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Everything posted by 0000

  1. 10/10 He's a skippity skippy
  2. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/21655735.jpg

  3. Heartburn.. Does not feel good. Aren't I too young for this? XD

  4. When I'm around 20-25 and still single, I'll go to a playground with a lot of kids and sit down watching them. If someone comes up and asks which one is mine, I'll say "I haven't decided yet."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Lion

      The Lion

      Did you know that 8 out of 10 cats are cats?

    3. Elfen_
    4. Mirtok


      8 out of 10 cats mate, good stuff.

  5. Removing help channel? Why not just add permission to leave? D:

  6. Finally had longer-than-30-seconds roleplay with Eoin.. A record 2-3 minutes..

    1. Lym


      Whenever I used to roleplay with her, she blamed me for starting RP while she was having a good time OOCing :P Be lucky you get any RP done there, Alk xD

  7. What was your most scary roleplay moment?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daniel
    3. Daniel
    4. Phibbup


      I took the wrong turn to metaville, and found Renatus.

  8. Finale products are okay, but if you are good with piano or such you might want to try out Garage Band or Logic.. Which is only for Mac. I honestly don't know enough of Windows to know a good program... You could try finale, but the better product o them you buy the more incredibly expensive. XD

    If I find anything else I'll let you know.

  9. BBB is going to be the best thing ever.

  10. That was weird.. My internet decided to troll me.

  11. In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

    1. Jingeh


      Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy <3

    2. 0000


      The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.

  12. I'm excited for this porteceliopohaelphonfoehfudj plugin.

    1. Raptorious


      THe plugin's name doesnt have doesnt have an f in it.

  13. 4/10. Seen once and a while on forums but not a whole lot.
  14. Dear Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other web crawler bots. You've lurked the forums for nearly a year. Make an application and roleplay.

    1. Swgrclan


      "No search results have

      come up for 'Application'

      or 'roleplay'. Please try

      again later."

    2. Ursolon


      Facebook... He's such a troll.

    3. Everman111


      I know. He is always posting pictures and updating statuses.

  15. 7/10. Becoming a more active person on forums and in game.
  16. Someone has a "Because you're adopted" picture. I am adopted. And I laughed so hard.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda thinks some times she is adopted, she realizes she is... But only by me.

  17. Your background...

  18. That feel when the server is up.

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