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Status Replies posted by bungo

  1. I was not trolling, I'm strogly against trolling. Trolls go to jew hell

  2. ...By dear goodness, now that VAs are gone - there is literally NOTHING stopping all my worst enemies from running up to me - and utterly destroying me and everything I own... I hope I am wrong about my view on the VA removal...

  3. best part of update is dewp get to come back

  4. So in 4.0 Who wants to reroll as a pirate crew with me?

  5. So I was recently left one of these suits- http://i.imgur.com/1QZ08BM.png

  6. some people need to understand that messy medieval isnt just placing random blocks..

  7. Early Murray Krugsmas LotC! Probably won't be able to get online during the week so Murray Krugsmas to all and to all a good night!

  8. Why was kebab's status deleted?Was it because he was an inferior polish man?

  9. Why was Yekim's topic removed? It was a real email from LOTC. And why was the last status about this removed?

  10. Why was Yekim's topic removed? It was a real email from LOTC. And why was the last status about this removed?

  11. PVP Default the Edgies!

  12. 1.7.2 Is literally my favorite update ever. FLOWERS AND COLORED GLASS!

  13. OK people. Enough with the hali Satan. Alright?

  14. http://gyazo.com/a983fe56cbe347049380147236138e76.png - Scratch what I said yesterday. Her name is Pern. Her only lord is that yellow, gleaming prince called 'gold.' Some say she was born lucky. Roll against her if you dare.
  15. every time I'm in the same channel as Aislin he locks the channel and kicks me, please advise

  16. every time I'm in the same channel as Aislin he locks the channel and kicks me, please advise

  17. every time I'm in the same channel as Aislin he locks the channel and kicks me, please advise

  18. Have you ever read through something and just wanted to hit someone via sweary text, but can't, because you view yourself as friendly?

  19. Would you like to see vanilla minecraft-like dungeons inside mines? Like, mossy cobblestone borders, mobspawner inside, a monetary reward for killing the spawner?

  20. Soooo.... apparently the dwarven king decided to go to war via a fair trail between him and the war advocating lords.... they decided with a club penguin cardjitsu game -_-

  21. So how do the Dwarves decide to go war when the vote is split? The King plays Club Penguin against one of the opposing factions Lords. You can see the result...

  22. You know what LOTC needs? Moar Raid bosses.

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