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  1. Atticus gives a slight scowl down at the paper, an expression not often seen upon his face- Tense, and rigid. Beneath the veneer of displeasure is an always-present layer of fear. Always the rabbit, never the fox. Still, that doesn’t excuse him of inaction. He’d been getting complacent. And old. He pours himself another glass of wine, and lets the missive sit on his desk as he stares, not quite reading the words anymore. There’s a layer of more complex feeling beneath the anger-fear-fear-anger. Turmoil, and quiet guilt. Perhaps this was his wrong to right, in a sense. Or maybe it was self-centered to think that way. Tilting his head back, he stares at the wood ceiling, and lets his mind turn. Something was to be done, that was for certain.
  2. The sound of flame crackles in Atticus' ears as he stands stiff at the back of the church, hands wrapped around the hilt of his blade, end pressed against the wood. His gaze is vacant, unseeing even as he faces the exit, the tracks of old tears drying upon his cheeks. There are none left to give, now. Just a dull shock that aches at every muscle, every bone. He had carried her there, in the procession. A sheet-covered body, a clinical layer of separation between the corpse and her. Every step is a memory, jabbing at his chest. The flame-haired girl who had sat upon a throne so young, arms still wrapped around a stuffed doll. The little Queen who had placed her blade to his shoulder, her armor reddened from battle, as he swore her an oath. Honest with every word, as he was those days. He remembers the girl who became a woman through war, and flame, and cannonfire. And how every step, every battle lost and won, she earned his loyalty. At every step, he never second-guessed to whom he had sworn. Atticus was never much of a soldier, let alone a good one. From a young age, he had always been seized with the urge to run at the first sign of trouble. A bone-deep cowardice he always thought stemmed from somewhere in his Lucien blood. When the utterances of war came to his ears, he had twitched to flee. Fear seized at his heart, and bled through his home. And yet, when it came, he remained- And most strangely of all, he fought. It was her, of course. That young girl dressed in armor and gold, hair aflame and determination set in her face. Her childhood stricken from her, and yet she held her blade high, and never once buckled under the face of those who would subjugate them. Even he could not run from that, no matter what kind of coward he was. In the same breath he would fight for his home, and for what was taken from her. Another step. He remembers how she'd handed him one of her first children, bundled tight with a shock of red through her brown hair. Gave a grin, some comment that made him laugh, he can't even remember now. Up the stairs, and he recalls where she sat at his union. In through the doors, and he remembers how she used to whisper through each meeting he guarded, always with a smile or a pointed look. Down the carpet, and he remembers how she burst through the door of his home and handed him a little piece of paper that changed everything. Always brave. Always kind. Always unmoved. They had set her in the casket, and left one-by-one. The Cardinal, then the sellsword- Then poor Amelie, with her face stained in tears. Dame Monika retreated after the silence became painstaking, and Theodore had slipped out last, with an apology over his shoulder. Atticus' shoulders grew sore, and his hands heavy. Still he stands, rigid at her side, staring down the aisle. The flames of the altar will burn into the morning, and even longer after. And he will stay, until the dawn breaks, and it is time to lay her to rest. He couldn't guard her in life. At least, he could guard her in rest.
  3. i know this is a joke post but i actually think one of the reasons there aren't a lot of peasant characters is because in a lot of places being involved and active in the community will get you nicely promoted, so a lot of people who start out as average joes but hang around and participate a lot get offered stuff like leadership opportunities and upward social movement, leading to them not being average joe peasants anymore. or at the very least, this is what i've seen happen to a lot of characters where i play, as well as basically what happened to myself. imo this is a good thing! it leaves an unrealistic gap in the social ladder sure, but it helps people get broadened RP opportunities on the flip side
  4. — SUMMARY OF THE 1976 GARMONT ASSEMBLY — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of ROLL CALL PRESENT The Duchy of Vohenheim Representative Aurel von Theonus The County of Warsovia Representative Hedwig Maria Alstion The County of Ves Representative Demetrio Sigismondo The County of Hohengarten Representative Friedrich von Augusten The Barony of Feldkirch Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr The Barony of Fir’steinn Representative Aimo of Astor The Legion of Saint Godwin Representative Tiber The Free Port of Chambery Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach The Lady-Mayor of Vallagne Representative Amélie Auclair First People’s Seat of the Petra Representative Theodore Elwood Second People’s Seat of the Petra Representative Karol Walewski Second People’s Seat of Aaun Representative Brennus ABSENT The Principality of Merryweather Representative Adelheid Halcourt The Margravate of Velen Representative Siegmund von Reuss The County of Anairgrid Representative Wilford Reinhold The Barony of Rosius Representative Unstated The Barony of Gotfridcher Representative Unstated The Lord-Mayor of Whitespire Representative Mithius Dalma First People’s Seat of Aaun Representative Alexander Darkwood - Opening Statements - Presented by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold TRANSCRIPT - The Garmont Code of Conduct - Proposed by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold TRANSCRIPT VOTES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Duchy of Vohenheim Representative Aurel von Theonus IN FAVOR The County of Warsovia Representative Hedwig Maria Alstion IN FAVOR The County of Ves Representative Demetrio Sigismondo ABSTAINED The County of Hohengarten Representative Friedrich von Augusten IN FAVOR The Barony of Feldkirch Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr IN FAVOR The Barony of Fir’steinn Representative Aimo of Astor IN FAVOR The Legion of Saint Godwin Representative Tiber IN FAVOR The Free Port of Chambery Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach IN FAVOR The Lady-Mayor of Vallagne Representative Amélie Auclair IN FAVOR First People’s Seat of the Petra Representative Theodore Elwood IN FAVOR Second People’s Seat of the Petra Representative Karol Walewski IN FAVOR Second People’s Seat of Aaun Representative Brennus IN FAVOR CONCLUSION With minimal debate and no alterations, the Garmont Assembly approved its own code of conduct and voted it into effect. The Garmont Code of Conduct will now apply to every future Garmont Assembly, and all who sit upon the Assembly it will be held to the standards of behavior listed within. - ACCEPTED BILLS - — THE GARMONT CODE OF CONDUCT — Proposed and Issued to the Garmont Assembly in 1976. INTRODUCTION: The Garmont Assembly is a place of fair speech, and of measured debate. It is intended to be a meeting where those representative of the Heartlands’ people may pass on their honest opinions, needs, and desired changes to the Council, and to the Sovereigns. In order to maintain the Garmont’s state as a fair assembly, it is essential all representatives are able to conduct themselves within certain standards. As it is within the abilities of the Grand Speaker to issue suspension of Assembly seats, as laid out in the Codex of Saint Godwin, this document outlines clear criteria for what justifies such suspensions. AIM OF BILL: Introduced as an independent edict pertaining to the standards and rules of the Garmont Assembly. Offenses of the Code of Conduct will be counted through infractions, which are issued and tracked by the Grand Speaker. The number of infractions dealt out is measured by the severity of the offense. If a representative reaches three infractions, their seat is viable to be temporarily suspended for a length of the Speaker’s choosing. If a representative gains an infraction, but then gains no further infractions over the course of two consecutive assemblies, they will lose the previously gained penalty. The Code of Conduct is issued as follows. I. Members of the Assembly will not resort to inappropriate shouting within the Assembly hall. A violation of this is grounds for one infraction. II. During moderated debate, members of the Assembly are expected to wait until they are called upon by the Speaker to voice their thoughts. Talking during another representative’s time within moderated debate is grounds for one infraction, though honest mistakes will be excused. III. When the Speaker issues a motion to the Assembly, and that motion is accepted and seconded by at least two other members of Assembly, ignoring the accepted motion is grounds for one infraction. For example, this would be continuing a debate after it was voted to be tabled for a later date. Honest mistakes will be excused. IV. Representatives within the Assembly are expected to remain