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Status Replies posted by Rebellionlife

  1. Recently Ben asked what a true hero is. I decided to modify his question to ask two new questions. What is a true antihero? And why don't I (and maybe others will agree with me) see more antihero type personas in lotc? Why is it always super good moral heroes or super evil darkspawn villains with little middleground? Would love to hear some thoughts on this topic from the community at large. 

    1. Rebellionlife


      Yeah, i get that, in lotc a lot of crimes are just death without thought. But why is that the standard with little change ya know? Is it too hard to switch it up or change?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. Recently Ben asked what a true hero is. I decided to modify his question to ask two new questions. What is a true antihero? And why don't I (and maybe others will agree with me) see more antihero type personas in lotc? Why is it always super good moral heroes or super evil darkspawn villains with little middleground? Would love to hear some thoughts on this topic from the community at large. 

    1. Rebellionlife


      Very fair points, I hope the Naz community achieves great things <3

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Recently Ben asked what a true hero is. I decided to modify his question to ask two new questions. What is a true antihero? And why don't I (and maybe others will agree with me) see more antihero type personas in lotc? Why is it always super good moral heroes or super evil darkspawn villains with little middleground? Would love to hear some thoughts on this topic from the community at large. 

    1. Rebellionlife


      If you play it correctly it doesn't have to come off as cringe. Some of my favorite characters are antiheros. Punisher is a good example, what he does is heroic badass and selfless and for the good of others but deals with taking it to the extreme and often falling prey to his anger and emotions. Nothing cringe about that.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. 128+ people really ******* voted on my berry bush poll and only 13 of these chums upvoted the ******* post 


    **** YOU 

    1. Rebellionlife


      The poll always come first. Poll is life poll is GOD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. What does a “heroic character” look like to you?

    1. Rebellionlife


      A true hero in my opinion is someone who hates the title of hero. A hero is not someone out for selfish reasons, a true hero is a normal person who has everything to lose and nothing to gain but does so for noble selfless reasons. A true altruistic person. A true hero has doubts, struggles, pain. But in these hard moments they sacrifice everything for others and put themselves through hell for others. 

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  6. People who want to be Heroic need to be braver; most of the Antags on the server LET YOU live if you lose because you’re a more interesting and fun person to be set up against; the only times you die usually is if you are annoying, cowardly, or incredibly plot relevant to be killed.

    1. Rebellionlife


      100% Only other deaths antags cause is bc of mechanics that might require death and a corpse but most good antags try to give good narrative for players. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. there is no stairway to heaven, only escalators to valhalla

    1. Rebellionlife


      There's no pit to hell, there's only uhhhh......A slippery slide to Tartarus? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. someone show me how to use these forums 


    1. Rebellionlife


      Thats the neat thing! You dont use it! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. horses with saddles for sale in numendil and aaun

  10. 2 elves and a halfling...what next??

  11. The President of the United States of America agrees that we have too many ST. Must reduce numbers. (The guy has no idea what he's talking about 95% of the time but we're in the lucky 5% of mental sanity :3  )

    1. Rebellionlife


      BULLSHIT! No way he could make a coherent sentence without also saying we have to many ice cream cones as well

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. looking for players who are interested in playing either ghouls or sorvians! if this interests you, comment your discord down below or send me a message here on the forums 🧟💛

    1. Rebellionlife


      Go luv go! Great person and roleplayer, totally cool in making personas.

  13. Thanks for the follow kind stranger 

    1. Rebellionlife


      Love you turbo <3

  14. I need a recruiter for something big I have planned.

    1. Rebellionlife


      Sure fellow iblees dude

  15. Is anyone down to listen to me rant and rave about medieval medical practices so I can write this roleplay book, and or willing to rant to me about medieval medical practices?

  16. Venus stands in her arch

    Her son Cupid flies above her 

    Winter’s wrath had brought death 

    But from the desolation, life emerges 

    Botticelli calls it rebirth 

    As the grass dies, orange trees begin to rise 

    But Sandro did you forget?

    Oranges grow in the winter. 

  17. Day ??? (I lost track) - who stole my cookies?

    1. Rebellionlife


      A tiny witchling was nibling on cookies before throwing up. "UGH, THESE ARENT HUMAN FINGERS!" 


  18. Rats Rats
    Theres a rat in my hat
    Rats Rats 
    Im being controlled by a rat
    Rats Rats

    Ratty tat tat

  19. I used to fear the redlines. So precarious and unexpected.

    To pre-emptively expect the random crap that people would come up to do with one's lore. To recall of the various details and mechanics of the server as a whole.


    But now, I feel nothing but love for the stalwart redline. Oh how beautiful it is! It's a competition to come up with random nonsense on the spot, It boggles the mind in might, an arms race between you and the LT for who can be the most paranoid and for who possess a true mind of cheesing mechanics to their breaking point!


    Glory be to the redline! Painted with the blood of the Creator Itself!

    1. Rebellionlife



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. laughing at the comments mentioning the amount of papers from my post

    1. Rebellionlife



  21. If you're bored, make toast.

    1. Rebellionlife


      When life gives you bordem make toasty lemonade?

  22. abuelita frost wtich rp is crazy ig

  23. for those of you that wanted to know about the results of the report, there were no bans. every single person (everyone, including myself) was just given a warning.

    it's odd seeing the lack of transparency from moderation on the verdict of a public report, and disappointing that despite the amount of evidence, the verdict is just a blanket warning

    1. Rebellionlife


      nah I see the sheet. I see meta gaming but nothing on meta rallying, I'm just going to assume its the same 

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  24. for those of you that wanted to know about the results of the report, there were no bans. every single person (everyone, including myself) was just given a warning.

    it's odd seeing the lack of transparency from moderation on the verdict of a public report, and disappointing that despite the amount of evidence, the verdict is just a blanket warning

  25. for those of you that wanted to know about the results of the report, there were no bans. every single person (everyone, including myself) was just given a warning.

    it's odd seeing the lack of transparency from moderation on the verdict of a public report, and disappointing that despite the amount of evidence, the verdict is just a blanket warning

    1. Rebellionlife


      Wait its only a warning for first time meta rallying someone? I swear it was a harsher punishment still

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

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