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Status Replies posted by bungo

  1. What if, when there was a disagreement as to RP or PVP, a roll would ensue? The highest roller winds, and his method is chosen. NO PvP_default to ***** about and no-RP default to ***** about...Feedback?

  2. The Horseman of War has been dismounted!

  3. Any female players want to try their luck at reading a script for a future LoTC video? PM ME. (Ask your friends, even if they don't play LoTC!)

  4. Avtism? More like autism.


  6. Remove plague.

  7. Does it take this long for a roleback?

  8. Orcs like Grool are turning in the Elves lol . #GrowUpKid

  9. My country has a problem...

  10. Why not put the effort going into Alras into improving one of the current nations

  11. I for one am looking forward to the return of Alras.

  12. Great move Oren, keep destroyin' dat RP!

  13. Got trolled into buying a mc account with a dumb name :L

  14. Here's a 4.0 biome I've been building http://i.imgur.com/p8jkxsl.jpg

  15. Leaked GM ruling: The name of 4.0 will begin with an 'A'! :O What a spoiler omfg I gotta tell everyone -runs around wildly-

  16. I should start making ban reports to get my rep high

  17. Saying hello again! You all came to mind today so I wanted to say Hello again

  18. Feels good to be back, baby.

  19. Well my orc family is banned for 2 weeks, so i will contiune to play WoW

  20. The Conclave's Edgy Control Policy is a little edgy, don'tcha think? http://i.imgur.com/llY5IfL.png

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