cordial and respectful to their fellows within the Garmont hall, and debates are always to stay on the topic of legislation. Issuing a personal insult to other members of the Assembly, or to spectators, is grounds for two infractions. V. Due to their potential to be used as a means of intimidation, within an assembly where all are given the right to speak freely on their thoughts and opinions, demands to a duel may not be issued within or during the Garmont Assembly. If two representatives come into a dispute over matters of honor or opinion during the Assembly, and mutually agree outside of it that a duel would be the best way to resolve the dispute, they may conduct one. However, if the agreement is not mutual, duels over words spoken in Assembly are not permitted. Demanding one is grounds for two infractions. VI. It is considered poor conduct to excessively berate or disparage a fellow Assembly member even after a session of the Garmont has concluded. All are subject to public opinion for their words spoken in Assembly, but the representatives themselves are held to a higher standard of conduct. If the Speaker is informed of harassment or intimidation occuring outside the Assembly from one representative to another, regarding ideas or opinions presented within, it is considered grounds for two infractions. VII. Threatening violence within the Assembly hall, whether to another representative or a spectator, is grounds for immediate suspension. Any acts of physical violence within the Assembly hall are also grounds for immediate suspension. Introduced to the Garmont Assembly by Sir Atticus Reinhold in 1976 His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  5. Off in a secluded corner of the world, Atticus Reinhold still keeps up with the news. Gold-rimmed reading glasses bring the words into focus as he scans each page, before his eyes widen slightly- At the mention of his name. A stunned look crosses his face, as he re-reads the passage a few times. Then, his expression softens into a sort of awed, stuttering smile. He places the paper down for a moment and exhales, closing his eyes. “Thank you.” For some reason, those words feel like a weight off his chest. Affirmation that he’s moving in the right direction. As he continues to peruse the rest of the missive, his assurance only bolsters. “This will do a lot of good, for a lot of people- And it will solve a lot of problems,” He adds, with a reminiscent wince, before his expression softens again. “A hand of redemption, rather than wrath.”
  6. “Look at this!” Atticus is beaming as he dashes into the study, waving the paper in Wilford’s face- Then, actually handing it to him so he can read it. “I didn’t expect something like this- I mean, our occasion was fairly humble- But this is wonderful!” He pauses to wring his hand out, then chuckles. “Her Highness has fantastic penmanship- It’s an honor to be described in her writing. Do you think we’ve really outgrown the house though?” He questions, thoughtfully. @mothsthetic
  7. — THE DUAL DEBATES — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of As the new election cycle comes to a close, the candidates for the Heartlands’ various democratic institutions have fought fiercely to prove their dedication to our Confederation. Those running for the Garmont Assembly are those who may shape the future of our law, our nation’s priorities in its future projects, and the structure of our growing institutions. The candidates for Lord or Lady Mayor, on the other hand, are those who will lead the daily goings-on of our dual capitals- Their festivities, their infrastructure, and their growth. Both are to be chosen with care, which is why the Office of the Speaker has penned a full transcript of each debate in order to inform the public on the policies of their representatives. It is to be noted that at the conclusion of the debate for Lord-Mayor of Whitespire, one of the two candidates chose to concede to his opponent before voting began. In doing so, the only remaining candidate, Lord Mithius Dalma, earned the position of Lord-Mayor by default. His opponent, Emilio Varoche, conceded due to the belief that Lord Dalma was the most suitable candidate for mayorship. With the full endorsement of the other candidate, we are happy to announce that Lord Dalma will be taking up the office of Lord-Mayor of Whitespire. Due to this concession, voting for Lord-Mayor of Whitespire will not occur this cycle. The debates of the remaining representatives are transcribed below, so that the public may vote with an informed mind. THE CANDIDATES Petran People’s Seats of the Garmont Assembly Karol Walewski Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus Theodore Elwood Aaunic People’s Seats of the Garmont Assembly Alexander Darkwood Brennus Lord-Mayor of Vallagne Amélie Auclair Bon’Ox - PEOPLE’S SEATS OF THE GARMONT ASSEMBLY - PETRAN PROVINCE Q: What are your thoughts on the current state of the Codex of Saint Godwin? Are there any improvements or changes you would make to our lawbook? Theodore Elwood: “The Codex has clearly been written by many bright minds and wise leaders. I have, however, taken note of both Article Three, section two of the Codex and of the true Article Six, section six of the Legal Code. The former is a clause of our constitution that allows those of non-human descent - specifically non-human - to freely practice their own religions with respect to our One True Faith. The latter section, however, outlaws what is named Heathenism to publicly practice any faith outside of the One True Faith. Now I have no doubt that our constitution and our laws were written with great respect in mind to all who inhabit this country… But I worry about the possibilities in which these two writings may clash, and where well-respected citizens of our Confederation could suffer at the hands of the overzealous. We owe it to all of our citizens to ensure that this country, while a country of GOD, is also one of acceptance and respect.” Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa: “Now, Candidate Elwood, I do believe the term 'heathenism' refers mostly to heathenic non-humans - as, you see, us people of Horen hold a Covenant with the GOD our Lord. The human practicing of other faiths is a crime above heathenism, it is breaking the very Covenant which we abide by. Were you referring, in your speech, to allow for the public practice of non-humans, or of humans with faiths non-adherent to Church dogma?” Theodore Elwood: “In my speech I was specifically referring to non-humans practicing their faiths. I do not have a specific amendment in mind as of now. I would hope to speak with officials from our Church and with the writers of the laws as they stand now to gather their viewpoints, while also trying to meet with people of the Confederation who are not Human and do practice their faiths to hear what ways in which they could find safety and comfort in written law.” Karol Walewski: “There is no such thing as a perfect code of laws, and if anyone says there is it’s because they benefit from the flaws. The codex, as currently composed, provides little to no political protections or rights for Commoners. An easy remedy to this would be to require that either one or both elected Garmont representatives be a commoner from their respective province, if possible. This serves the dual purpose of allowing the Garmont to act as a vehicle to public service for capable commoners while also guaranteeing that they too have a voice in the halls of the assembly.” Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus: “The Codex of Saint Godwin stands as a testament to our commitment to justice and order within the Heartland Confederacy. It lays out clear guidelines for dealing with various crimes and ensuring that those who threaten the peace and prosperity of our realm face swift and just consequences. However, like any legal document, there is always room for improvement. I believe that as we evolve as a society, our laws should evolve with us. I would advocate for periodic reviews and updates to ensure that the Codex remains relevant and effective in addressing the challenges of our time.” Q: What changes in physical infrastructure do you believe would benefit the Heartlands? How do you believe these changes would be best implemented? Theodore Elwood: “I am very happy that our country has already adopted the Heartlander Highway Act. In my near-decade living in Vallagne, I have seen much work done on the grand city itself, and such construction has shown beautiful results. Still, though, I have seen little in the way of expanding or securing even my own neighborhood of Faubourg Village just outside of Vallagne. The hamlets of Solland, despite there being many an untouched meadow… Sit quite stagnant. I would be interested to see if these new roads, especially those going East from Vallagne, may bring about a bustling in these realms that may promote the construction of cheap, affordable housing, new farms, and checkpoints for security in these lands without great city walls. But first, of course, I would want to see the Highway Act fulfilled, as I believe these roads will create a new backbone for the Petran province especially.” Karol Walewski: “On a recent travel through Aaun, I observed a large degree of largely unused land along the road, at the former site of Minitz. It is my belief that the construction of Hamlets in that territory, similar to the Solland project, would allow for greater development in the region later down the line by having families and infrastructure already in place, while also allowing a regional economy to begin to reform. This could be accomplished by assembling volunteers from both provinces to construct and subsequently settle the Hamlets, thereby allowing citizens of both provinces to live and work alongside each other, rather than, as is the case currently, only when conducting military affairs or special events.” Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus: “As a candidate for the Garmont Assembly, I am deeply committed to improving the infrastructure of the Meadowlands, particularly in the populous regions stretching from the Mardonlands to Solland. These areas are vital for the Heartlander Confederacy's agricultural production and serve as the lifeblood of our nation, providing essential resources for our people. My vision encompasses a comprehensive plan to enhance connectivity, promote development, and ensure the prosperity of our Petran-Heartlander communities. I propose investing in new roads and bridges to unlock the potential of the Meadowlands, both economic and social. By constructing well-maintained routes that connect the Mardonlands to Solland and beyond, we can facilitate the transportation of goods and people, stimulate trade, and foster regional integration between the two provinces down the line, thus furthering the bond of the Heartlands as a whole from the very heart of it all: The Meadowlands.” Q: What vision do you see for the future of the Heartlands, as a whole? What would you wish to implement to make this vision become a reality? Theodore Elwood: “The Heartlands of Aevos have been my home my entire life. I grew up the son of a craftsman and a midwife, and a brother to four other siblings. On one hand, I would write and sponsor bills that would promote the kinds of peoples and lifestyles I grew up around. I will work hard to promote the voices of our farmers and masons, of our coopers and bakers. I will seek out the heads of prospective young families who wish to establish homes, not houses, for their children and ask them what they need. I will fight for funding to make our outlying settlements and roads safer - both in the creation of infrastructure, but also in finding initiatives to help our Legion, our localized guards, and our Knights. More than anything I will promote, to the best of my ability, a culture of chivalrous communication and community in the Garmont Assembly so long as I sit within it, so that we may in turn act as a shining example for the peoples we represent.” Karol Walewski: “I see a future where while, yes, both provinces are United under the same crown, they maintain their distinct and unique cultures and identities. To this end, I would strive to ensure the rights and culture of individual communities and minorities within the provinces are maintained and respected through both legislation and the organization of cultural festivals that celebrate what makes us such a diverse Nation while properly observing our shared identity as both Heartlanders and children of Horen.” Sorrel Tulpe von Theonus: “My vision for the Heartlands revolves around unity, prosperity, and justice. I envision a realm where every Heartlander, regardless of background, thrives and contributes to our collective identity. To achieve this, we must prioritize inclusivity and collaboration, fostering strong bonds across provinces and social divides. Education and innovation are central to unlocking our nation's potential. We must ensure access to quality education for all Heartlanders, empowering them with the skills needed for success. By nurturing creativity and entrepreneurship, we can drive progress and prosperity throughout the Heartlands.” “Lastly, upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and integrity is essential for maintaining the stability and legitimacy of our government and institutions. We must strive to ensure that the rule of law is applied equitably and transparently, and that all Heartlanders are treated with dignity and respect under the law. This means combating corruption, safeguarding human rights, and promoting accountability at all levels of government. By fostering a culture of trust and accountability, we can build a Heartlands where justice is not just a lofty ideal, but a lived reality for all her citizens.” “In summary, my vision for the future of the Heartlands is one of unity, prosperity, and justice. By fostering inclusivity, investing in education and innovation, and upholding the principles of justice and integrity, I am confident that we can build a Heartlands that we can all be proud of, now and for generations to come.” - PEOPLE’S SEATS OF THE GARMONT ASSEMBLY - AAUNIC PROVINCE Q: What are your thoughts on the current state of the Codex of Saint Godwin? Are there any improvements or changes you would make to our lawbook? Brennus: “You peoples laws, you write them in common but I slowly read them, you have no rights for my people, you force us to trust your god, you kill my people and yet we are left with nothing, I wish for my people to be recognized.” Alexander Darkwood: “Ladies and gentlemen of the Noble Province of Aaun, my name is Alexander Darkwood, and in response to the question. I believe that, while the current state of the Codex of St. Godwin is good, it certainly needs a revision to better reflect the national philosophy of the Confederation of the Heartlands and to improve the legal system of the Heartlands. In that sense, I advocate for the inclusion of the Rights of Man, which entail the Right to Life, the Right to Liberty, and the Right to Trial. In addition, If I am elected, I shall introduce The Heartlander Justice Reform Act, a bill consisting in the creation of the Office of the Solicitor-General, as a new position in the Heartlandic Council, and the creation of the Heartlandic Courts.” “The Heartlandic Court would be formed of the Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of the Heartlands. The Circuit Court and the Supreme Court of the Heartlands would be respectively formed of Circuit Judges and Supreme Court Justices proposed by the Lord Chancellor on behalf of the Crown and confirmed or rejected by the Garmont Assembly. We believe that by empowering the Garmont by having it decide on the confirmation of Judges and Justices, we shall ensure that our Circuit Judges and Justices properly administer justice fairly on behalf of Their Majesties.” Q: What changes in physical infrastructure do you believe would benefit the Heartlands? How do you believe these changes would be best implemented? Brennus: “Many places lack roads he puts simply to get here this day I had to leave my tower and sail down the river to a small port by the wooden bridge he moves his hand across the crowd while you all rode horses from your grand stone castles, my people must use old trails created by deer to travel.” Alexander Darkwood: “In response to the question, I am a firm supporter of The Heartlander Highway Initiative proposed by Representative Aurel von Theonus and recently passed by the Garmont, consisting in the creation of a road that shall connect both of the capital cities. In addition, when such a project is complete, If I am elected to the Garmont I shall introduce The Heartlander Railway Initiative, a bill consisting in the creation of a railway that shall connect both capitals of the Confederation. The Heartlander Railway would have a railway station in Vallagne and another one in Whitespire. As for the implementation of these projects, I believe that the manpower of the Legion of St. Godwin and other government workers and volunteers shall surely suffice to see these projects become a reality.” Q: What vision do you see for the future of the Heartlands, as a whole? What would you wish to implement to make this vision become a reality? Brennus: “I would hope the future of this Heartlands includes my people, we lived here long before you all, many of us converted to your god as I said earlier, if I am elected to this council I will lead the charge to connect our peoples, for peace and longevity.” Alexander Darkwood: “I believe in a Confederation of the Heartlands that ensures that the common class of our Country is properly represented in its institutions of government and that all the voices of the people of our Country can be properly heard by our government. In that sense, I would like for the Confederation of the Heartlands to empower the Garmont and to substantially increase the number of elected seats in the Garmont, so all our people can be properly represented, regardless of their peerage or wealth.” “At the same time, I believe in a Heartlands that ensures the economic prosperity of its people, which is why If I am elected to the Garmont I will introduce The Economic Freedom and Prosperity Initiative. A bill which shall grant tax cuts to company and shop owners and tax exemptions to guild hall owners in the Heartlands, to ensure that they can freely develop their economic activity without excessive interference from the government.” - LORD-MAYOR OF VALLAGNE - Q: How do you believe the arts, cultural, and academic scene of Vallagne could be improved? What might you seek to do to bring more interest to these