to herself, hoping that her words could be heard by Ledicort
  8. Gregorius Roa smiled at he read the missive "My my, Diana is working her way up" he said to himself in his office in Atalais where he carefully saved the missive in his desc
  9. Good luck my guy, explore the outside world, touch grass, idk, but good luck out there Bird was my mentor in some cases, a headache in some others, but overall, he is a guy I consider a friend, and wish him the best (***** already knows this)
  10. T H E T R I C O L O R E D S O I R É E Embrace the Blue, Bask in the Gold, Ignite the Red! With great pleasure and honor, I cordially invite you to The Tri-Colored Soiree in the Viscount of Atalais. As the esteemed Roa family, we shall open our gates in the beautiful Helios to welcome you for an evening of grandeur and revelry. Join us as we commemorate the rise of Atalais, our flourishing Viscounty, with a night of enchantment. Embrace the tricolor theme that embodies the spirit of our beloved land, where the blue skies meet the golden fields and the fiery red sunsets paint the horizon. Our skilled musicians shall serenade you with melodies that will ignite your spirit, guiding you through waltzes, mazurkas, and Cha cha slides. We simply ask our esteemed guests to honor the occasion by adorning themselves in the regal colors of blue, gold, or red. If you wish to forgo this it's simply there to add to the revelry. Invitation List: His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Prince of Helious and his esteemed kin His Royal Majesty, Adrian I, King of Balian and his esteemed kin Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelar, Vicereine of Hyspia and her esteemed kin His Highness, Maegor Valraenos, Prince of Aeltarys and his esteemed kin The Right Honorable, Cosima Monika, Countess of the Hohengarten and her esteemed kin Firr Otto Lothar Bishop, Heir to House Bishop and his steemed kin The Citizens of Helious The Citizens of Balian The Citizens of Hyspia The Culture of Aeltary Time of the Event: Signed Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Viscount of Atalais, Lord of Erice Lady Firentia Ivonne Roa, Heiress to Atalais and Erice
  11. Gregorius Roa smiles as he sees the missive still in the court of Helious "Boy this is great, now im officially a Viscount" he nods happily
  12. House Of Roa “Nullum Magnum Opus Sine Magna Ambitione Venit” History of the Family The family began as a simple tribe of Minitz, being that of Reinmaren origin, carving a name into society for a long time, until the family founder “Gregorius Roa” decided to leave that place due to disagreements between him and some of the inhabitants of Minitz The sole purpose of the House of Roa is to protect the city where they lived in, whatever the means, as well as to protect and expand the knowledge they had, and share it to others in any way possible. After the family left Minitz, they went to Lady Cosima under the recommendation of Valentina Roa, previous matriarch of the family, and settled there for a time until the family was offered to rule over the Viscounty of Pavia The Roa family stayed for a long time within the walls of Pavia until “The Ludwig Affair” occurred, a trial that made “Gregorius Roa” leave the Viscounty of Pavia behind to his heir, After such an incident, Prince “Jarad Munnel” decided to offer them housing within the Principality of Helious; “Gregorius Roa” decided to accept such a generous offer after careful consideration, and he himself brought the family along with, residing in the accommodations of Helious. The Viscounty of Pavia Coat of Arms After the fall of the Kingdom Amathea, and subsequently, the Principality of Helious, the family went to reside in the Kingdom of Balian, where they stayed until it ultimately was felled to the Mori menace. Introduction Uphold honor and humbleness, be the ray of light even in the darkest of times, be the sword that strikes the enemy and the shield that protects the innocents. A sprout of Roa must reckon where the family came from, and uphold to that humble origin, respecting others as they were respected from the start. Culture and Traditions The Dance of the Moon and Sun A ball that takes two Saint’s days to complete, consisting of the first day of the “Dance of the Sun days” being a festive and happy dancing day, in which all the guests can dance with each other in a more “active” way, wearing brighter hues and dancing along the light that is provided by the sun. Upon the next day, the “Dance of the Moon” would be held, in which the guests will wear darker hues, comparing it to the light the moon provides us with, dancing calmly below the rays of the moon. The Grand Operation To become one of age as years go by, it is a sign of every family member to at least venture out into the world in search of a companion; not only to keep the legacy of one’s heritage alive, but to also strengthen relations with others in attempts to prosper. Most often, this tradition would be had within taverns of other cities ventured to. When one finds a mate who accepts to court, both must go to each current guardian as a show of goodwill & judgment. New Oak’s Birth A family tradition in which when a new Roa is born, an Oak tree is planted in the family’s ceremonial grounds, both the