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Status Updates posted by TheWhiteWolf

  1. Wooo! Just Graduated! Been a long night.

  2. How many hours until the 4.0 event?

  3. Wait what... not whitelisted on the server?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      It's down for maintenance.

    2. TheWhiteWolf


      Ahh right, cheers.

  4. Standing behind the throne in Petrus disguised as a statue.. this is hilarious

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Either the single greatest thing my character has ever done, or the dumbest.

    2. Birdwhisperer


      The two coincide a lot.

  5. How do i change my mc name?

    1. marimbamonk


      Go to Mojang.com and visit account settings. Your Minecraft account needs to be a Mojang account for this.

    2. James


      I honestly don't think I'll be changing my MC name, I think it will just lead to trouble.

  6. Awesome Rp in Red Rose Tavern, thanks to all involved!

    1. Harri


      Mhm. Glad everyone enjoyed it~

    2. Mephistophelian


      It was crazy as heck.

  7. The Star Wars Forum Rp is so quiet right now D:

    1. Dargene


      Due to school xD

  8. Starting up a Chilled and Relaxed Realm of the Mad God guild. Wanna join send me a pm. We do events every week and joke around alot. Its casual up in here!

    1. TheWhiteWolf


      Guild name: Wolves of the Realm

  9. Thinking of making a Privateer for 3.0..

  10. *Looks at who is on the Ender Srolls Forum Rp* They have been looking at it for over 10 hours..what is this madness.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      We needz more people. And I would rexpond, but I'm in school and on my phone

  11. Motto for Guns of Icarus Online: If your going to lose the fight, better take them with you! Full Steam ahead! *Collision Course*

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Did you win? Or die trying?

  12. It may be a tad late but better late than never. Was just curious as to if builders are still being sought out for the 3.0 map?

  13. We have just posted the new Halo rp! What are you waiting for? Go take a look.

    1. seannie


      Sent my app to Lykos :3

  14. I keep getting this error and then get kicked every time i try to join the ts. Disconnected from server (invalid parameter size) . Anyone got solutions?

    1. Eledyr


      Either update to the newest version (if you haven'( done that yet) Otherwise reinstall ts. I had the same problem and that was the way it was fixed

  15. Any members of House Klaren online? Just out of curiosity.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I would be, but I kind of got banned, sorry :P

  16. Anyone here do scuba diving? I am going for my Open Water course in January and was wondering how i go about choosing gear and equipment if i pass? Thanks.

    1. Shoi


      If you have a specialty store the people there usually can fit your needs. It greatly depends on were your planning on diving. Shares, Lakes, and Oceans all have different regulations.

  17. Anyone know how to get to the Dark Elf district of Malinor from the New Vale ?

    1. Brandonthegreat1


      Easiest way is to go north from the monk village, and youll run into the dwarven mountain, ask somebody from there to take you to the mali'ker district.

  18. I am returning to the Zombie Forum RP! Woop Woop!

    1. Amorphbutt


      Eragon Forum RP too...?

  19. Hell yeah! Passed Diving medical!

  20. They said Rome wasn't built in a day. That's because i wasn't there.

    1. Samoblivion


      Ha, that's a Margaret Thatcher quote ^.^

  21. We need a good Warhammer 40k Forum rp, or Falling skies forum rp.

    1. Samoblivion


      We had a pretty good 40k one, but it faded away. Probably my fault come to think of it.

  22. Though our tanks and artillery are mighty, it is the vast ranks of Imperial Guardsmen that shall trample the enemy to dust - let them come.

    1. blindmind


      Warhammer 40k confirmed

  23. Trivia: What war is Commissar Sebastian Yarrick most famous for and why?

    1. everblue2er101


      I shall guess that he navigated a star ship across three galaxies and destroyed a dozen sentient races in the process.

      Now I shall google and see how wrong I am.

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