areas? Amélie Auclair: “Unto the banks of our dearest Petra, Vallagne stands as it's heart, as it was to the former Commonwealth, as it stands today, as the heart, of our dearest Province Petrine. Yet Vallagne had ne'er stood alone; the Free Port de Chambery, and the esteemed Peers of our home, had e'er laboured alongside it to support our people's legacy & heart! They do not stand at odds with the efforts of our beloved realm's Heart, but in complement to it. It is hence, that I wish to now extend, my answer in earnest to our correspondence over the last few moons; in announcing my untempered desire & every labour, to Bourgmestre Nicolas Wittenbach, and Chambery, in donning a stage, together, for the artistic cultural hallmarks of the river valley, that bespeak our very heart, alongside the establishment of a Heartlands-wide Theater Company, within which I hope take my place, alongside Monsieur Fran ois de la Tour, as one among it's debutante Playwrights!” Gob’Ox: [Translated from Blah] “While I have seen there to be an academy in Vallagne, there is not enough books. Nor are enough people are encouraged to write their own. Currently - I have in the works a book of my own, one which i hope The monastery in Petra here are willing to endorse and translate from ‘Blah’. I’d like to also add that most of the books are of the same kind - ones you can find anywhere in every library in Aveos. We should encourage both writing and buying of many books - to fill the libraries with not only those of religion or nursery rhymes, but also of natural science, folktales and even shopping or any other list... I love lists.” Q: What are your thoughts on the experiences newcomers may have when arriving to Vallagne? How may this experience be improved, and what would you implement to improve it? Amélie Auclair: “When Ser Konstantine & myself first began exchanging letters, this chanced be one, amongst the myriad hopes we laboured to bring to light; wherein any heart & soul, wishing to call our dearest river valley, their home, would chance be privy to it's heart's every small beat. It was hence, that we sought to petition the like-hearted Peers of our Heartlands, their support, in seeing our Guide to the Heartlands conceived, and enshrined, as a piece of national literature, due to be distributed & available to every soul wishing to one day call the river valley, and Heartlands, it's home; such that they might know of aught that both defines us as diverse people & aught that defines us as one Heartlandic kin; such that they might take their place, by our side, with naught fear of alienation, judgment or uncertainty… Yet, in truth, for all seeking a new home, unto the river valley, and the Heartlands, that might not always be enough- There are still those faithful souls whose hearts are wrest off the blessed path, that would spurn our faith's tenets, that would see that the virtues, mercy, kindness, and compassion of our faith be perverted, corrupted, or disregarded, tempted by the wroth, and sin, that burdens every child of Horen, as it once did, even the exalted Prophet, Owyn.” “We must ensure all life, born from unto the Creator, is treated with dignity, and respect, including the exalted brothers & sisters of Mankind, in the form of the children of Malin, Urguan & Krug; that naught judgement, contempt and hatred might be levied against a life, on the basis of its birth alone, as they too, have called the river valley their home, for generations, as they too, despite their interpretation of the divine, are welcomed & beloved by our faith, as siblings, and kin to mankind.” [Turns to opposition] “And as they too have given birth to legends, and heroes, alike.” Gob’Ox: [Translated from Blah] “It depends - WHO is the newcomer no? Many people have entered Vallagne and found themselves a place among us. Yet, as a place that calls itself ‘multi-cultural’ I only see humans. It is not a secret that the wounds from the “Coalition War” are still fresh - for many of us were alive during it. I am sure that the people of Heartlands..” [Turns to opposition] “THINK they are kind…” [Turns to crowd] “YET why do the Guard and the Church still bully and persecute the Uruk and the Elves? I have been stopped many times for just being an Uruk - questioned, tested and forced to show what I carry on my person! How can a newcomer feel itself to be a citizen of Vallagne or Whitespire - be a Heartlander when they are judged for how long their ears or teeth are!?” [Turns to opposition] “Your pretty words are not enough - the force of few is not enough to change the way of the Heartlands! To make it welcoming! Perhaps before there was more tolerance of other sons - my father after all lived and worked in Vallagne. But with the joining of Petra and Aaun into one place we now call Heartlands. As much as Petra influences Aaun - Aaun influences Petra.” Q: What do you believe Vallagne currently lacks most? How can this aspect of the city be renewed? Amélie Auclair: “I would ne'er presume to cite it as something that it, alone, lacks, Atticus, yet I will suffer my heart to proffer, is what believes from the depths of my heart, that our dearest Petra, would benefit of most- The Census, conceived unto the opening days of the union, was telling, in that there chance be e'er so many, part of the greater family of our Heartlands, that still labour to fulfill their heart's deepest desire & calling; unbeknownst to the means by which they might be able to carry out their heart's desire, passion & hopes. The Guide to the Heartlands, Ser Konstaine & myself labour to pen, will only lay the heart of our beloved Heartlands, and its myriad opportunities & institutions, known, not proffer them the means to achieve their greatest hopes within their confines.” “It is why, more than ever, I hoped to concieve of a system, that might - in the days to come, I will labour alongside the like-hearted Peers of our home, the crown institutions of our dearest Petra, and their Majesties themselves, to establish the realm's first Academic, & Labour Exchange; a crown institution, due to see it's inception in our river valley, that would recognize the deepest aspirations & hopes of our realm's people, unemployed, newly established or otherwise, and see that they are directed whencesoever their hopes might be made manifest. Whether that may take them unto academic pursuits & understanding upon the steps of the Academy of St. Lothar at Courteis Hale, a clerical education & acolyteship unto the Monastery of St. Juli'el, an artistic iliad unto the halls of Chambery, private tutorship arranged by the Exchange, or even the establishment of new institutions to accommodate new dreams & aspirations born from unto the touch of providence.” Gob’Ox: [Translated from Blah] “What does the Vallagne lack? A better question is what does the HEARTLANDS lack! I see - there is much merriment, festivals and marriages, many Lords and Kings dancing and giving each other back-rubs. This is not the time to relax, to have festivals, to enjoy your labour and perceived success of The Heartlands Confederation! It’s the time to make REAL promises! To cast aside alcohol! To bring Heartlands up from the mud of self-gratification! To bring TRUE UNITY IN THE GRACE OF KANNON! It would not be good for the Heartlands to not hear the voices of the few, for it could twist from discontent - to riot of blood and hatred! We have seen a glimpse of it already from the most recent Garmont Assembly and the fate of the last Lord-Mayor. Everyone speaks of The Coalition War as it was of Veletz and The Horde against The Coalition of Humans, Dwarves and Adunians - Yet it was one of GOOD and EVIL! Noone speaks or remembers the Uruk who served on the side of GOOD - does who after war, still continued their fight and ultimately fell, slain and forgotten. No Kannonist has the balls to challenge the entirety of Orc-kind, their own brethren to a Honourable duel to death - for honour and KANNONDOM! Yet you speak of being righteous!" “Why else did the Hohkmat leave as the Commonwealth became one with Aaun - but to escape the judgment! Why else did the House of Adliers leave to greener pastures, but to escape the persecution! Why else, in a nation so rich in all of the sons - are there only sons of Horen at the head of governments and in positions of power if not for the hatred and fear of the others?” “I have a dream that one day - the Heartlands will rise and live by the truth it speaks! That all sons are equal in the eyes of KANNON! That one day - in the taverns and festivals, in ballrooms grand in size, all sons can sit, eat and share merriment among each-other like brothers with no weapons in sight! That one day - not only will humans be the peers of realms and in government, but also elves, Uruks, dwarves, halflings and others! That one day - those who claim to be righteous, will be punished by TRUE justice, for only those of sin bring KANNON as their defense when faced with TRUTH!” “Basically, the heartlands have enough humans - And need other perspectives in their governments and courts.” All who wish to vote in the Dual Elections may fill out the voting slip respective to their Province, and submit it to the office of the Grand Speaker. Remember that one can only vote for their Province of residence. His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  8. Atticus had felt Artel’s hand