parents and the children ought to take care of the tree as the tree itself represents their own soul. When the Roa in question comes of age, the hand of said Roa will be carved in the tree, and the initials of the parents and son/daughter will be carved inside the hand’s carving Colors of the House Red: This color represents the family values of bravery and initiative, the kids of the family are raised into this values, so they can become great persons in the future. Blue: Representing the elegance of the house and the compromise of its people, being the most present color in the Coat of Arms. Yellow: This color represents the prestige the family already has, and the honor it aims to achieve. Physical Appearance Moon Roa’s Sun Roa’s Eclipse Roa’s Dusk Roa’s Magic/Knowledge & Creatures Family Members Important OOC: Signed; Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Lord of Ri’oski Lady Aloysia Roa, Heiress of Roa, Viscountess of Pavia
  13. Issued on the 14th of Helious’s Welcome, 49 Sun’s Year | 1st The Deep Cold 131 Fox Age ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ As many of you might already know, with the arrival to the new continent, the Principality of Helious has settled once more, expanding our territories and houses much more, so our people can thrive in them For such, we have some vacant houses, as well as positions in various sectors which would need to be filled in, for that we are extending this missive to all of Aevos, if you want a safe place near nature, being able to partake in several kinds of activities, consider joining the Principality of Helious! With this, we also want to extend a new offer to those who are considering the offer, be a part of the military if you want to defend your new land from the fiendish enemies that might come at us, earning the respect and honor that defending Helious deserves! Join the Sol’tarrio now! Defend your family We accept people from all races, ages, sexualities or wealth they have, all are invited, all are accepted! [OOC] ★──────────★─────────★──────────★─────────★──────────★ Signed, His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich of Helious, Taur, and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril Her Serene Highness, Sorise Munnel, Ac’Luxzi Kni’ich of Helious, Tauria, and Ruchess of Alterk and Lunderia, Magine of Vali’mae, Co’trine of Voclia, Cond’pess of Oblen, Vatoness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Gine of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Lord of Ri’oski
  14. Gregorius Roa read the missive in his room at Savoy, scoffing at it "Well… this is rather unusual… So Aubrey is her name huh?" He said, then going to report this to Jarad Munnel
  15. Eirene Vuiller would gasp at the missive, praying to GOD for a miracle to occur and see Princess Persephone once more, signing the lorraine after
  16. “Nullum Magnum Opus Sine Magna Ambitione Venit” Following a previous discussion we had I, Gregorius Roa had with the individual previously known as “Maximus Roa” I have decided to disown him from the family, as his previous actions have not made up for the name of the family, presenting himself as a childish individual who didn't do anything that could benefit the family several times tarnishing the honor and status of the family with his actions. Allowing himself to only things that could benefit him, making decisions that could affect the family without consulting with me nor someone else from the family, asking for me to aid him several times, and when I did so, he refused my help and insulted me for . For such actions, the previously known as “Maximus Roa” is punished with disownment from the family, taking any and all chances of inheritance of him and his children, as well as the name of Roa he seemed so proud of some times. Along with this and for a previous discussion, the individual previously known as “Blume Roa” will be disowned as well following an agreement in which the previously known as “Maximus Roa” would be adopted by me, Gregorius Roa. Following the agreement, the same punishment that was made to “Maximus Roa” would be followed by “Blume Roa” both of them being punished with disownment from the family. The both of them are asked formally to change their surname to the bastard name “Aruit” if they have not changed it, or renounced to both surnames, there will be consequences following. Signed; Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa, Lord of Ri’oski Lady Aloysia Roa, Heiress of Roa, Viscountess of Pavia
  17. Gregorius Roa nods as he reads the missive "Very good job Anne did" he chuckled as he saved the missive in his desk
  18. THE DEATH OF A COUNTESS After the Countess Johanne Vuiller was bedridden within her chambers, she only grew more ill as the time passed. The Comital House of Vuiller announces her passing, where she has gone on to the Seven Skies to join her beloved husband, the Count Drako Darkwood. Her heiress and granddaughter shall now take up the mantle of the responsibilities of the household and County alike. Let’s make way for the now The Right Honourable, Eirene Linh Vuiller, Countess of Aquilae Remember always: “With the Eagles' foresight, we reign victorious.” Signed, The Right Honourable, Eirene Linh Vuiller, Countess of Aquilae.
