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Status Replies posted by Dyn

  1. Server Crash? Or did I crash?

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were at least two nations that imposed a lockdown when the Plague struck Asulon?

  3. Bad server.. Stop. BAD. NO.. STOP CRASHING!

  4. Bad server.. Stop. BAD. NO.. STOP CRASHING!

  5. Bad server.. Stop. BAD. NO.. STOP CRASHING!

  6. We're starting in a few minutes! Who's using a human character?

  7. LET ME GET ON THE SERVER AHHH " i only wanted to take a piss =("

  8. Jello, my entire body feels like Jello...

  9. This is why we can't have nice things Elves.

  10. Who wants to be kind enough to gimmie their Guild Wars 2 player name? So I can add them, of course.

  11. I have a cold. My dad bought me tissues with kittens on them. I almost don't want to blow my nose...:/

  12. Planet side 2. TR or NC?

  13. What the. I saw "Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief" movie on Cartoon Network... And then when I go on the forums, there's a Camp Halfblood forum rp o-o

  14. Do tell what all this "pls" stuff is about.

  15. I feel like absolute crap today.

  16. Salamandra sat on Elwen's head... Interesting fellow, right?

  17. I almost don't want to get rid of the santa hat on my kitty ;~;

  18. Srsly, someone wanna help me with my skin? ; w ;

  19. The secret to immortality... turns out it's baked potatoes.

  20. Pffft, New Years is SOOOO last year in Taiwan.

  21. http://www.google.com is old-school, yo. Be a cool kid and use http://www.gizgoogle.com/ for all your searchin' needs, homie! [strong Language]
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