rest on his shoulder, alongside the question- I heard Fatebinder is dead. How are you feeling? It wasn’t an easy one. He lingers in the silence of Marignan’s halls, clasping his hands together tightly, staring off to a fixed point on the wall as he thought. How did he feel? He and the Grand-Magister never had a clear relationship, if any at all. Boss, and worker. Leader, and follower. If Razad ever had feelings about him beyond that, it was never clear to him. The only time he could recall peeking past that veil was the one time he stepped aside, spoke out of line. Tired, and bitter, and war-torn as they all were. A snip about recognition, and the ego of mages. It was the only time he could recall making the Razad the Fatebinder angry. He can’t remember all the words exchanged now- Accusations- Razad had never taken insubordination well. Atticus wasn’t usually insubordinate. It was as much a surprise to him, as anyone, that he didn’t walk back his words. Refuted a demand for trial, and redemption, and in the end faced little consequence. He doesn’t remember how he managed that, either. But he remembers how the elder mage laid a hand on his shoulder, and faced him with a look of pride. You’ve finally grown a spine. He can’t remember another time where Razad looked on him with the same pride. Oddly, he finds himself wishing he spoke out more. Angrily, loudly, like so many others dared do. Not that he would have ever quite been capable of it. Maybe if he’d made the man angry more often, he’d know what he thought of him. Maybe if he knew what Fatebinder thought of him, he’d know how to feel. But that’s too much to voice, and Artel is still waiting for an answer. “Complicated,” He lands on. “Complicated.” That’s succinct enough. He walks home, after bidding the house of Theonus farewell. It takes him past the spires of Hohkmat, the imposing city on the cliffside he had watched from the first brick, to the final breath. He can’t claim to have been there as long as some, but he’d like to think his tenure meant something. The fact of it was, when you went back to the beginning, he’d have little without Hohkmat. It’s hard for him to decide where to credit himself, and where to credit those who plucked him off the side of the road and gave him a purpose. It’s hard to tell where he should credit Razad himself, in all that- But he pictures it as some sort of debt. Repaid, he hopes. The letter arrives late. Wilford is already asleep, and the candle in his study had burnt down to its last. He pulls it from the bird on the windowsill with confusion, peeling open the small envelope as his eyes scan the contents. It doesn’t take long, but he lingers over it anyway. Once, twice, a third time. Maybe the thing that surprised him most, out of anything, was that it had been penned at all. That Razad the Fatebinder had sat down and, when considering who to address after his likely-violent demise, chose him as one of them. What went through his mind? Gratitude? Was that what Atticus had wanted? He thought it was. Her words run through his mind, before he can stop them. He talks to you like you’re a child. The letter says everything, and nothing, like every conversation they ever had. His hands curl slightly at the edges, eyes fixing on those last words. I’m not Hakad. I’m a debtor. That was what he had said during that argument, that single argument- Or something along those lines. Wasn’t he supposed to be the one with the debt? Had he ever cleared it? He was being thanked, and that was supposed to be what he wanted, and shouldn’t he be happy with it? He turns, and steps back towards his chair. It’s another long few minutes of silence in his study, staring at the letter, before he can put together the words. He tries to picture the man’s face, but he only saw it twice. ”… I wanted to know what you thought of me. And I wanted to-“ He pauses, and presses his lips together frustratedly- “I wanted to be more than other people’s work, for the rest of my life. And you always spoke about seeing potential in people, and I wanted to know-“ He sighs, and folds the letter, glancing aside. “… Then again, it doesn’t matter now.” Then he looks back to that burned-low candle, and snuffs it. Reaching into the drawer of his desk, he lights another. Once, he thought Razad the Fatebinder to be infallible. A mage-king, a leader, to who he owed a debt of life. The mage of mages. Then thirty years and a war passed, and he saw an egotistical man. A foolish man, a detached man, a proud man- Who did not see the value of those around him, beyond his tunnel vision dream. The mage of mages. And then the Fatebinder died, in a blaze of pride, and ego, and blood. And Atticus still wonders the same questions he now knows he will never ask. Not that he ever would have. He lets the candle burn down, and leaves the letter on his desk. The world turns on. He’ll never know, really, if Razad saw more in him than a pair of hands to work. But perhaps he would be fine not knowing. After all, that was his own call to make.
  9. Atticus receives the missive with an expression of unmasked excitement, reading over the elegant penmanship with his morning coffee. “I expected nothing less from Miss Amelie- But she still manages to impress me,” He chuckles, fondly.
  10. — THE DUAL ELECTIONS — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of TO THE PEOPLE OF THE HEARTLANDS, With the establishment of the Heartlander Confederation, so too are established new offices of public representation. Two Provinces, and two capitals- Heartlandic alike, but with their own cultures, and their own populations. As much as we must embrace our unity, so too must we embrace our duality. It is only through this that we will be able to truly cooperate, acknowledging our differences, and balancing them. With the first election cycle of the Heartlander Confederation beginning, seats of representation for the two Provinces will be open for candidacy applications. All citizens of the respective Provinces are welcome and encouraged to run for election, and the chance to represent the interests of their people. As ordered within the Codex of Saint Godwin, the capital of each province will have their own Lord-Mayor to guide their people, and act as representative to that city. The duties of the Lord-Mayors are to ensure the rights and dignities of their city’s people, to maintain and improve infrastructure, and to assist in the planning and execution of events for public spectacle within their respective capitals. They are expected to exemplify the Heartlandic ideals of faith, chivalry, and wisdom in performing these duties and handling the day–to-day needs of their cities, welcoming newcomers and assisting their citizens. The requirements to run for the seat of Lord-Mayor are as follows: 1. A Candidate for Lord-Mayor must have been a Citizen of the Province they are running in for at least 5 years. 2. A Candidate for Lord-Mayor must be in good standing with Heartlandic Law 3. A Candidate for Lord-Mayor must be in good standing with the Canonist Church. 4. A Candidate for Lord-Mayor must be at least 18 years of age. 5. A Candidate for Lord-Mayor must have thorough knowledge of the Codex of Saint Godwin Candidates for Lord-Mayor are not required, but are encouraged, to announce their candidacy publicly. The Garmont Assembly is a council of lawmakers, presenting and voting upon various pieces of legislature that shape the forward motion of our Kingdom. Project proposals, public edicts, and proposed changes to our very codex of law all must first pass through the Assembly for confirmation. It is here where the people of the Heartlands are truly represented, and may push forward their ideas or concerns to be discussed. In order to more fully represent the populace of the dual Provinces, two representatives will be elected from each Province to serve on the Garmont Assembly. The duties of the public representatives are to strive to embody and serve the needs of the common man, and their neighbors within their Province. To not sit in the Assembly for personal gain, but rather to speak for the gain of the people. The seats of these representatives shall be titled the First and Second People’s Seat of Petra, and the First and Second People’s Seat of Aaun. The requirements to run for a seat on the Garmont Assembly are as follows: 1. Nominees must be at least 16 years of Age. 2. Nominees must be in good standing with Heartlandic Law 3. Nominees must be in good standing with the Canonist Church 4. Nominees must be a Citizen of the Province they are running in. 5. Nominees must have thorough knowledge of the Codex of Saint Godwin If one wishes to apply for candidacy in either elections for Lord-Mayor or for a seat on the Garmont Assembly, they may send a letter to the office of the Grand Speaker to do so. The information required to be registered as a candidate is detailed below. Applications for candidacy will close in the final hours of Godfrey's Triumph [OOC: Midnight, Friday the 3rd] Debates between the candidates shall take place within the following Saint’s Days, and voting shall be opened on the first morning of Sigismund's End [OOC: Tuesday the 7th] His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  11. Sir Atticus Reinhold truly wishes people would stop putting his precious Garmont and that miserable place in the same sentence. It's very insulting.
