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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by chaotikal

  1. Applied for a VA. :3

  2. So; What are your thoughts on DoomForged?

  3. Doomforged, Pissed off Dark Dwarves...Watch out.

  4. WHAT are your stands on cannibal women?

    1. Praetor


      I'm one. My stand is that we're sexy, and we're obviously awesome.

      ((Was one more like it.))

  5. Applied for a VA...Oh dear god, I feel dirty.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Braxis


      -waves- Hi James! Welcome to the club what ever it is

    3. BrandNewKitten


      I wouldn't even know how I would use one....

    4. chaotikal


      ^^ That seems dirtier than my initial comment OwO

  6. Hmm, Thinking of a new Profile Avatar [The Small One]

    1. Antharin


      Same, but EVERYTHING I try to upload is too big.

    2. chaotikal


      I believe it's 150x150, just upload it to www.imgur.com and see if it goes trough .w.

  7. DayZ uses a Hive Wide-Open network, means all the servers are open to all, and they all share their own character's information... Basicly, No without Vaq getting the Owner of the mod doing it.
  8. Hm! Who here likes DragonLance?

    1. Thrym


      me. Me. Me! ME!

      Better question would be: Who even knows what Dragonlance is?

    2. chaotikal


      Lol! :3 Well, I have, today, named Ambros, officially: FIZBAN :D

  9. So many lonely Profile comments .w.

    1. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}
    2. Braxis
    3. Sargeblub


      Just gonna ask this here, do you do skin requests?

  10. Whats in my mind? Ponies and rainbows.

  11. "Whats On Your Mind?" -Derpface-

  12. Characters in DayZ are automatically potential villains, thus them not needing a Villain App.
  13. You can have several characters!
  14. Nope, post it here! and if you want, post it in your signatures, but it's mostly to have a list of active / Soon to be active members of the DayZ Server!
  15. Hello! as it hasn't been done, here it is a Character List! Application [Not necessary to play! just informative] [b][color="#00BFFF"]Character Name:[/color][/b] [b][color="#00BFFF"]Age:[/color][/b] [color="#00BFFF"][b]BackStory:[/b][/color] [color="#00BFFF"][b]Main Skills:[/b][/color] ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Example: Character Name: Adam Wilson Age: 26 BackStory: Before the infection, Adam was a simple office worker, bullied by his boss, rejected by the women he loved. He used to sunk his saturdays by drinking a hefty amount of alcohol until falling asleep. After breaking ashore Chernarus, by unknown reasons, he has become a hermit, scavenging in short spans during the daylight, and hiding in an abandoned by-shore shed at night, aiming his weapon at the door at everytime, never falling asleep. Main Skills: Adam's skills in Scavenging are quite grand indeed, as well as in running, alluding zombies using his legs. He's not very skilled in pointing, as he becomes nervous when about to pull the trigger. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Enjoy! and if the Fm's / Gm's deem it so, pin this!
  16. Mcname: Darkjames Gobbo Name: Zob Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above: Zob usually goes around naked with only some shorts, unless he is going out with his family, where he will wear robes much like Jingeh's. He loves making jokes albeit he never means them as jokes [:blink:]. He's mentally distraught since childhood, and he never was one to be meant for great things, or due to anything grand. His life went out as everyone deems of him, a joke. He lives as he talks, distracted, usually ending up in awkward places due to this. He enjoys travelling and flirting, but the one time he tought he had a potential female as a mate,she tried to adopt him as she called him "Baby" [-_-]. He also has a few beliefs in the term of racism, such as thinking elven babies are born in apples, or the dwarven babies are born with a beard...or that all the humans are born being due to greatness, wich is why he usually mocks them aby the terms of them all always thinking they can achieve greatness, although they usually take this as a compliment. Zob speaks very, very...Vewy bad, although he speaks in what he deems "Perfect Orcish", sometimes even his family wont understand him, as he usually begins rambling in babytalk, mixing orcish with baby-mumble. Stupidity Level: 99,1% Gender: Male [i think] Special Trait: Zob can talk. [lol], No, his special trait would be his ability to make animal noises. Age: 19
  17. So...Is anyone bothered by my cat Disguise?

    1. everblue2er101


      Cutest. Thing. Ever.

    2. Agnub


      Makes me want to set the furries on fire even more.

  18. 5/10 Seen you around only slightly, NEVER heard of you icly.
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