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Status Replies posted by Dyn

  1. BaconThief have a Skype? I need it... ;-;

  2. Cyndikate's Pro-tip of the day: If you find yourself disrupted by IC things. Solve it in RP and not whine OOCly.

  3. Damnit. The Perfectionist needs a lair.

  4. I actually think a week-long event like a zombie apocalypse would be enjoyable.

  5. Bahaha! no-one will suspect me as a farmer!

  6. Why can't people learn to spell and type. Shows the effort and skill put into everything of my generation. It's not that hard. Use the shift key. Use commas. Geez.

  7. I apologise in advance if I'm in over my head here. I can't understand why some players -insist- on making things difficult for the staff. I don't see staff members making memes revolving around the playerbase. Stop complaining and making demands and maybe you'll be taken seriously. For those that -are- being reasonable, I applaud you.

  8. I'm sick of your characters emo haircuts. Quit covering you other eye. I mean damn.

  9. Execute Order 66. It is time to delete all hipster characters. That means anyone with dyed hair, goggles, glasses, a tophat, or a bow-tie.

  10. It's... so cute when it sleeps... QmQ

  11. I'm actually quite ashamed to say that my main character is an Elf because of the current state of Malinor. Sort it out lads.

  12. anyone know how to install optifine without manually installing it?

  13. Welp, most of my friends are offline, homework time! Yay. :I

  14. Hrmm... I gotta find some way to make my child Elf character be unique instead of some typical child who can't find his dad.

  15. I wanna eat something healthy, yet everything in my pantry is chips, pop, or other unhealthy comestibles


  17. *points to new picture * Mayumi is colorfully gorgeous. ouo

  18. am I the only one who notices Dalek still has a christmas hat on his mountain?

  19. Cue the everybody panicing. -Gets his rocket launcher-

  20. How the elves reacted to the some Hightowers being in Malinor for 1 minute. https://s3.amazonaws.com/colorslive/jpg_256x0/446690-qrNJcWsVbghY_7u_.jpg

  21. Can we post a MINOR VA even if we don't have a VA for a character..?

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