  12. — SUMMARY OF THE 1974 GARMONT ASSEMBLY — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of ROLL CALL PRESENT The Principality of Merryweather Representative Adelheid Halcourt The Margravate of Marignan Representative Aurel von Theonus The Margravate of Velen Representative Siegmund von Reuss The County of Warsovia Representative Krzysztof Pawel Jazlowiecki The Viscounty of Azor Representative Friedrich von Augusten The Barony of Feldkirch Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr The Barony of Fir’steinn Representative Aimo of Astor The Barony of Triglav Representative Grzmichuj Jazlowiecki The Barony of Napoliza Representative Demetrio Sigismondo The Legion of Saint Godwin Representative Tiber The Free Port of Chambery Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach ABSENT The Margravate of Haute-Epine Representative Unstated The County of Talentine Representative Unstated The Viscounty of Stormont Representative Wilford Reinhold The Barony of Virdain Representative Unstated - Opening Statements - Presented by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold TRANSCRIPT - The Heartlander Highway Initiative - Proposed by: Representative Aurel von Theonus TRANSCRIPT VOTES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Principality of Merryweather Representative Adelheid Halcourt IN FAVOR The Margravate of Marignan Representative Aurel von Theonus IN FAVOR The Margravate of Velen Representative Siegmund von Reuss IN FAVOR The County of Warsovia Representative Krzysztof Pawel Jazlowiecki IN FAVOR The Viscounty of Azor Representative Friedrich von Augusten IN FAVOR The Barony of Feldkirch Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr IN FAVOR The Barony of Fir’steinn Representative Aimo of Astor IN FAVOR The Barony of Triglav Representative Grzmichuj Jazlowiecki IN FAVOR The Barony of Napoliza Representative Demetrio Sigismondo IN FAVOR The Legion of Saint Godwin Representative Tiber IN FAVOR The Free Port of Chambery Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach IN FAVOR CONCLUSION Through debate, it was decided that the bill for the Heartlander Highway Initiative would be struck in half. One proposed road went on to voting, while the other originally included in the bill was tabled for further development and consideration of a more efficient path. The Assembly voted unanimously in favor for the construction of a road leading East of Vallagne. - A Guide to the Heartlander Confederation - Proposed by: Representative Aurel von Theonus TRANSCRIPT VOTES OF THE ASSEMBLY The Principality of Merryweather Representative Adelheid Halcourt IN FAVOR The Margravate of Marignan Representative Aurel von Theonus IN FAVOR The Margravate of Velen Representative Siegmund von Reuss IN FAVOR The County of Warsovia Representative Krzysztof Pawel Jazlowiecki ABSTAINED The Viscounty of Azor Representative Friedrich von Augusten IN FAVOR The Barony of Feldkirch Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr IN FAVOR The Barony of Fir’steinn Representative Aimo of Astor IN FAVOR The Barony of Triglav Representative Grzmichuj Jazlowiecki ABSTAINED The Barony of Napoliza Representative Demetrio Sigismondo IN FAVOR The Legion of Saint Godwin Representative Tiber IN FAVOR The Free Port of Chambery Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach IN FAVOR CONCLUSION Lord Aurel von Theonus presented the proposal on behalf of its authors, Sir Konstantin von Theonus and squire Amelie Auclair, who wished to conduct a survey regarding the cultures and geography of the landed peers. After an introduction and some brief discussion, the majority of the Assembly voted in favor of complying with the request for information. - INCIDENT REPORT: The Claims of Sir Pym Volkov - Compiled by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold As the Assembly was motioned to conclude, Sir Pym Volkov spoke up from the crowd of spectators that he wished to present a declaration- Though clarified his understanding that he would need a peer on the Assembly to present it for him. His Apostolic Majesty, King John of Aaun showed interest in the declaration, and encouraged a peer to assist in presenting it. Lady Katrin Eryka Stafyr volunteered to assist the knight, and the Grand Speaker allowed them both to take the stand. Sir Pym Volkov proceeded to present a document claiming himself the rightful heir of the Barony of Vorovda, a now-dissolved title that once existed under the Duchy of Stran, his mother having been the late Baroness of Vorovda. He also stated his willingness to duel to the death any who would deny his claim. The Grand Speaker stated that the Garmont Assembly could not vote on such a declaration, as it isn’t within the authority of the Assembly to confirm the claim. After some brief discussion amongst the Assembly, King John of Aaun spoke to question Sir Volkov directly. His Apostolic Majesty asked for clarification on Sir Volkov’s claims, and then questioned why his family had not appealed to the Crown, nor made themselves known after the House of Ivanovich’s infighting collapsed it. Sir Volkov explained his family’s history, though afterward responded aggressively, stating he was not above challenging King John of Aaun to a duel for challenging his claims. After being admonished for trying to lay claim to a dissolved title and for issuing such a challenge, His Apostolic Majesty dismissed the claims. Sir Volkov was then told to see himself out peacefully. Sir Volkov instead gave insult to the late King Edmund, and an order was issued for the knight to be seized for his transgressions. Queen Catherine I issued an order for Sir Volkov to kneel before King John and his heir and apologize for his severe transgressions. Sir Volkov refused, and responded with further insult, then being seized by a mix of Petrine and Aaunite forces. Queen Catherine I responded to his refusal by choosing to leave Sir Volkov at the mercy of the offended parties. Sir Volkov was then offered mercy by His Apostolic Majesty, but once again refused to show regret, and issued further insults and treason. For this, Sir Volkov was ordered to face severe punishment. - ACCEPTED BILLS - — The Heartlander Highway Initiative — Proposed and Issued to the Garmont Assembly in 1974. INTRODUCTION: The main intent of this bill is to complete a set of roads leading through the region of Solland within the Confederation’s Petra Province to connect with the main road which spans north and south through the Lowlands. [See Figure 1.] AIM OF BILL: Introduced as an independent edict pertaining to infrastructure across the Heartlander Confederation, focusing primarily on the regions of Solland in the Province of Petra, the Langkette Mountain Range, and the Principality of Merryweather. BODY: As stated in the introduction, the main aim of this bill is to expand infrastructure which facilitates travel through the Confederation. Given that there are only a few roads which lead directly to Vallagne, namely the road which crosses through Mount Catrinne and the Academy of Hokhmat, it seems prudent to expand and create other routes, which may in turn facilitate further trade alongside the other benefits which such provide. These being things such as a rapid response route should any