  19. Man these two poems are great… ngl 10/10
  20. “Nullum Magnum Opus Sine Magna Ambitione Venit” Taking into account the occurrences that have been taken with the two Vampire known as: -Ponce, previously known as "Ponce Munnel" This being assault, attempt of regicide and many other felonies, and the support of House Adiler to this foolish darkspawn and protection over his wrongdoings, I, Gregorius Roa, as the Patriarch of House Roa, have decided to break all ties I, and my house previously had with these foolish individuals. [!] The missive containing all felonies is appended to this one I order any and every member of the family not to interact with them, punishing them with disownment if they interact in any way that is positive in any way. May GOD punish them accordingly. Signed; Lord Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of House Roa, Lord of Ri’oski
  21. Gregorius Roa sighs as he reads the missive "Those guys never learn… Even if its kids"
  22. MC Name: Me_llamo1 Discord: me llamo ...#4604 Image: Description of Image: A portrait of the Roa family's heir Dimensions: 1x1
  23. The Grand Tourney of Helious [Missives would be dilivered to every city and town around all of Almaris] There has been notice on my side that no fighting tournaments have been held in sometime within the Principality of Helious, and I thought that this could be a good opportunity to host a grand tournament where many participants were to fight for their honor and reputation in a square fight. So, I inaugurate with this missive the tournament of Helious! You may decide which kind of weaponry you will use in the fight, the fight will be until one side surrenders or is unable to fight, or the judges decide one side is unable to continue fighting. There will be two different competitions in the tourney, Jousting and Dueling As said before, in the dueling tourney, the fighters will be able to choose their weapon. Both competitions will have separate prices, each holding 150 minas as price for the winner so if someone is able to win both tournaments, they shall win the grand prize of 300 minas. OOC notes for the event: it will be held the 25th at 6pm EST Signed, Gregorius Roa, Patriarch of Roa His Serene Highness, Jarad Munnel, Ac’Luxz Kni’ich of Helious, Taur and Ruke of Alterk, and Lunderia, Magin of Vali’mae, Co’tr of Voclia, Cond’pos of Oblen, Vaton of Achyae & Sievis, Gin of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel, Ac’Luxz of the Mali’Solaril
  24. The Beautiful Keep of Aquilae [hand drawn image of how Eirene imagined the keep looks like] I will talk this time about the beautiful keep I, and many other family members live in, the keep of Aquilae, it has beautiful walls that protect us from bad guys with pointy things that want to hurt us! Or maybe its just because we want to be cooler than we are, yes! The walls are big big… they are very much taller than me! maybe five or six times my height, and on top, the roof is made of blue colors to accentuate the heights it gets to, to the skies! Inside the keep, there are many areas, but we will start with the beautiful garden gramoma Johanne made for me, it has a lot of roses and many other flowers decorating it, its very beautiful, and near it, there’s a big big vineyard with a lot of purple grapes, giving the white keep a fine distinction When inside, you could see many places, which I will list here: -Weapon area, where the family members stash their pointy sticks in, and their pristine armors as well, and they watch the entrance to the keep -Kitchen, from here delicious dishes come out thanks to the servants -The storage area, where gramoma stores her things and the things of the other family members -Dining room, where we eat the delicious food made in the kitchen -Gramoma’s office, the place she’s in the most, where she writes non-stop her documents about money and letters to the family members (I think she’s secretly drawing, but don't tell anyone! she might not want us to know) -The stairs to the second floor In the second floor there are less things, but of course, they are as important as the ones in the first floor, so I will continue my listing! -Many many rooms, where friends live -Gramoma’s room, she goes to sleep there, or that’s what she says, I have never seen her go to sleep in that room -The library, it might be small in size, but it has lots and lots of books, I might not be able to read them all even if I take ten years reading them -The stairs to the third floor The third floor is more boring and has less things, it has beautiful views, but its all empty, I will list the things it has as well: -My and my brother’s room -Some other rooms for more friends -Cannons! This is outside the keep, but its still interesting! so I will put that in here as well, there’s a river flowing from below the keep, and gramoma says there’s a lot of caves inside… she calls it a “Cave system” and she says she will also send a lot of brave people to explore it with picks and all, so if they find a beautiful stone, I will suggest them to give it to me! yes! But it is very dark inside there, last time I went there I didn’t see a thing and got scared so I went back to the keep, I think there’s a spooky monster inside, or it might just have been my imagination [!] An arrow points to the drawing A monster like this one! Very spooky sound I heard inside
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