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Status Replies posted by Dyn

  1. Coolest sentient race?: Felines, wolves, or bears?

  2. I got Mono; love me! :(

  3. lore can be hidden... that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, how the hell are we supposed to watch over the lore and get OOC knowledge. It all leads to what's happening now, miscommunications and problems...

  4. oh god. my current music choice. I AM A TEXAN. AUGH.

  5. Hmm.......the Frost Witches seem an interesting bunch.....How fun is their RP?

  6. well I feel as though I've done some good today. I gave a flower girl a flower that I enchanted after I bought one from her and she remarked "I think these flowers might be magical". whelp, one of them is now lol :p

  7. http://oi39.tinypic.com/w2onsi.jpg - Rosie for next commander of the White Rose.
  8. Are there any orphanages? :3

  9. How's everyone's day, Angel haz new name and Profile along with a wittle song in my signature :3


  11. Anyone want to be a love intrest for an old pale heretic who's half going insane?

  12. LoTC has a lot of assassins and yet, you never hear about people being assassinated. Hmm.

  13. ... I feel like I missed something...

  14. Wait... What'd Mason do? D:

  15. Too much creepypasta.

  16. One day I will invent the technology that allows you to reach through the computer and smack someone.

  17. Everybody drop what you're doing! Stop for a moment and just appreciate. Smile.

  18. What if I told you... I own eleven cats?

  19. Joined a rogue mage's guild. Sweet.

  20. So, on my route home there's a pond with a small island in the middle. I saw two geese making a nest there, it made me happy. ^-^

  21. I want to buy another MC account that isn't annoying to type for everyone else. Ideas?

  22. So, this question has been really bugging me... How long does a Half Elf Human mix live? I know said mix would be highly infertile, but at the same time, as the Human Curse, Humans have short lives, and the Elves' blessing was long life (Correct me if I am wrong, I haven't looked at the lore in a while so I may be remembering something else). Has this already been established? (Again, this is specificly for a Human Elf mix.)

  23. Want to avoid the toll? Join the White Rose. We get to pass for free! ;D

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