disturbance occur within the Province of Petra, allowing the Legion of Saint Godwin ample ability to arrive in a timely manner. Furthermore, this bill offers a way by which the noble houses of both of the Confederation’s provinces may work in tandem, allowing for the fostering of further cooperation. Given how recent the formation of this Confederation, there has yet to be large-scale cooperation between the noble families of both provinces. Thus, to work alongside one another in creating these roads may serve as a bedrock for further understanding and cooperation. Figure 1. Introduced to the Garmont Assembly by Margrave Aurel von Theonus — A Guide to the Heartlander Confederation — Proposed and Issued to the Garmont Assembly in 1974. INTRODUCTION: The main aim of this bill is to propose the cooperation of the nobility of the Heartlander Confederation with the writing of a cataloging of the realm, including its noble families, geographical locations, noteworthy features, and the cultures of its people. AIM OF BILL: Introduced as an independent edict pertaining to the creation of national literature, which may serve to inform both denizens of the realm, and those prospective travelers who may wish to settle within its borders; with the respective piece of national literature being distributed freely amongst the principle cities & national establishments of the Confederation. BODY: The main feature of this bill is to ask each noble family of the realm to provide the following when possible to the authors of the Survey of the Heartlander Confederation, Sir Konstantin von Theonus & Ambassador Amélie Auclair: The culture of their respective families, and any noteworthy aspects they wish to be noted in the survey. For example, if their familial lands are known for any trade goods or product, such as Daemonsteel from the Margravate of Marignan & Azor Wine from the Viscounty of Azor. Noteworthy geographic features of their land, or respective region. For example, the Langkette Pass or Mont St. Godwin. Cultural hallmarks or attractions. Details of note, such as stories significant to the history of the Confederation’s constituencies. For example, stories important to the Apostolic Kingdom or the Petran Commonwealth which occurred within their respective lands. If applicable, additional details they may wish included that shall be published. As I once wrote the Survey of the Petran Commonwealth, I have sought to, with aid of Crown Ambassador Amélie, do such once more within our newly founded realm. It is hoped that through the eventual publication of this document, which will likely take several years, we might provide an accurate depiction of the Heartlander Confederation, and those who reside within its borders. Given the expanded scope, and my unfamiliarity with the customs, culture, and traditions of many of the noble houses of Aaun, I ask for aid so that we may accurately portray them through this better understanding which may arise from these details. “As I take on my duties as Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, I entreat all esteemed peers thus convened, to recognize, much like myself, the portentous tidings potentially proffered by the completion of the survey, and guide, to the diplomatic efforts of the Heartlands. A heart unknown is one that commands fear, and reticence; should we hope our would be allies & neighbours to partake in cordial relations & dialogue, they should know we’re of a blessed, kind and likened customs & heart”. - Amélie Auclair Introduced to the Garmont Assembly by Margrave Aurel von Theonus in 1974 Penned by Sir Konstantin von Theonus, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Lord of Bingleburg, Seated Knight of Solland, Hero of Faubourg. Penned by Amélie Auclair, Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, Écuyer of the Petrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  13. — THE 1974 GARMONT ASSEMBLY — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of The Garmont Assembly has long stood as the Commonwealth of the Petra’s greatest institution of legislature, where peers and elected officials of the realm can gather to fairly discuss our governing councils, our documents of law, and our plans for the future of the nation. It is where representatives may present projects for national funding, suggest changes to the Kingdom’s codex, and pass edicts for the betterment of the people. The Assembly is where the bridge is drawn between the government, the esteemed peers, and the people they all serve. With the founding of the Heartlander Confederacy, the Garmont Assembly has now been adapted and expanded to represent the entirety of the dual Provinces. This is the first stage where we will begin to unite our ideals in earnest and begin to forge a path forward together, not for the needs of the individual, but for the Heartlands as a whole. All are encouraged to sit in observation of this congregation of law, which shall be held within the Hand of Horen. It is planned that the first session of the new Garmont shall cover the basic structure of the legislative process, with several edicts planned which will demonstrate how bills are processed through the Assembly, and that will kickstart multiple new projects that the Heartlands will undertake in unity. Elections for the public representative seats will open several Saint’s Days after the conclusion of the first assembly. Any who may be interested in holding a seat on the Assembly are welcomed to sit in on this session in order to become more familiar with it. His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  14. — THE HEARTLANDS CENSUS OF 1973 — From the Heartlandic Council to the People Issued and averred by the office of With the founding of the unified Heartlands, the Provinces of Aaun and the Petra are to be brought together under the same banner, to share their strength and their willpower. The peoples of both these Provinces are diverse and unique, with varying cultures, interests, strengths, and origins. It is the desire of the Heartlandic Council to preserve these differences while working unitedly, to value its people so that it may reflect their best interests. For these purposes, the office of the Grand Speaker has chosen to issue a resident census to the people of the Heartlands. The demographics collected by it will assist the Council in making critical decisions that shape the future of our growing, changing nation. All citizens of the Provinces of Aaun and the Petra are requested to submit a copy of the census to the Grand Speaker’s office. Any questions regarding the census may be forwarded to the Grand Speaker. His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  15. FULL NAME: Weylin von Theonus AGE: 28 (or thereabouts) RACE: Human PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Child soldiery, houseguard, minotaur slaying, darkspawn slashing, etcetera METHOD OF CONTACT: _hom_
  16. Atticus Reinhold lets out a grin as he sees the fruits of his labor come to pass. "A better future for us both- I believe it full heartedly." He then prepares himself for how much he will have to utter the words "No, It's just one singular nation", in the next coming years. Oh how the conspiracy theorists do love to get excitable.
  17. – LETTERS PATENT – – for the BARONY of FELDKIRCH – Issued and averred by The Lord Regents, Atstana de Regne Petrère 118 Ever since Katrin Erika Stafyr and her family have arrived within the Commonwealth, they have been leal and loyal subjects of the Crown. The house of Stafyr has shown great dedication to doing their part in crafting a strong future for the nation, and for its people. It is for this diligent work that in agreement with Her Majesty Catherine I, Katrin Stafyr is to be elevated to the position of Baroness of Feldkirch. The family of Stafyr has a long and storied history, and a strong identity along with it. It is the greatest hope of the Crown that with this elevation, they will continue to carve a place for themself within the Commonwealth, and that their ambitions as a family will be fostered. With this elevation, Katrin Stafyr, in representation of her family, shall take upon them the responsibilities and expectations of a Peer of the Commonwealth of the Petra. Her and her family are to uphold and lift up the Commonwealth and their fellow citizens. To respect the sanctity of the laws of the Commonwealth, and be part of leading it into a bright and stable future. His Excellency, Wilford Anton Reinhold “The Protector”, Lord Regent of Petra, Chancellor of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, High Steward of the Petra, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids His Excellency, Atticus Abraham Reinhold, Lord Regent of Petra, Head Diplomat of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Court Mage of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  18. LIFTING ANCHOR Issued and averred by The Lord Regents, Atstana de Regne Petrère 117 The Martiel branch of Temesch has existed as part of the fabric of Petra’s cloth for many, many years. It and its forefathers have worked closely alongside the royal branch of Temesch, shaping the future of the Commonwealth, creating the place it is today. They have dedicated years of service to the Crown of St. Emma that will never be forgotten, and that will always be treasured in the hearts of its people. It is only fitting that, after these years of dedication, that Temesch et Martiel be allowed to turn inward and focus on their internal affairs. After discussion with the Regency and communication with Catherine I, it has been decided that Temesch et Martiel will be released from their vows to the Commonwealth in order to pursue their personal ambitions. The titles ‘Barony of Resmore’ and ‘Viscounty of Mies’ shall be returned to the crown from which they were granted, in light of this decision. However, the title of County of Martiel, gifted to Adrian Godfrey Temesch et Martiel, shall remain in the possession of the family for their future endeavors. The Commonwealth extends its greatest blessings to the family of Temesch et Martiel, and wishes luck and prosperity for their future journeys. Goodwill between the lines of Temesch will always remain, and the friendships made between the people of the Commonwealth and the family of Temesch et Martiel will never waver. His Excellency, Wilford Anton Reinhold “The Protector”, Lord Regent of Petra, Chancellor of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, High Steward of the Petra, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids His Excellency, Atticus Abraham Reinhold, Lord Regent of Petra, Head Diplomat of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Court Mage of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  19. THE VALLAGNE CITY CAMP-OUT ❊ PENNED BY ❊ ❊ ON ATSTANA DE REGNE PETRÈRE 117 ❊ On some evenings, many can be found gathering around Vallagne’s fire pit to laugh and converse late into the night. This central location has become close to the hearts of the people, a source of life and merriment, a center of community. It is in the spirit of such occasions that the Courts of the Petra invite all citizens and friends to a city camp-out, an evening festival where bedrolls will be set around the fire and laughter provided in abundance. Eerie stories will be encouraged, and games will be held that encourage the attendees to know each other better. A drinking contest will be hosted, catered by the Fairweather Pub. The winner earns a drink of their choice named after them, to be added to the menu. All are welcome to enjoy the festivities, learn their neighbors better, and create new bonds. Graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows will be granted to all attendees. [OOC: Thursday the 18th, 6:00pm EST] HER EXCELLENCY, Dame Marisol “The Selfless” Paloma Solís Grand Chamberlaine, Mistress of the Robes, Curator of Jewels of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Head Physician of the Vallagne Medical Society, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Founder of Rosa Dorada, and Protector of the Sun HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Atticus Abraham Reinhold Lord Regent of Petra, Head Diplomat of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Court Mage of River Court of the Commonwealth, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  20. Weylin Arthur von Theonus and Yvaine Sonja de Ravenselle, circa SA 167 Throughout their entire lives, the fates of Yvaine de Ravenselle and Weylin von Theonus have been intertwined, storied in the stars. As young children, they were each other’s first and closest friends. The only confidants of their age, in a world that was quickly changing. When they were severed by a war, that friendship never waned- Even as they grew slowly into young adulthood, split from each other by miles and battlefields, letters and thoughts of one another kept them close. Years later, fate and choice alike allowed them to reunite, and the friendship of children blossomed into a truest love. Today, the household of Weylin & Yvaine wishes to invite all to a starlit wedding beneath the Commonwealth’s sacred tree of memory. In the temple at the foot of the tree, these souls will be forever bound under the light of God, swearing the devotion they have already held for decades past. After the ceremony, a reception will be held at the Fairweather Pub in the Vallagne square, where all will be invited to partake in drinks, food, and revelry to celebrate the couple’s union. Formal Invitations His Grace, Aurel von Theonus, and the entirety of the House of Theonus @Tremerus The Royal House of the Petra @Zaerie @tilly The Right Honorable, Adrian Godfrey Temesch, and his esteemed kin @Kai The Honorable, Friedrich von Augusten, and his esteemed kin @DuhPuhWuh His Lordship, Marius Lovetts, and his esteemed kin @tcs_tonsils_ His Lordship, Aimo of Astor, and his esteemed kin @ColdestPepsi Personal Invitations The Household of Artel, Eloise, and Sabine von Theonus, and whoever they'd like to bring. @Destructokeith Lady Magister Laurissa Thriceblood, and her esteemed kin @ScoutTheWitch Lord Orion Tsecsar, and his esteemed kin @Lapidary Amelie Auclair, and whoever she’d like to bring along @Apricette [OOC: Saturday the 13th at 1:00pm, EST]
  21. Beside the bank of the River Petra, within the towering spires of the city of Hohkmat, a new source of entertainment has arrived for the weary mage, the lucky alchemist, and the adventuring traveler. A place of wonder that sits glittering, on the bounds of the possible. A place where the tables are always open, the machines brimming with arcane prizes, and the drinks flow almost miraculously. If one holds mina in their pocket, and wishes to see it multiply- They need only place their coin within the Magic Hat. HOW TO PLAY SLOT MACHINES 1. Buy a TMH Slot Ticket. 2. Throw the ticket into the first slot machine, with the book illustrated above its face. 3. The machine will chime and spit out a prize! 4. The prize might even be a token for the next tier slot machine, matching the illustration on the next machine, which contains better prizes. ROULETTE There are twenty-six slots the ball on the wheel can fall into once it's done spinning. The croupier/dealer will spin the wheel, and what it lands on determines who wins, depending on how they bet. Bets odds are: ❖ #- Number: 12 to 1 ❖ R/B + Number: 25 to 1 ❖ Red/Black: 1 to 1 ❖ Even/Odd: 1 to 1 ❖ Spring (1-3): 3 to 1 ❖ Summer (4-6): 3 to 1 ❖ Fall (7-9): 3 to 1 ❖ Winter(10-12): 3 to 1 ❖ R/B + Season: 7 to 1 The player can bet on any of these or any number except the Unlucky 13s. For those who wish not to try their hand at the machines, and rather to play against their fellows- The Magic Hat sponsors several games of strategy and chance, though guests are encouraged to bring their own. Dealers and Bankers can be requested from the house for all of the below. CHO-HAN BLACKJACK BALUT / “DICE POKER” In honor of the Magic Hat’s grand opening, a formal gala will be held inside the casino for all to explore its amenities. All drinks will be provided free of charge by the house, and attendants will be available to assist with running games for large groups. All who purchase at least one slot ticket during the course of their visit, and present it to one of the staff, will be entered into a 100 mina prize raffle to be announced at the end of the night. Formal dress is not required, but highly encouraged. Those who wish may enter into a ‘best dressed’ competition, where their formalwear will be assessed by a small panel of judges. The criteria for judging are elegance, quality, and mystery. First place in this contest will be awarded a 100 mina prize, second place will be awarded a 50 mina prize. [OOC: SATURDAY THE 6TH, 4:00 PM EST]
  22. i love being transgender, it makes me who i am :) ty for this beautiful post delta
  23. Atticus' heart drops to a pit in his stomach, as his eyes scan the missive left at his door- He can feel a lump forming in his throat, tilting his head upward to try and blink the wave of emotion away. It had been years, decades, since he and the Queen had chance to speak. He had always made plans to visit- Put off, again and again, by another crisis, by another workload- Vague plans to finally, finally thank her. He remembers a lost, vacant young man, and the last person he expected to believe in his potential. Her words had stuck with him, through thirty years of finding what he was looking for. The knight-mage had never once forgotten. Now, as always, he offered too little too late. It's easy to curse his past self, who thought he still had all the time in the world. It's easy to curse himself now, for only moving when the clock began ticking. The hour is already late when he begins to pack a bag, of simple necessities and a change of warm clothes. A few hours of sleep, and Valdev in the morning. He'll have to apologize profusely, for being so late.
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